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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 251

Brian said seriously.

"I want to tell you about this today. Winnie lectured the two children in the car last night, but the children could not accept it, so it seemed that we have to wait for a long time."

Brian paused and then continued.

"Wendy, I'm not sure how long it will be, so I won't force you to wait for me. You can get married if you meet the right person."

Brian said in a low voice and thought he would be sad saying that, he had been with Wendy for many years after all. But he was wrong, he did not feel sad but relaxed.

Wendy was shocked that Brian would give up her so soon.

“What do you mean, Brian? That's easy for you to say? You don't love me anymore, do you? Are you in love with someone else?"

Wendy could not calm down. Brian's answer made her sad.

Last time Brian only told her to wait indefinitely, but now he asked her to marry the right person, which could not be accepted.


Brian did not answer Wendy, because he did not want to lie, but if he told the truth, he was afraid of hurting Wendy.

"Did you acquiesce by not speaking? You fall in love with Winnie, don't you? Why did you let me come back if you love her?"

Wendy could not help crying and had no mood for dinner.

"It's not what you think. I'm not in love with Winnie, and I can't be with her. Wendy, don't be emotional. If you are willing to wait, I will marry you, but I don't want you to wait for an endless time."

Brian had to say this, afraid Wendy would vent her anger on Winnie.

"I will wait, I will wait even if it takes lifetime. As long as you don't break up with me, as long as you don't fall in love with someone else, I will always wait."

Wendy was still emotional, because she knew that Brian was lying to protect Winnie.

This kind of silent guard made Wendy jealous.


Brian was again silent. He did not expect Wendy to be so insist.

"Don't cry. If you want to wait, we'll wait together."

Brian finally softened and did not say heartless words.

Wendy was depressed during the meal. Brian sent her home.

She has felt the heart of Brian away from her more and more, and she was more and more panic.

If she wanted to win, she had to find a way.

Wendy was depressed and wanted to talk with someone, but she could only think of Klara. So she asked Klara out.

"What's wrong, Wendy?"

Klara asked with concern.

"Yesterday I went to the airport to pick Brian up, I saw Winnie with two children, so I am depressed."

Wendy finally said it out. She had been holding back these words from last night. She wanted to talk to Brian about this, but he advised her to marry another man.

"Wendy, you should be careful. Winnie is scheming and she would not easily give up Mr. Bennet."

Klara began to add insult to injury. She believed that before long Winnie would be in trouble.

"Klara, I'm telling you became I see you as my sister. In fact, I feel the crisis. But Brian and I have been together for so many years. How could I be willing to lose to a woman who has nothing?"

"Brian is so good, no one in the country is better than him. I don’t want to lose him."

Wendy put the words in heart out. She felt that if it had been holding in mind, it would drive her crazy. Klara seemed honest and sincere, and warm to her. Not only did talking to her made her feel good, but she could also help her with ideas.

"You are right that Mr. Bennet is an excellent man, you cannot easily let go of him and you cannot lose to Winnie."

"That's what I was thinking, but you won't believe what Brian told me. He told me to marry the right person instead of waiting for him."

Wendy had been unable to control her mouth.

"Is this a way of breaking up with you? How could he do this to you?"

Klara was angry, as if she had encountered these.

"I knew what he meant, but I didn't know what to do. Give me some advice, Klara, or I will lose Brian."

Wendy look pathetic, but in the eyes of Klara, she was laughing at Wendy.

She knew that she was right that Wendy had no place in Brian's heart. She didn't have to care about Wendy's existence.

But now she had to help Wendy. If Winnie succeeded, she really had no hope at all.

"I've never experienced anything like that before. I don't know what to do either."

Klara looked worried, as if she felt guilty for not being able to help.

"Klara, you are the only one who can help me now, and you have worked with Winnie, so you should know her better than I do. As long as you help me, I will thank you."

Wendy saw Klara as a life-saving straw, she believed that Klara would help her.


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