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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 62

Winnie became nervous after hearing Brian's words and explained hurriedly.

"It was an accident yesterday, and such a thing won't t happen in the future. Mr. Bennet, Luke's living with me is my condition in an exchange. Since I want him to live with me, I have the confidence to take care of him. Even if I can't take care of Luke one day, I won't let him live with Penny."

Winnie knew exactly how vicious Penny was most. She used this hypothesis to suggest to Brian how vicious Penny was, but she didn't know if Brian would think deeply about what she said.

"If you couldn't take care of Luke? Do you want to resign or have a new objective? Or you can't take care of Luke if you find a dad for Megan?"

"Winnie, if you have such ideas, I will cancel our deal now and buy your voice software at the highest price. I can't let Luke be hurt by you."

"No, I don't have such ideas. It's just a hypothesis. I wouldn't leave Luke alone."

Winnie hurriedly explained. She had always been confident, but she couldn't be poised whenever she talked about Luke. In her eyes, there was the panic of losing Luke and the extraordinary love for Luke, all of which were seen by Brian.

Brian had always suspected that Winnie approached Luke to better approach him, but no matter what, he could see that Winnie really treated Luke well.

Penny accompanied Luke for four years, but she still not loved him; while Winnie and Luke's feelings were as deep as mother and son after they got along for a few months.

"Well, I'll give you another chance. I will bring back Luke without hesitation if you let Leo pick Luke up or send him to school next time."

Brian said coldly, but he was sure that it was again himself who compromised this time.

Although Brian compromised and although Winnie was relieved, she still looked at Brian with anger in her eyes.

She wanted to scold him for being unaffectionate. She wanted to slap him so that he could had a clear mind and saw what kind of vicious scum Penny was.

She put up with all this. She told herself: other people's things had nothing to do with her; what other people's wife was like had nothing to do with her; she was only responsible for taking good care of Luke.

"Why do you stare at me like that? Are you dissatisfied with my decision?"

Brian suddenly came close to Winnie evilly.

"No, I'm very satisfied with it. I'd appreciate it more if you don't threaten me in the future."

Winnie dared not look directly at Brian. There was irresistible magic power in his dark eyes. And Winnie was afraid that her heart would palpitate after she saw his eyes.

She looked to one side, and then turned to leave. However, Brian blocked her way again.

"You don't need to try hard to avoid me in the future. If I don't want to see you, you are just air to me even if you sit in front of me."

Brian forced himself to spoke in an even colder voice. Every time Winnie stood in front of him and every time he got along with her in close proximity, Brian had a kind of uncontrollable desire, which was also the case at this moment.

The desire to hold her in her arms expanded rapidly and the impulse to appease her anger spread rapidly.

However, he couldn't do whatever he wanted because the victim could only be Winnie in the end if he did as he wished.

Hearing what he said, Winnie frowned and felt sad.

"Ok, thank you for treating me like air."

Winnie didn't know why she was so angry. This time she didn't bypass Brian. Instead, she pushed Brian away with force and strode away with her slender long legs.

Just air, right? What's the big deal about being treated like air? How free the air was since no one could restrain it.

Winnie had an appointment with an old friend of her father when her father was alive during her lunch break. That person was also the last creditor of Winnie.

Originally Winnie wanted to sell the voice software of the calculator, so that she could pay off her final debt. However, she used it to get the opportunity to live with Luke.

Besides, for the time being, she couldn't sell the medical Probe Software that she had planned to sell to Daenerys's company. After Winnie formally signed a contract with the Bennet Group, she wanted to contribute this software to the Bennet Group as the cornerstone of her new job.

She couldn't turn either software into money, so she had to ask the creditor out to negotiate for delaying paying off the debt for one more while.

In a restaurant that offered C Country cuisine.

"Uncle Romeo, I haven't been able to pay you back the money my father owed you for four years. I'm ashamed to see you."

Winnie apologized with shame to this man who was like her father.

This man, who she called uncle, was her father's best friend and a partner of her father when her father first founded the company. Winnie only knew that this uncle had left the company a few months before the company went bankrupt.

"Your father is gone, and I don't blame him. It's fine as long as you have the intention to pay back the money. Winwin, it's good for you to come back. No matter where you go, it's better to go back home. Did your aunt and Vanessa come back?"

The uncle named Romeo Phillips asked gently.

"Yes, it's better to be home. Aunt and Vanessa aren't sure to come back or not yet."

What Romeo said was the warmest words that Winnie had heard after she came back.

"They had better come back if they could. You can still take care of each other when you are together. How is Vanessa? Has she recovered from her illness?"

Romeo continued to ask.

"Yes, she has recovered. This year, she would attend the college entrance examination. If she hadn't been delayed for two years, she would have gone to college long ago. My aunt is fine, too."

"What about you? How's aunt?"

Winnie asked.

"Fine. After your dad passed away, your aunt and I started a small barbecue restaurant, and business has been good for four years."


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