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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 183

"I warned you, but you didn't correct it. You should understand what Leo said that day. Klara, you should give up on me. If you continue to stay with me, you will be jealous of Wendy when she comes back. Since you could not do the distinction between private and private, you can only leave me."

Brian said indifferently. He did not want such a thing to happen, but in order not to make her go deeper and deeper, he had to do so.

Brian's words made Klara understand that Brian had known she was disrespect to and jealousy of Winnie.

Klara hated Winnie deeply, but she had nothing to say, after all, these were the facts.

"I see, Mr. Bennet. I accept the transfer. I will work harder and I will not let you down."

Klara turned to leave, and the moment she turned around, her eyes were full of disobedience and resentment.

The office felt into the dead silence. Brian felt sorry for the dead assistant, but there was nothing he could do.

Albert said nothing since he entered the office, he had expected the transfer of Klara. He warned Klara more than once, but she did not take the advice, so it was her come to such an end.

"Fine me a male secretary. No female staff to me in the future."

Brian reminded Albert coldly. He did want to handle such trouble again.

"I see, Mr. Bennet. I will do it tomorrow."

Albert paused before he said.

"Mr. Bennet, the breach of the Burns Groups has been found. As long as we make a move, it would go bankrupt."

Albert came to report this good news. They finally found an opportunity with Rufus's help.

"Found it? Good, wait for my orders."

Brian was surprised. Everything related to the Burns Group would come to an end and he would finish the task his grandpa gave. From now on, he would be out of his grandpa's control.

Penny was defiant and resentful. When she was evicted from the Bennet Group, almost everyone saw that. She was humiliated and ashamed.

However, she owed all this to Winnie. Without Winnie, she would not have the current ending; Without Winnie, her contract marriage would continue; Without Winnie, she was still Mrs. Bennet.

At the moment she did not have backup and she would be laughed at by her brothers and sisters, be abandoned by her father, because she had no use for the Burns family. She would have nothing.

No, she would not allow such a thing to happen, and would not be looked down by Winnie.

Penny was to call Winnie. She wanted to scold her, but as she pulled out the phone, Richard called her.

Penny was afraid that Richard had already known about the matter of breaking off the marriage. After a moment's hesitation, she picked up the phone nervously.


Penny's voice was timid and she was ready to be scolded.

"Where are you, can you talk now?"

Richard's voice sounded eager, but not abusive.

"I'm in the car, I can talk."

Penny felt mysterious and looked around.

"I told you that Winnie had a big background and you should not offend her. I am right."

Richard was slightly flustered.

"What background?"

Penny was puzzled.

"Winnie is not as simple as you said. She is Luke's mother, and the girl with her is Brian's child."

Richard's tone was still shocked, though he had known this for a while.


Asked Penny, incredulously.

"Winnie is Luke's real mother."

Richard repeated it again loudly.

"Winnie is Luke's real mother? How is that possible?"

Penny widened eyes in astonishment and she looked straight out of the car.

This news is so shocking and scary. She preferred to believe that it was only a dream, or that Richard was making a joke with her.

Winnie could not be Luke's mother. How could she have contact with Brian? How could Brian allow a woman who had nothing to give birth to his child?

It was impossible. It was false. It must be false.

Penny could not believe it, and would not believe it.

If Winnie was Luke's mother, she would not have a chance and had completely lost to Winnie.


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