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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 139

Wearing a black hat with the brim pressed low and a black mask to cover the whole face, he was in black clothes holding a dagger in his hand. In short, he was ghostly dark, and she could only see a pair of evil eyes.

Winnie looked around and saw that she was indeed lying on a bed. There was nothing around her, but she was sure it was more like a shabby office than a bedroom.

Winnie wanted to speak. Even if she died, she wanted to know why she had died. But her mouth was blocked, she could only make a sound rather than say a word.

The man in black sat beside Winnie. He pulled Winnie up hard and then removed the thing that was blocking her mouth.

Winnie's mouth finally regained its freedom and began to gasp. Then...

"Who are you? What do you want? Do you want money?"

Winnie asked as she panted, with her heart still trembling.

"It doesn't matter who I am, and I don't want money. It's you I want."

The man said in an insidious way, showing the desire of the obscene evil.

However, when Winnie heard the sound again, she was sure she knew the man. Looking at his body characteristics, Winnie felt that he was the man she thought of, but he shouldn't be in B city. Why did he come back? Was he to seek revenge for her?

"I have nothing, I am not worth it. How about giving you money? How much do you want?"

Although she could tell who he was, Winnie could not expose it. Although she had no money, she thought money would solve everything. The man could only be seduced with money.

"Hum... Even the wild women Brian keeps outside talks so arrogantly. No matter how much you give me, it's Brian's money."

At this, the man bent down and held Winnie’s chin, getting his face close to her.

Then he said in an evil tone.

"You know what, I don’t want money but you. I want to taste Brian's woman."

The man directly rushed to Winnie, pressed Winnie under him and threw the dagger aside......

In the meantime.

Brian was still having a meeting. For some reason, he got distracted but he tried his best to focus on work.

He wanted to finish it as soon as possible, so that he could go back to the children and Winnie.

When he was working hard, Albert suddenly pushed open the door of the conference room and walked in.

Brian instantly got his face black, but seeing Albert’s serious face, he did not get angry.

Albert quickly walked to Brian and whispered in his ear.

"Daenerys called and said she couldn't reach Winnie. She wanted to talk to you."

Brian frowned at once and his face darkened as well.

He picked up the phone directly from Albert's hand and called Daenerys.

“What's the matter?”

Asked Brian eagerly. The worry in his voice could not hide.

"Winwin said she would go out to give Penny the bank card, but now she had not yet come back. I called her, but her phone was off. Megan said that before she left the phone was full of power, so it is impossible not to contact. I wonder if..."

"I'll look for her now."

The last thing Brian wanted to hear was what Daenerys was going to say. He was afraid that it was true, so he cut off Daenerys' words decisively.

Even though he said it would be all right, he could not feel at ease. For it was Penny, the evil mad woman.

Brian put down the phone. The meeting could not continue, so he directly ended the meeting. Then he took his three assistants back to the president's office.

Brian called Winnie, but the phone was off. He called another phone and this phone was connected...

Winnie was pressed under the man. She got panic to the extreme. With her hands tied, she still used up all the strength to struggle.

"You bastard, get off of me. Fuck off."

Winnie's hands were tied in front of her, which caused the man an obstacle. The man was impatient and sat on Winnie's body, directly controlled her hand and then raised it over her head and controlled it with one hand. The other hand began to tear Winnie's clothes.

"Let me go, you bastard, you will be punished."

Winnie was afraid and shouting. At this time she hoped that someone could come to save her, she could not be raped like this.

She valued her chastity above all else, and could not suffer such a disgrace. She had been struggling hard to resist, but it did not work.

"Let me go. You're breaking the law, you know? You will be punished by the law."

Winnie was still struggling to resist.

"Shut up. I gagged your mouth if you keep talking. Serve me well and you will be safe, or I'll kill you."

The man loudly threatened Winnie. The more Winnie resisted, the more he aroused his desire to conquer her. It was more exciting and fulfilling for him.

“Then kill me, I will obey you even if I died. You bastard..."

No sooner had she finished speaking than her mobile phone, hidden in her pants pocket, rang.

The man immediately stopped and started rummaging for the phone.


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