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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 507

The plane was at noon, and the family of four boarded the plane on time and began their happy journey.

On the plane.

"It is a pity that you didn't see my friend. He'd love to see you, but you never had the time."

This time, the only one that made Winnie miss was Fred. Time passed quickly and she didn't have much communication with him, nor did she have a good heart-to-heart talk with him. There were too many things she wanted to say, but she didn't have time.

“A man?”

Brian asked Winnie.

"Yes, a foreign man. Didn't I tell you?"

Winnie forgot whether she had ever mentioned Fred.

"I don't remember if you had said it, but I don't want to see any men. It is not a pity."

Brian said jealously and he did not know why he was jealous and why it came so easily.

"You are so unkind. Fred wanted to see you just to thank you for taking good care of me. But you have this attitude."

For Brian's reaction, Winnie was not angry, but amused. After all, he didn't like her being too close to men.

"Why thank me? I sure should take care of the woman I love."

"Besides, I didn't take very good care of you. If he thanks me, I'm ashamed."

Brian could not forget what Winnie suffered. Even now, there were people still wanted to do harm to Winnie. How could he be thanked?

"Oh, you are very self-aware."

Winnie said with a smile, and then began to tell the story of her and Fred.

"Fred had a good relationship with us when we were studying abroad. He was very kind, never discriminated against us and always helped us. All of us are very grateful to him."

At this point, Brian put in a word.

"Does he know Daenerys and Penny?"

"Of course, we'd been together all the time, how could he not know them? The three of us spent a lot of effort to study in the same school but different departments."

"Fred asked about Daenerys and Penny. I didn't tell him about Penny's time in prison, nor did I tell him about our feud. One is to save dignity for Penny, and the other is that there is no need to worry Fred."

When Winnie said these, her relaxed mood suddenly became sad.

"I said nothing, but Fred reminded me not to have too much to do with Penny. At that time he had seen through Penny, only I like a fool helped her, trusted her. And it ended up like this."

Back then Winnie was silly and only thought of Penny, but she did not expect that she would had helped a vicious Wolf.

"Forget about the past. Anyway, she's in jail and you're happy with me."

Brian hugged Winnie's shoulder to comfort her. He knew that it was in the past, but it would always stay in the memory of Winnie.

"Alas...... I just wanted to say that Fred was so good to me, but I didn't even tell him when I went back because of the accident of my family."

"By the way, Fred said he wanted to see me the day I left, but he didn't call me because I was in a hurry."

Winnie suddenly remembered what Fred had said to her. For now reason, she laughed, making fun of Brian.

"Did he want to confess his love to you? Now it seems that you are not his destiny."

Winnie could not help but laughing, she knew Brian would think so.

"No, he said there was a man came to my school to look for me before I left."

At this, Winnie stopped laughing and then spoke.

"I don't know who that man is, but I think he likes me. Alas, what a pity......"

"It's a pity that you didn't have the destiny. I'm your destiny. So don't think about it."

Brian interrupted Winnie before she could finish speaking. No matter how handsome the man was, Brian believed that he was not deep in love with Winnie as he was.

"Ha ha ha..."

Winnie finally could not help laughing and that it was not allowed to make a loud noise in the public place.

Winnie forgot it, but Brian was sober. He put Winnie in his arms and then put his hand over Winnie's mouth, which controlled her laugh.

The unbridled laughter finally stopped, but Brian's words "I am your destiny" were deeply imprinted on Winnie's heart.

Was he her destiny? Could she put her life in his hands?

Yes, Brian said so, so she had to believe that he was her destiny.

When Wendy came back from the airport, it was more than one o'clock in the morning. She could finally have a solid sleep, because she should be on the plane at this time and no one would disturb her.

It was eleven o’clock in the morning when she woke up. It was a good sleep, but as soon as she woke up, there were many things bothering her.

But the first thing Wendy did was to put Jonny into the blacklist, and the second thing was to get up and go to prison again.

"I almost begged him on my knees, but he refused to come. I don't know what he means."


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