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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 37

Winnie walked to Megan stolidly. She squat to hold Megan and turned around but directly hit Brian's chest.

Brian directly snatched Megan and put her down.

"Megan, play in the children's room with Luke. There are a lot of toys. Uncle and Mommy have something to talk about."

Brian remembered the words of Luke, so he talked with Megan as soft as possible now.

Before Megan and Luke left, Brian took Winnie's hand to the bedroom.

When they walked into the bedroom and closed the door, Winnie was directly pressed against the door and could not move.

Brian's cold breath approached, which made Winnie panic.

She thought everything was over and there would be no contact with Brian, but now what was going on?

Why was her heart beating unruly?

“Can you not disprove anything I say or do?”

Brian wanted to yell at her as warning, but when he came close to her, breathing in her scent, everything seemed to change. The words he uttered were low and hoarse, not harsh.

"Mr. Bennet, anything you do is none of my business."

Winnie forced herself to calm down, but she was only calm on the surface, her heart was still beating wildly.

"None of your business? We kissed and slept tegather, it is your business."

Brian’s voice was hoarse, and there was desire fire buring in eyes.

His kiss fell with the words, giving Winnie no chance to speak again.

Brian's kiss was wild and unrestrained. The last kiss seemed to have been a long time ago, Brian had been repressing himself. This woman made him fail to control his proudest coldness and his hormonal bursts.

Winnie wanted to avoid it, but Brian did not give her a chance. Brian took the advantage to touch her warm tongue agilely.

Winnieno longer resisted and became soft in the bosom of Brian.

Her heart was beating so fast that it would have been jumped out if Brian hadn't kissing her mouth.

They had to stop because they needed oxygen.

Their bodies clinked together, and their faces were close to each other. Brian's heavy breathing hitWinnie's face, making her face flush.

Brian could clearly smell the faint fragrance emanating from Winnie. This fragrance made his hormones jump constantly and his breath was getting hotter and hotter.

He lowered his eyes and gazed at her pure charming lips, moving down bit by bit.

"Do it with me again."

Brian lowered his voice but could not conceal his desire. As he spoke, he reached out and locked the door behind him.

However, Brian's words made Winnie’s mind instantlt went blank.

"Do it with me again, do it with me again..."

The same voice, the same tone, this man...

Before Winnie reacted, she was once again kissed by his warm lips. When she came to her sense, she had been lying on the big bed and pressed under Brian's body......

This time, Winnie did not refuse, cater to this wild man with memories...

After the passion, Brian hugged Winnie in the arms. They said nothing, and it was so queit that even the voice of air flow could be heard.


Winnie first broke the silence. She wanted to make sure that what their relationship was. But before she asked, Brian had already given her answer.

"You are my woman."

Brian said firmly and did not give Winnie the opportunity to refuse.

But it was this sentence like a basin of cold water poured Winnie from head to feet, which made her feel completely cool. What was the definition of his woman? Girlfriend, lover or sex partner?

None of this was possible because he had a wife, at best, she was an instrument to solve his loneliness, just as she had been an instrument of childbirth four years ago.

"Mr. Bennet, thank you for overestimating me. I am not your woman."

Winnie obviously felt Brian's stiffness and knew that he was to be angry.

"Don't be angry, Mr. Bennet. I want to ask you one more question. Why do you choose me?"

Winnie was still whispering, giving Brian no chance to get angry.


"I want to hear the truth."

Winnie added.

"Because you are like a woman. You have the similar voice and smell, even familiar when were having sex."

Brian made no secret that he wanted her to be his woman because of so many similarities, or because her abilities were what he needed, and not because of anything else.

Winnie's cold heart was like pricked by a needle, and her eyes reddened with pain.

"So I can't be your woman. I'm an ordinary person who just wants an ordinary life. Your talent, your excellence, doesn't suit my simple life."

"Mr. Bennet, my ex-husband contacted me, and I may get remarried, so please let me go."

Winnie could only find an excuse to calm herself, and let Brian completely lost interest in her.

As expected, Winnie's words made Brian suddenly sat up and glared at her.

Brian's mobile phone rang, and Winnie handed it to him.

"Answer the phone."

Brian glanced at the phone and tightened his brows immediately.

Brian did not answer the phone, but got up quickly to wear clothes and left.

He stopped at the door.

"Albert will send over your luggage in a while. Live here as I said. If you dare to provoke me again, I will tie you to the bed."

Brian warned and then left quickly.


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