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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 182

Winnie lost her job, and it would take at least half a year for her to get a dividend of the new job. So she almost ran out of money, and it would worry her.


Winnie was silent again, with her smile fading.

Leo was right. She did not have plenty of money. It cost a lot to buy a house, change kindergarten for the children and pay for Vanessa’s university. And she could not always use Leo's car.

Winnie thought it over and gave her own opinion.

"Leo, how about this? Lend me a million and I'll pay you back at the bank's rate."

This was Winnie's bottom line. One million yuan was enough to run a small drugstore for her aunt, which was enough to sustain their life for six months.

"A million won't fix anything..."

"That's a deal. I'll borrow more from you if it isn't enough."

Winnie interrupted Leo's words and made it a deal.

Leo was helpless. It seemed more difficult to help her than do business, but he could accept Winnie's decision, after all, she began to accept his help, which was a good start.

Winnie had dinner at Leo's home. After chatting for a while, Winnie got up and went home.

She came to the parking lot and found the car. As she was about to open the door, Brian unexpectedly appeared in front of her. He looked at her angrily.


Winnie did not speak, as if she had not seen Brian. She continued to reach out to open the door.

Thinking that Brian ignored her just now, she was angry. She learned a lesson and did not say hello to Brian.

"What took you so long to go downstairs?"

Brian questioned her coldly, at the same time, he held Winnie’s hand on the car door.

"Let go, I don't know you."

Winnie shook off Brian’s hand, but she knew she would fail.

Winnie was angry, but from Brian's words, he had been probably waiting downstairs for her.

Why was he waiting for her? To sneer or make disparaging remarks on her?

"You don't know me but Leo?"

Brian raised his voice and held her hand more tightly out of anger.

"You didn’t take anything from me, but you use Leo’s car. What on earth do you mean?"

Brian was angry and did not give a second thought to his words. All he knew was that if he saw Winnie being with Leo, he would lose his mind.

"Does it matter to you whose car I use or whose home I go to?"

Winnie said to Brian fearlessly.

"Don't you remember we have nothing to do with each other? Don't you think it funny to come and question me but you looked at me disdainfully?”

"You have no right to mind which man I am with and I have no right to mind which woman you ar with. That's the attitude of being strangers."

Winnie suddenly shook off Brian's hand. When she stretched out her hand to open the door, Brian stopped her again.

He didn't grab her wrist. Instead, he leaned against the car door, making it impossible for Winnie to open it.

He was speechless and woke up from anger.

He knew that he had no right to mind Winnie's business and that he should let her go at the moment. But he loathed doing so. Even if he said nothing, he wanted to stand with her.

After a while, Winnie calmed down.

"Get out of my way. You can't stand in front of me all your life."

Winnie looked at Brian indifferently. Looking at his clear eyes, she knew that they were over.

"Did Klara give you another hard time?"

Brian changed the topic, wanting to say more words with Winnie.

"She has never stopped doing that. The day I handed over the work, she gave me a warning look."

Winnie did not want to talk about that. But she had left the Bennet Group and Brian, Klara still regarded her as a thorn in the flesh.

Why, why should she be treated like this? She had not done anything sorry to Klara, nor done anything to hurt her interests, why should she be stared at angrily?

No matter how Brian thought of her, she didn't want to endure it. Constant patience would only make her live more humble.

“But never mind, I don't have to face her now. So thank you for keeping me away from the Bennet Group and her hostile gaze."

With that, Winnie pushed Brian away and got into the car.

She was angry when she thought of these things. Klara was mean to her and Brian ignored it.

However it was over, and she would not be gratuitously discriminated and have to accept the selfish partiality of Brian.

She was free, and her world was bright without Brian.


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