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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 39

Winnie’s flurried heart was beating violently and she could not calm down for a long time. Then she walked into the bedroom withBrian. It was still in darkness, and it was in that darkness that she was forced to give everything she had and changed her fate.

"Why don't you turn on the light?"

Winnie asked deliberately, looking for more evidence.

"I don't want to turn on the lights. I don't want to see anybody's face."

The bedroom door was closed by Brian, and now the room was completely dark.

Brian correctly grasped Winnie's hand and pulled her to the bed.

"I'm tired, just stay here with me for a night."

She could not see expression of Brian, but his voice overlapped with that man in such a specific environment.

They were both indifferent and heartless.

Winnie's heart tightened again.

She was nervous and did not know what to do. She did not want to stay with Brian, but wanted to explore more things about him.

At this time, Brian had lost patience, directly picked Winnie up and put her on the bed, and then he lay down.

Brian naturally embraced Winnie in his arms.

"Don't be nervous. I just want to have a good sleep. I won't hurt you."

Brian felt Winnie's reserve, which he liked and was familiar with.

That was probably why he brought Winnie here.

"I... I must go home to take care of the children."

Winnie wanted to escape. In this dark environment, Brian's hug was exactly the same with that man.

She dared not go deeoer, lest she was sure about the fact in this way.

"Albert will take care of them. You are not allowed to leave."

Brian may be tired and his voice became low.


Winnie seemed to have no excuse to escape and remained silent for a long time.

Now she could see why their backs were so similar, why their voices were so similar, and why their body odors were the same.

If he didn't have a brother, she was sure that that man would beBrian. But she needed further confirmation.

Winnie was thinking. Soon after she heard the sound of Brian's even breathing. She knew he was asleep.

Winnie took Brian's hand from her waist and slowly got up.

By the light of a mobile phone, she first went to the French window.

The curtain was the same as four years ago, which was thick with several layers. More than once she had stood here to open a gap to peep at his back.

After closing the curtain, Winnie came to the bedside table, squat down, and opened the drawer of the bedside table without making a sound. The phone she put in four years ago was still there.

Looking at the phone, she could not help but have tears in eyes. It was her hope, but also her shame in the past.

Below the phone was a file bag, which Winnie was familiar with.

Her hands trembled as she pulled the files out of the bag. When she saw the writing, she was unable to support herself and slid down the bed onto the floor.

Gender: male

Infant Name: Lukie

Date of birth: January 23, XX

Features: a birthmark on the left forearm


Winnie had tears in eyes and was unable to continue to read it.

In the next morning when Brian woke up, Winnie was not there. Brian saw a message on the phone.

"I am worried about the children and I gotta to leave first. I found car in your garage, so I drove the car away, and I will give it back to you tomorrow when I went to the company."

Brian took a deep breath. Although drunk that night, he slept soundly.

Brian arrived at the office on time and when he was about to work, Klara knocked at the door and came in.

"Mr. Bennet, Young Mistress is here."

Penny was just behind Klara, carrying a paper bag with Brian's clothes in it as she had done several times before.

This was the only thing Penny could do for him since she became her wife.


Penny's soft and sweet voice rang out. Klara walked out and closed the door.

"Put down the clothes and leave, I still have work to do."

Brian said in a cold voice.

Penny's heart was cold to the extreme. It had been four years she tried to get the heart of Brian, but there was no progress.

As four years ago, he kept her at a distance.


Penny did not give up and wanted to care more about Brian. Just then Klara knocked on the door again and entered.

"Mr. Bennet, Miss Chambers has arrived."

Penny thought of Winnie when she heard the name ofMiss Chambers. It turned out that Brian rushed to drive her away was to see Winnie.

"Let her in."


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