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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 508

Seeing that Oscar was modest, Leo raised the corners of the mouth slightly, and it was no longer an embarrassing smile.

“Both Winwin and Brian said that you took the biggest credit. Why are you so modest?”

“Yeah, anyway, I propose to you, and you must drink it.”


Daenerys didn’t care whose the credit it was. The wine had to be drunk.

“Ok, I’ll drink the wine. Cheers!”

Oscar couldn’t escape the first cup of wine anyway, so he drank it at once. Then everyone’s glasses also saw the bottom drank too.

“Everyone, sat sit down and we drank and talked.”

Oscar seesSeeing that everyone finished drinking and, Oscar beckons beckoned everyone to sit down. It has had been a long time since we they had a drink and a chat, and theyI took this opportunity to relax some of the tension.

“Yes, everyone driank and talked. Chances like this won’t be many. We couldn’t get everyone here enough after Emily went abroad.”

Daenerys deliberately said it deliberately to Leo listen, but said his heart is not the tasteshe felt upset.

Why friends are always together have scattered parted? Why could they be, why can’t a lifetime together forever?.

Emily to would really go and she would be away , this walk for several years. During this period of time, For years no one knew what would happen. Will not ould they forget their friendship and become, alienated the friendship.?

Leo’s heart is more bad was in a bad mood., he He satsits down and took a sigh to bowing his the head of helpless sigh, and then raised again. Repeated Repeating several times, he was to say something, about to say, but stopped.

Finally only he said indifferent asked a sentence.

“Are you sure what dayWhich day are you leaving?”

“I will leave when Winwin is back, but the exact time has not been determined yet.”

Emily’s mood was not right. She had been enduring the grievance and that pain that brought by Leo’s alienated attitude.

In order to cover up her bad mood, Emily reminded.

“Don’t tell Winwin I am leaving. It was not easy for their family to go out, let them play happy. If she knows I am leaving, she will be in a hurry to fly back.”

“Winwin doesn’t know it, we have not told her yet.”

Oscar answered and then took a sign.

“Alas...... You. it is just love, you can be together or break up. Why do you have to make far away? I don’t know why you see it so complicated. You can love if you want to, and you can part amicably if you don’t want to, why you make it so sad?”

Oscar was not particularly concerned about these things, but he said that was because he felt sad about the parting between friends.

“Let’s drink, these things are in the past. No matter it is love or not, we are all good friends now.”

Leo spoke and poured everyone’s wine glass full, then lifted the wine glass and drank it up.

He was a man who dared to love and hate, and he did not want to let go of his lover’s hand. But his love was a burden and annoying. Such love was a failure and must be given up.

“By the way, I heard Luke did very well in the competition.”

In order not to let everyone continue to stay on the topic of love, Leo diverged the topic. It was not that he did not want to talk about it, it was that he was afraid that Emily felt embarrassed.

Emily wanted to leave, leave then. What he left Emily was bad memories. If she lived in other place, she would forget unhappiness, started new life and lead in a positive life.

Leo now had no other requirements, only hoped Emily forgot this period of bad memories, only hoped her life could be happy.

Emily did not mention love but talked about the competition with everyone.

“The competition is wonderful, but there are more wonderful things than this.”

Oscar remembered another thing.

“More wonderful things? It seems that you got a lot.”

Daenerys didn’t know what had happened, but she thought it was the kind of wonderful thing that made everyone excited and happy.

“Yes, we have been taken to the police station...”

Oscar told them the story while drinking.

After hearing that, everyone realized that it was nothing wonderful, but angry.

“Wendy made it?”

“It must be Wendy.”

Daenerys and Emily gave this judgment almost at the same time. Wendy was in MG during this period, so there was no doubt that she was involved in this matter.

“Brian did not continue the investigation, because the head of the police and the police who were working on the case apologized publicly to the media. And I don’t think Wendy has so much power to influence foreign police.”

Oscar also suspected Wendy, but he did not think she had so much power.

“She does have no power, but she must have foreign friends, having lived there for many years. She may have asked her friends for help.”


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