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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 140

The other sensible man said.

"Come on, you don't know who this woman is. What if something goes wrong?"

"Well, stop talking and tie her up."

The man sitting on the bed anxiously said. He could only feel relieved only to control Winnie.

The three men had to obey the order. After all, they were paid.

The man carefully got close to Winnie, because Winnie had a dagger in her hand.

Winnie had a dagger in her hand, but facing four men, she would be defeated at any time. The dagger would be snatched and she would end up being raped by several men.

The only thing she could do now was to turn the dagger on herself. If she failed, she would have to end her life.

It seemed to her better to die than to be raped.

Winnie had made up her mind and turned to his heart with the dagger.

"Go away, go away, or I will die in front of you."

Winnie shouted, but her hands were shaking.

She was afraid and desperate. Why didn't Brian come for so long? Why he wasn't there when she was in danger?

Was she going to die? She had not heard her son call her Mommy? She had not given her daughter a father? Was she going to leave the two children?

‘Brian, can you hear me? Come and save me. You said if you save me, we don't owe each other.

I feel guilty about the children, I owe them, I don't even tell you that I like you. Don't let me die in a miserable way. Give me more time.’

Winnie prayed silently in heart, hoping that Brian could appear as soon as possible.

"You stupid woman, do you think death will solve the problem? Do you think we are afraid of this? Take the dagger."

The man made an order, and then two men vigorously rushed to the bed, reached out to take Winnie's dagger.

But things unexpected happened. In the last moment, Winnie really stabbed the dagger to her heart and instantly blood oozed out.

"What should we do, she will die."

The man was scared and ran out of bed for help.

The leader did not expect that Winnie would hurt herself. He was shocked.

And the man who tried to rape Winnie was also stunned at this moment.

He didn't want to kill her, he just wanted to rape her, but now she really hurt herself. And if she killed herself, he couldn't shirk the responsibility.

He went to bed regardless of his pain and hugged Winnie, who was already sitting on the bed, shouting loudly.

"Winwin, how are you? I'll take you to the hospital."

No sooner had the man finished asking than he heard a rumbling sound outside. The other man standing on the bed jumped out of bed, opened the window and looked out.

"No, it's a helicopter. It is landed on the roof. Is it to save this woman?"

"A helicopter to save her? Have you know about the identity of this woman? Why there is a helicopter to save her?"

Asked the timid man, flailing in his turn.

"Stop talking and run."

The man made the wisest choice. No matter what her background was, they must escape to survive.

They quickly disappeared in the room, and then the man was afraid, left Winnie alone and was to escape from the back door.

Brian, along with his numerous bodyguards and three right-hand men, flew directly to the roof of the abandoned factory.

Before the plane came to a steady stop, he eagerly jumped off, followed by his assistants and bodyguards.

Brian had already located the precise position of Winnie, and ran directly to the room.

For the first time, because of the woman he was scared and too so many people out.

Now everything for him was not important. As long as Winnie was not hurt, he was willing to use everything to keep her safe.

Brian found the entrance of the roof and got directly down, followed by three assistants. The bodyguard had seen the three fleeing people, hurried to catch up.

Brian came to the room with the light on. When he saw Winnie lying in a pool of blood, his heart suddenly stopped beating. No, absolutely no.

Madly, he jumped onto the bed, calling out loudly.

"Winwin, Winwin, how are you feeling, Winwin..."

His voice was trembling, which was unable to control. He felt bad, as terrible as losing his mother.

"You...... you are finally here... Why are you so late?"

Winnie finally saw the hope, but she found that she did not even have the strength to speak. Although she tried her best, but still she could not say a complete word.

She was dying. It was worth to die in this man's arms.

"Winwin...Don't talk. I'm getting you to the hospital."

Brian was worried and had tears in his eye. This was his first time to get tears, he did not shed tears even when his mother died.


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