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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 181

Daenerys tried to pull her hand back, but it didn't work. She could only protest.

"Let go, I still have to work."

"Let’s have dinner after work."

With a smirk on his face, Kevin said.

"I don't have time. I have to work late."

Daenerys refused Kevin, but she dared not raise her head to see him for fear that her eyes would betray herself.

"Then I won't let you go, you don't work, and I won't have dinner. We'll see who insists the longest."

Kevin said. Now he could not be humble and polite to Daenerys.


Daenerys did not know what to say. She was not as stubborn as Winnie and she knew she could not insist, so she could only compromise.

"Wait a minute, we can go for dinner after I finish."

"No problem, I'll wait for you here."

Kevin knew he made it. As long as Daenerys agreed, he could wait. It was better to be later and got drunk.

Winnie left the hospital. She was happy to think of Daenerys and Kevin's love.

But the happier others were, the lonelier she felt.

All the people in the world had their own harbor to rely on, only she was a lonely individual, and no one to share her loneliness and hardship.

Winnie drove to a supermarket to buy something to suburb.

No sooner the car had just parked than the cell phone rang.

It was Leo and Winnie picked it up.

"You are busy. Why do you have time to call me?"

Winnie said jokingly.

"I am not that busy. Where are you? Are you off work?"

Leo said gently over the phone.

Every time she heard Leo's voice, she thought of Brian. If only Brian could be as gentle to her.

"I'm off work. I'm going back to the suburbs."

"Don't go back now, I need your help."

So Winnie restarted the car and planned to be back to the suburbs after helping Leo.

Winnie drove to the place where she used to live. From getting off the car, it seemed that there were memories of him and Brian everywhere. Although there were not many good memories, it was enough.

When Winnie came to the 18th floor, she rang the doorbell and was waiting for Leo to open the door. The door opposite was opened. Brian came out followed by Klara.

Winnie was surprised to see them come out together, and there was an indescribable feeling.

She believed that Brian only cared and helped Klara, but Klara's heart to Brian had never been simple. Klara had love in her eyes to Brian, which made Winnie feel sad.

But she realized that she was overthinking. Brian had nothing to do with her, why should she feel sad?

Brian was also surprised to see Winnie standing in front of Leo's door, and then he frowned.

So their relationship had developed so fast in a few days?

More than once Winnie said she would not be with Leo, so what was going on here? She had just ended relationship with him and now she could not wait to come to Leo?

"Mr. Bennet, Klara."

Winnie was the first to say hello.

She couldn't ignore them anyway, but she didn't expect the greeting to end up putting herself in an awkward position.

Brian glared at her angrily and did not speak. Klara looked at her with disdain and did not speak.

When Winnie was embarrassed, Leo opened the door and came out.

"Here you are, Winwin."

"Mr. Bennet, you are here too."

Leo greeted, but his voice was serious.

Brian still did not say a word, but stood there glaring at Winnie.

"Let's go in."

Winnie felt no need to talk to the two black-faced men again, and realized that she should not have said hello.

"Okay, let's go in."

Leo stretched out an arm to embrace Winnie's shoulder, before turning around, Leo could not help but say to Klara.

"Klara, when Winwin greets you, you should know the most basic manners. Don't look at Winwin with contempt, she is very good, there is nothing you can despise."

Leo's voice was unprecedentedly cold and angry.

He saw the reaction of Brian and Klara in the video inside the house. He could understand Brian's reaction. He must be angry that Winnie was here.

But Klara’s arrogant and disdainful attitude made Leo angry.

Klara did not expect that. She was surprise and panic.

She was standing beside Brian, and Brian could not see her expression, so she was bold to despise Winnie. Leo exposed her, which made her embarrassed.


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