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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 38

In the fastest speed, Winnie was sent to Brian by bodyguards guarding outside the door.

This was a big and high-grade bar. Winnie came to room and went in.

As she walked in, she saw Brian. He was still holding a glass full of wine in his hand. He bowed his head deeply and made no sound, which made his expression hard to read.

Albert stood beside Brian. He was worried but he did not dare to stop him.

Albert saw Winnie come in, as if to see the savior and hope.

He did not dare to speak but gestured with his eyes.

Winnie understood the meaning of Albert. It was her first time to meet such a situation, but she still walked into Brian.

She came to Brian, reached out to grab Brian's wine glass. She had snatched the glass, but the wine had spilled both of them all over.

"You're getting bolder and bolder, and you dare to take my drink."

Brian subconsciously roared loudly after his glass was snatched away.

He thought that it was Albert who robbed his glass. He looked up and continued questioning, but was stunned by the sight of Winnie's beautiful face.

“Who told you to come?”

He still had that indifference expression.

"No one asked me to come. Drinking is bad for your health."

WhenWinnie received a phone call from Albert, she was worried. He had headache. Will drinking cause a headache? Were there people around to find it out? Although she didn’t know why he hid fact of headache.

"I'll take you home."

Winnie got up to help Brian, but Brian pulled her and she fell on the body of Brian in the sofa.

"You......You drank too much."

When they got close, Winnie blushed and had fast heartbeat. Smelling alcohol on his body, she felt his hot and heavy breath.

But drinking too much was inconsistent with Brian's current state. His eyes were still cold and sharp, which could see through everything. There was no sign of beeing drunk.

Although the two had slept together and had more than one sex, Winniecould not cope with such a sudden approach.

She tried to prop herself up with her hands, but she was pressed by Brian's strong hands.

"Let go, there are so many people watching."

Winnie had no choice but to speak in a voice heard only by the two of them.

"Get out of here."

Brian frowned and made an order with deep voice.

No one dared to disobey his command. As his voice fell, the bodyguard and Albert walked out of the room softly.

At the moment, only the two stayed intimate in the dark room where the music sounded softly, adding a bit of ambiguity. Winnie's heart beat violently, so that she could not feel the beauty of the moment.

"It's too late, so many people are waiting for you .Let go, and I'll take you home."

Winnie tried all her strength to force her heart to calm down, but the effect did not seem obvious.

"Take me home? To which home? Your home? Penny’s home? Or......"

Brian asked in a cold voice, and finally stopped. His cold eyebrow appeared tirness and sadness.

Winnie saw it clearly and thought he must have met something difficult to solve so he drank. But why there was sadness in the eyes? Family? Work? Or woman?

Thinking of Brian might drink because of a woman, Winnie was sour in heart.

"You can go anywhere as you like. If you want to go to Penny’s home, I'll take you there."

"No, I want to go to your home. I want to sleep in your bed."

Brian said as a rascal, and his eyes were still cold.

At the moment, Winnie was helpless. There was disgust and desire in the eyes of Brian, her heart can not warm up.

"Well, you can go anywhere as you like."

Winnie did not show what she was thinking. It did not seem wise to reason with a drunken man.

Winnieonce again prop herself to get up, but Brian teased her.

"Why is your heart beating so fast?"


Brian's words made Winnie ashamed. She only felt hot air against her face, which made her helpless. Winnie would like to thank the dim light, otherwise her red face would be ridiculed by Brian.

"Your heart is beating too, or you'll die if you don't."

Winnie got up suddenly, quickly turned her head, afraid that Brian would find that she was at a loss.

Brian sent everyone back, and Winnie drove him home.

Brian slouched on the back of the co-driver's chair. Although he was drunk and had a bad mood, it did not affect his sharp temperament and handsome face.

Winnie could not help but use of the corner of her eye to cast a glance at him, wondering why he acted like this today.

"Stop cheating, you can have a life you want with you capability."

Brian said coldly and broke the silence in the car.

Winnie took a look at Brian, and her heart fluttered.

"Are you so sure I'm a cheater?"

Winnie did not answer but asked a rhetorical question. She nevered asked the same question to Leo, but she did not get the result she wanted. It was her second time to ask, she did not know whether it would had no result too.

“Several people said you are, and you've admitted it yourself. Why shouldn't I believe it?'

Brian said coldly and indifferently.

"If you're so sure, don't try to change me. I'll go my own way."


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