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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 61

Winnie put down her chopsticks, lowered her head and smiled bitterly.

She had thought of what Leo said long ago. If she hadn't known the true identity of Luke, she might have left long ago. But now she had to stay here for Luke.

"I signed a work contract with the Bennet Group, and I will have to pay a lot of money if I breach the contract. I can't afford that."

Winnie found an excuse because she could not tell anyone the real reason why she stayed.

"However much money it will cost, I will pay it for you."

Leo offered to help without hesitation. Hearing what he said, Winnie was stunned. This conversation was just similar to the one happened four years ago.

She felt she had clutched the straw when she received the last phone call from Leo, but Leo finally didn't help her. From then on, she was doomed to be entangled with Brian. Now it seemed to be too late for her to stay away from him.

Winnie shook her head helplessly and sadly.

"Leo, thank you for your kindness. That will cost too much money and I don't want to owe you. "

Winnie needed money most four years ago when her family was ruined and she lost loved ones. She had got through such hard times. Now she didn't need anyone, especially Leo.


Leo tried to continue to persuade her, but Winnie immediately interrupted him.

"Well, don't worry about me anymore. I'll find a way to deal with it and I'll take your opinion into account."

Leo had cooked this dinner earnestly and everyone had a good time, so Winnie didn't want to affect everyone's mood because of the change of topic in the end.

The next day, Winnie went to work as usual. Before entering the company, she received a phone call from Daniel. So she went directly to the rooftop of the building of Bennet Group.

"Why do you ask me to come here to talk about work, Manager Daniel?"

Winnie spoke helplessly. She knew that Daniel knew how to use the software but pretended that he didn't, but she didn't say anything and just wanted to hand over the work smoothly.

"Winwin, I've basically known how to use the software. I asked you to come here for something related to MT because I'm afraid that it's not convenient for us to talk about it in the company. The President called me and asked you to go back to the head office. He said he wanted to talk to you about leaving the company."

Daniel talked in a serious way, but there was ill-intention in his eyes. Winnie was disgusted with his coquettish eyes.

"There's nothing else to talk about. I've been fired by the company."

"I called the President last night and said a lot to persuade the President to reconsider your reinstatement. You can't miss the opportunity that I take effort to get for you."

Daniel came close to Winnie as he spoke, which made Winnie feel a little uneasy.

Winnie found that Daniel behaved strangely and couldn't help reminding him.

"Manager. Daniel, mind your own business. I'm not going back to the company. Besides, please call me Winnie in the future. Only my family can call me Winwin. I don't have such a close relationship with you."

Winnie said seriously. In the past, she had to endure this disgusting face because of her livelihood. Now she still tried to endure it as long as she could.

However, not in MT, Daniel seemed to be more presumptuous and blatant. He looked at her with lascivious eyes. Winnie was afraid that he would went too far if she didn't warn him sternly.

"Winwin, what are you talking about? You must understand that I can both convince the President not to fire you and persuade the President to dismiss you. Make it clear that I'm the one who matters most."

Daniel immediately exposed his sinister and continued to approach her step by step.

Seeing Daniel approaching, Winnie somewhat panicked and retreated quickly. However, it was too late and Daniel embraced her by force.

"Let go of me!'

Winnie pushed Daniel away directly with a strong force, and then slapped Daniel in the face angrily.

"You're a bastard!"

Winnie was so angry that she said dirty words. However, Daniel's reaction was out of her expectation. He didn't get angry, but laughed lasciviously.

"You little woman are quite strong. Winnie, you should have understood something from what have happened just now, so I will be honest with you. I have liked you for a long time. As long as you are willing to be my girlfriend, I will let you stay in Mt for the rest of your life and no one can replace you."

"Only if you are my girlfriend."

Daniel put on an evil smile on his lascivious face and then rushed to Winnie.

However, at this moment, someone grabbed his collar with force and punched him in the face with all his strength. Instantly, blood came out of his mouth.

"Who hit me?"

Daniel was dizzy. He was punched so hard that he couldn't react for a while.


Brian didn't answer, and then punched him with anger again. This time, Daniel's nose was also hurt and bled.

Then Daniel was knocked down to the ground. Brian was not going to stop and kicked him with great strength again and again.

Daniel whined in pain on the ground. Worried that things would get serious, Winnie quickly stepped forward to stop Brian.

"Stop hitting him! Stop! He'll die if you continue to hit him."

Winnie spoke as she pulled him. Albert, who followed closely, came and helped Winnie. It was until then that they pulled Brian apart.

The next moment.

"Are you out of your mind? What kind of person is he? A lascivious man and scum. Can't you see that he eye you up covetously? How dare you meet him alone here? Do you know what will happen if I didn't come here? Can you, as a woman, protect yourself from being harmed by a lascivious man without humanity?"

Brian loudly denounced Winnie. He sweat when he thought of Daniel embracing Winnie by force.

If he came here later, Winnie would have been raped by Daniel. He didn't even dare to imagine such a consequence.

Today, Brian parked his car in the parking lot outside the building of Bennet Group. When he got off his car, he saw Winnie who was not far in front of him.

Then he saw Winnie entered the lift. When Brian walked to his private lift, he saw the lift Winnie was in stopped at the mobile phone branch.

At that moment, Brian remembered that Daniel looked at Winnie in a very possessive way when he saw Daniel after work yesterday. Brian was worried about Winnie, so he followed Winnie to the mobile phone branch.

However, he became even worried when he was told that Winnie went to the top floor. Then, he hurriedly got into the lift and came to the platform of the top floor.


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