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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 100

Brian could tell from Winnie's words that she was complaining. However, before everything was figured out, he couldn’t alarm Penny in case she would be alert. And for the time being, he could only wrong Winnie.

Winnie coldly grunted in her heart, thinking that she wasn’t convinced by Brian's words.

If she remembered correctly, she had told Brian that he didn’t need to call the police. Even so, in the end, the police were alerted. Could it be that these few people colluded together to put on a show to deceive her?

"Really? Who called the police? You? Did you do so just to clarify it for Penny and Klara? You didn’t have to do so. Even if I know that it is the two of them who did it, with you protecting them, I can’t do anything to them."

Instead of being angry, Winnie felt sore in her heart. She was now Brian's woman. And she didn't get a bit of favoritism from Brian. To him, she didn’t have any value except in bed.

Winnie walked out of the studio and came to the living room. Seeing Luke sitting there without any expression, she became angrier. She wondered that who Brian would care about in his heart if children weren’t important to him.

The next day, because the police had asked Winnie to testify whether she had lost the cell phone, she could only take a half-day off from work.

She only intended to go to the police station to cooperate with the police. As for what the result would be, she didn’t give a damn about it. She had figured everything out after Brain had revealed the truth to her. If Brian had any evidence against Penny and Klara, he wouldn’t have chosen to call the police.

For others, Winnie didn’t have any problem with them. However, she just asked about the whereabouts of the cell phone. The police told her that the thief had lost the cell phone. Winnie thought that it was quite ridiculous for a thief to lose the cell phone.

Winnie walked out of the police station and saw that it was still early. Thinking that she couldn't waste the off-time this morning, she drove to the hospital and found Kevin.

When it came to other things, she didn’t want to know about them. She just wanted to know why Brian was that cold and distant towards Luke. Only by finding the root cause could she solve the problem and make Luke sincerely happy.

Winnie felt that Kevin surely knew the truth. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have said that Luke's depression had something to do with Brian.

"Why are you here?"

Kevin was looking down at a case. Hearing the sound of the door opening, he looked up and felt surprised that the one who had come in was Winnie.

"I came here so suddenly. I wonder if I will disturb you."

As Winnie spoke skillfully and warmly, she curled up the corner of her mouth slightly, revealing her dimples.

Kevin said flirtatiously, "No, no. Whenever a beautiful woman comes to see me, I will all be available."

Winnie naturally made others find her an eye-pleasure.

"My place here is in humble conditions. There is only a chair for you."

Kevin pulled out a chair in front of the desk, asking Winnie to sit there. Then he got a bottle of mineral water gentlemanly, unscrewed the lid, and put it in front of Winnie.

Winnie politely said, "Thank you!"

After that, she continued to speak, "Your time is tight. So I will directly get down to the point."

Winnie didn’t want to disturb Kevin too much. After all, it was Kevin's working time.

"What's the matter? Say it."

"Luke's condition has gotten a lot better recently. But I find that as long as Brian is cold to him, he will be quite depressed. I also talked to Brian and asked him to show as much fatherly love as possible to the child. But he didn't cooperate well. Sometimes, when he is in a good mood, he will be good to the child. But most of the time, he is cold to him with an indifferent look, which is not good for Luke's illness."

Winnie paused. At the thought of these, the faint smile on her face also disappeared.

"What do you want to ask me?"

Kevin, who was a smart person, could tell Winnie's meaning beyond her words.

"I want to know why Brian is so cold to Luke. Luke is his biological son. Why should he be indifferent to him? I can only find a solution to it if I know the reason. Otherwise, Luke's illness will keep recurring."

Winnie couldn't help but feel sad. She had done her best to help with the child's recovery. But Brian didn't cooperate with her. In that case, no way that Luke could fully recover.

"He treats him so because of a woman."

Kevin didn’t hide the truth from Winnie. However, it was the first time he had mentioned this woman. The reason why he only told Winnie about her was that he probably felt that she was trustworthy.

For the recovery of Luke's illness, Kevin had turned to Brian, only to fail. The reason why he told Winnie about the truth was that he put his hopes on Winnie, hoping that Winnie could convince Brian.

Winnie was stunned at first. Then she looked at Kevin.

"A woman? The woman who has been abroad?"

"Do you know her?"

Kevin looked at Winnie in surprise. He originally thought it was a secret between him and Brian. but he didn't expect Winnie would know about it.

"Yeah. He told me by himself."

Winnie curled up the corner of her mouth once again. But this time, she looked bitter.

"This woman left because of Luke. Because of Luke's sudden appearance, this woman was angry, which was why she went abroad. So Brian has always been distant to Luke."

Kevin had made the reason known to Winnie. As to whether the issue could be resolved or not, it was Winnie's problem.

"It's funny. They failed to deal with their issues. Why should they vent off their anger on a child? The child doesn’t know anything. Why should he shoulder all of these? Why did they give birth to the child if they weren’t capable of shouldering the responsibilities?"

" Dr. Kevin, can you be more specific?"


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