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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 566

Officer Lee was surprised. He knew that Winnie would not make any excessive demands, but he did not expect that she would just ask for the same salary as ordinary police.

"You have nNo requirements?"

"No, no. Just just give me an official police number and to prove that I am a police officer."

This request should not be high, this request Winnie does not think too muchdid not think this request was too much. After all, she developed a software she developed cost can buy hundreds of thousands or even millions of yuan,, it was not much to ask a a month to pay a formal job is not too muchwhich could only earn thousands.

"No problem, this I can decide toI can promise you."

"Miss WinnieMiss Chambers, no, now can't so call youI can’t call you that, . we We but are colleagues, I shall call your name. Winnie, I will report totell the leader tomorrow, and then you can wait for my call. Our side of the arrangement y You come over for entry procedures after we have it settled, when it is done, , formalities do you are a public security police officer."

Officer Lee was getting more and more excited, with such a talented woman to join his team, the security system would be stronger.

"Ok, I'll wait for your call. But do I have a uniform?"

Winnie was curious and happy as a child.

"Yes, you have uniforms all the year round, and a badge. But you can't let anyone see your uniform or badge."

Officer Lee had to stress the secrecy again.

"Don't worry, no one will see it. Good night then, I will wait for your phone."

So Winnie became a police woman, and no one knew about that.

When Winnie was on the phone, Brian standing by the window had seen it.

Brian did not stand there deliberately. He was just worried about Winnie who went out alone, paying attention to the safety of Winnie.

Today Winnie had been happy. He did not know why, and she did not tell him. She just gave a big smile like a child.

To tell the truth, Brian had not seen Winnie having carefree smile for a long time. Who made her have such a happy smile?

When Winnie went back to the room, Brian stood by the window answering the phone. Winnie heard a few words and knew it was Felix called him.

Winnie did not disturb Brian, but went directly to the bathroom to take a shower.

"Grandpa, can you wait two days? Gloria has been busy these days."

Brian found an excuse to refuse the invitation of Felix.

"You can't be busy all the time. She is a model, not an actress, it won’t take a long time. You have three more days, and you must bring Gloria back to see me after three days."

Felix gave his order.

"Grandpa, we have just started our relationship, why are you so anxious to see her? You can see her after some time."

Brian tried to delay it and did not want to take Gloria back to the old house three days later.

"That is why I want you to bring her back. I will see how Gloria's character is. If she is not good, break up with her."

Felix this sentence is decoyed Brian. Before Brian said a word, he, say not to give Brian opposed to the opportunity to hang hung up the phone directly.

Brian holds held the phone and looks looked embarrassed.

Although he had reached an agreement to work with Gloria, he did not want to bring Gloria back to the old house, didn't want to hurt Winnie, didn’t want the kids to know it.

But now there was no excuse to say no to Grandpa.

Winnie took a bath and soon came out. She was thinking of Felix's phone, but she did not ask about it.

She sat down at the dresser, wiping her hair. At that moment Brian walked over and volunteered to mention the matter.

"Grandpa asked me to take Gloria back to the old house in three days. What do you say I should do with this matter?"

Brian asked Winnie because he did not know what to do.

Hearing that, she paused and her good mood was ruined by it.

If she could, she would drop everything and just be a cop, serving the people.

"Can you refuse him?"

Winnie asked and then continued to wipe her hair. Even if Do not tightly wipe hair to continue, is Brian brought Gloria to her front, her life will had to continue, time will not stop because of anyone's poor.

"Pretty strong.He insisted, Unless unless Gloria is away or I'm on business."

This is was the only way that Brian knows could think of.

"Quite strong is not toSo you can’t refuse, . you You go on a business trip or Gloria is not, are it is temporary escape, sooner or later one day toyou have to see him."

Winnie indirectly gave the answer. F, the answer is Brian for peace of mind with her, Brian wanted such an answer from him, even if she is was reluctant to give.

Not to mention And Winnie guess,knew Gloria will not be inwould be there. As long as Brian proposed to meet the parents, she is walking on the runway, are desperate to come to cooperatewould come even if she was having a show.

"Then let nature take its course. Three days later, iIf I have timam available e and Gloria has timeis available in three days, I will take her back. It's not my fault if one of us has no timeis not available."

Brian made the final decision, however, when he said to he would take Gloria back, or hit the heart of Winnie was upset.

Take her back no matter who means,No matter who asked him to do that, they became to prove that their relationship is a step closer, . if If Winnie expected accurate,was right, it would be was photographed by the media and to make waves and it would have uproar again.

Winnie breath in the heart is veryfelt uncomfortable and wanted to release herself, but she was and afraid thatof Brian thought she was in a bad mood.

"It's getting late. You go to bed first. I'm going to the bathroom to dry my hair."


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