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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 233

Stella said to ease the atmosphere, seeing the situation was not right.

"Grandpa, it doesn’t matter you don’t miss me, but have your brought me a present?"

Stella attracted grandpa's attention, not because she felt distressed about Wendy's embarrassment, but because it was not good for Brian.

It was a family reunion, she was afraid that Grandpa would get angry because of Wendy.

"No, except for Winnie and the children, no one has any presents. None of you can get presents."

Although Stella did not want grandpa to continue this topic, no one could stop him.

"Grandpa, you are right, I also think Winnie is a good person. She is a mother of Luke’s classmate, but she was willing to help us take care of Luke. I think she is very great."

Jack was in line with him. In short, he kept talking about Winnie.

"All right, let’s eat..."

Felix seemed to say enough and wanted everyone to eat, but Thomas's phone rang and it angered Felix.

"Your mobile phone always rings when you have a meal. I reminded you not to take your mobile phone when you have a meal. You are almost 60 years old, but you always forgot that."

Felix blamed him, and Thomas did not care about that.

"I forgot, I pick up elsewhere."

Then Thomas got up and went to the living room.

"Who is it?"

Although it was an unknown number, Thomas picked it up.

"Me, Richard."


Hearing Richard's name, Thomas nervously looked back at the table and went back to his bedroom with his mobile phone.

Thomas’ prudent behavior was seen by Brian, so was Stella.

After dinner, Wendy came to Felix's study alone.

She knocked on the door carefully and entered, looking embarrassed.

"Grandpa, I've come to disturb you."

Felix took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes, but said nothing.

"Grandpa, I was wrong last time. I shouldn't have made you angry. Brian and I have agreed to take Luke over and live with us as soon as we get married. I will treat him as if he were my own son."

Wendy apologized. Although she was not willing to, although she did not want to see Felix's cold face, in order to marry Brian as soon as possible, she could only endure it.

"That was what Penny said. How can I believe you? You left because you can’t accept Luke."

Fekix said coldly.

Wendy could not convince him. He was afraid that Wendy would become Penny.

Luke had been unable to withstand a blow again and Felix must be cautious.


Wendy did not know what to answer, at the moment she knew that she had left before made her unbelievable.

"Grandpa, I can't show you that. But I promise you I'll do it. You can see how I treat Luke."

Wendy did not know what to say and could only blindly guarantee. Actually she was not sure if she could make it.

She didn't like children and didn't know how to get along with them.

And one day Grandpa would know that Megan was a Bennet, and it would be a heavy burden for her to take care of two children.

"We will see. I know Luke does not agree with you to get married with Brian. You can’t ignore his feeling and insist on getting married."

Felix said so was to give Wendy opportunity.

"Yes, I have talk about it with Brian, and for the sake of the children, we will postpone the wedding. I want to move to the suburbs with Brian, so that the family are together, Luke and I will gradually had a better relationship. By the time he can accept me, we'll be getting married. You can have Brian's hukou, when the time comes, we will take it with Luke."

Wendy tried to please Felix.

She wanted to move here to cheat the hukou back and wanted to get a marriage certificate without telling Grandpa and the children. But in order to show it to grandpa, she could only go against her will.

Now she was getting more and more far away from her goal. But if Grandpa did approve of their move to suburba, it might be a good thing for her.

In this way, they could live together, and their feelings would be deeper and she had not need to worry about Winnie's involvement.

"Oh, you're moving to the suburbs?”

Felix did not expect that.

Winnie did not finish his task, if Wendy could finish it, it would be good.

“If you think so, talk to Brian. If he agrees, you can move to the suburbs together, where it will be easier to connect with Luke."

At this, Felix paused before continuing to say.

"Wendy, you know Brian's relationship with his father is not good. If you can restore Brian's relationship with his father, I will be grateful to you."

Felix's tone finally eased down. Although he did not feel that Wendy was as capable as Winnie, in this matter perhaps Wendy would have different results.

"I will, don’t worry, Grandpa. I will restore their relationship to what it was before."

Wendy bragged, thinking this was her best chance.


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