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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 250

Megan cried sadly and said loudly.

"Mommy, will you abandon me? How can you? I just want to stay with Daddy for a longer time, and won’t you agree?"

"Don't go, Mommy. We don't mind your car. We just want to go home together."

Luke ran to Winnie and stopped her. With that, he ran to Brian.

"Daddy, how about we three take Mommy's car home? Mommy took a long flight like you, and she's very tired."


Winnie did not know what to say.

Now she knew that the children were too clever to handle them.

"Let's go back together. Let Albert drive your car."

Brian could not bear to let the children sad, even if he was embarrassed, he could only endure it.

"No, I'll drive myself. The children can't be spoiled."

Winnie told Brian that she would never disturb him in any way. How could she fail to do so just after she promised? Besides, Wendy was there, she must think that she was using her children to get close to Brian.

In order not to let Brian embarrassed, not make everything have random thought, Winnie insisted.

She turned away from the child and walked quickly toward her car. Though Megan’s cry grew louder and louder, though Luke was calling her, she did not stop.

"Brian, since the children want to stay with you for a longer while, take them to Miss Chamber's car. I also drove here by myself, and I can drive back. I'll see you at work tomorrow."

Wendy said magnanimously, but she was scolding in the heart.

The two brats spoilt her good deed. Originally she wanted to annoy Winnie, but two children messed it up.

"See you at work tomorrow. I have to send back the kids."

Brian said that in a low voice, bent down and picked up the weeping Megan, holding Luke's hand to chase after Winnie's footsteps.

In such a situation, in fact, Brian was very grateful to Wendy. If it were not for her help, he had no idea when the two children would stop being sad.

Brian drove, and Winnie sat with the two children in the back. At this time, the two children stopped crying and stopped making trouble, and the triumphant looks could vaguely be seen on their faces.

"You let me down today, you know?"

Winnie questioned seriously.


Replied the two children at once.

"Do you know how embarrassed it is for Mommy and Daddy?"

Winnie continued to lecture, but there was no sign of remorse on the children's faces.

"Yes, Mommy, we know we are wrong, and we won't do it again."

Luke hurriedly apologized, but the corners of his mouth had a light radian.

"Mommy, we do this for a reason. Now we could not accept Wendy, of course we do not want she to be with Daddy. You have to give us time."

"You have to accept it, because no one can change the fact. You can trick today, and you can do it tomorrow, can you do that all them life? Don't feel it is too childish?"

"You should try to accept it, not..."


Winnie was still lecturing her two children, Brian interrupted her.

"Stop it. They are still young. They won't do that when they're older."

Brian persuaded. He knew what the children were thinking. He did not feel good when Winnie lectured them.

"They do this on purpose, and they will do that again. Will you never marry?"

Winnie angrily asked Brian.

"If they can't accept it, I'll never marry."

Brian said seriously. If he could not live with Winnie all his life, he just cooperated with grandpa. It would be ok if he could not have a marriage like that .

Brian realized that on the plane back, and he had been thinking about the relationship between him and Wendy since Winnie turned away from him and didn't talk to him.

He would find a chance to talk with Wendy, in this matter, he did not want to hurt the two women.

"You'll spoil the children."

Brian said so, Winnie had nothing to say. It seemed that children must be lectured when no one was present.

"Go back to coax Wendy. She waited for you for a long time, but the two children destroyed that. Tell her I'm sorry for being a bad parent."

Winnie said she was sorry. If this happened often, she would be more embarrassed than she was now.

“She wasn't angry. She told me to come back with you and the children. She's not that stingy. Don’t worry."

Brian said casually, but Winnie felt sarcasm.

It seemed that Brian saw only a part of Wendy, the real Wendy was not so sensible as he said.


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