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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 63

Winnie gave Penny a contemptuous glance, but regretted it immediately. She felt disgusting when she looked at her.

"I've told you not to disturb me. Now that you win Brian back, you should prevent him from finding other women and make him love you. Don't show off to me."

"Why should I not show off? How can I not show off after I beat you again? Winnie, this is the reality. You are doomed to be the loser when you compete with me all your life."

Penny kept saying. She couldn't calm down her anger before she spoke it out.


Winnie found it bored and gave her a glance, and she didn't say anything. It wasn't that she didn't hate Penny. She just didn't want to become an impolite person like Penny after finding that Penny was acting like a clown now.

Seeing that Winnie keep silent, Penny thought that Winnie was afraid of her, looking more triumphant.

"Brian not only was back together with me, but he also decided to marry me. He said he would hold a most terrific wedding ceremony for me."

In order to get more sense of joy, Penny began to show off something that wasn't true.

Hearing this, Winnie couldn't help feeling sad. However, she told herself that she should show indifference when Penny said such words.

"Most importantly, Brian asked me to give birth to a baby for him. This time, I'll see how you can ruin my family."

Penny continued to say something untrue. She was happy when she saw Winnie's sullen face. However, she forgot that one was bound to have a slip of the tongue if he talked too much.

When Winnie heard her mention child, she couldn't stand it any longer however much she could endure. She finally had a reaction, turning around and stared at Penny with sharp eyes.

"What are you talking about? Giving birth to a baby for him? Don't you already have Luke? Why do you talk as if you were going to give birth to a baby for the first time? Did you say something you shouldn't say by accident?"

Winnie asked Penny, and Penny was unprepared for it.

"What? What nonsense are you talking about? I didn't say anything that I shouldn't say. I meant that I am going to have a second child."

There wasn't any triumphant expression in Penny's eyes. Instead, there was panicky and unconfident expression in her eyes.

"Are you sure you that you won't abuse your second child?"

This time, it was Winnie who was pushing Penny. The words she said and the questions she asked were much sharper than Penny's. Every word she said was to the point.

"Winnie, I warn you not to talk nonsense. It's normal for a mom to beat and scold her child a few times when she was educating her child. Don't describe me as a stepmother."

Penny continued to let her gaze wander. When she looked at Winnie's eyes, she panicked because she felt that Winnie knew something.

"Are you really his mother? Are you sure that you gave birth to Luke?"

Winnie was not going to let Penny evade this issue and continued to ask.

"I...I gave birth to him. Winnie, what do you mean? I suggest that you should not to gossip, or I'll let you pay for it."

Penny warned Winnie because she somewhat couldn't deal with her.

"I don't want to say anything. Penny, you should know me well since we were best friends. I never gossip. I only talk about fact."

Winnie put on a strange smile, which made Penny even uneasy.


"I have a question for you since you gave birth to Luke. Luke was born on January 23rd of solar calendar. Ten months before this date, you seemed to be abroad with Leo and don't know Brian. Is this child…"

Winnie said thoughtfully, but saw Penny's face darkened instantly.

"Winnie, couldn't I have a premature birth? You're just a scheming bitch and you talk so unkindly."

Penny couldn't help getting angry. How could she carelessly walk into the trap Winnie had set for her? Originally, she had intended to humiliate Winnie once, but she was counterattacked by Winnie and almost told her the fact.

"Oh, you had a premature birth. No wonder you give birth to Luke on the date that you should not had according to the date of your pregnancy. It seems that I've thought too much about it. I'm sorry."

This time Winnie was triumphant.

If she continued this topic, Penny would definitely break down. Winnie had already showed Penny mercy by stopping here. She hoped that Penny would not be so triumphant in the future; she hoped that Penny would not be so arrogant in the future; and she hoped that Penny would no longer come to provoke her in the future.

Penny glowered at Winnie and wanted to take revenge on her now.

"Winnie, don't be complacent too early. You'll pay for it in the future. I swear that I'll bring you down."

After saying these words, Penny pushed the door open and wanted to leave. At this moment, Winnie must do something, otherwise Penny would absolutely make trouble for her.

"Penny, remember that I'll go to ask Brian whether you had a premature birth or not if you dare to come to disturb me again."

Penny did grew tense with Winnie's words. She angrily turned around, glowered at Winnie and then left after slamming the door.

Penny got on her car and drove away. While driving, she thought about Winnie's warning and the expression in her eyes. It seemed that Winnie had known everything.

Winnie now doubted whether Luke was her son or not. Winnie must suspect that Luke was Leo's son when she considered his birthday.

However, it was easy to know the fact and Winnie just needed to take a paternity test for Luke and Leo.

Then, after Winnie knew that Luke wasn't the son of Leo, how should she explain? If Winnie publicized it, Brian would definitely say that it was all her fault. Then, she would lose her position.

The more Penny thought, the more flustered and angrier she became. She had to deal with Winnie as soon as possible, otherwise she would be in great trouble.

After being warned by Winnie, Penny really stopped disturbing her for a few days. These days, without the disturbance of Brian and Penny, Winnie began to live a normal life at last.


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