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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 630

Vanessa understood the importance of health than anyone else. She had been ill for two years. She was telling herself to do what she could, and she did what she could.

"Don't worry, Sister, I know what to do."

Vanessa believed that she could have comprehensive development

It was time for cook. Winnie wanted to cook personally, but Rufus opposed. Eventually the family moved to the courtyard to chat.

When they reached the yard, they dispersed. Rufus and Vanessa played soccer with two kids. Stella and Joshua and Winnie sat in the pavilion to chat.

In fact, Winnie was resistant to such chat, afraid Stella mentioned the things of Brian.

But she has to face it.

"Winwin, I want to ask you about your relationship with Brian."

She seemed to be asking Winnie's opinion, but she did not give Winnie the opportunity to answer before she continued, for fear that Winnie would refuse the topic.

"Brian told me yesterday that you and he had told the kids of your separation. I didn't know about it in advance, or I would have stopped you."

"I don't want you to be apart. I want you to stay together."

Winnie opened her mouth at this point.

"Stella, don't worry about our affairs. We thought about it when we decided to talk to our kids, we tried, but we just couldn't get there. I did something wrong and I feel sorry for him. It was a relief for both of us."

Winnie put it out with no sense of guilt, which made Stella puzzled.

In Stella's view, Winnie was not that kind of people. And she behaved as if there were no fault, no guilt.

"But I think it's too sudden. It's not real. I think you'll be together forever."

"The world has to come to an end, what's more, he and I are too different. I don’t fit to his standard to choose a wife, how can we be together for a lifetime?"

"Come on, it's not a bad thing to be apart. We both felt sorry for the kids, but there was nothing we could do."

Winnie didn’t want to be with Brian, no matter who persuaded her, she would not change her idea. She'd had a bad time this time and she might lose faith in life. She might complain about the injustice of the fate and complain about the world, might feel she did not have the confidence to move forward.

"Is there some misunderstanding between you? I still don't believe you would cheat on him. You never allow yourself to be careless, let alone your relationship."

"If you have troubles, you can tell me and Joshua. We will do justice for you."

Joshua could always see the crux of the problem and always find the most incisive side of things, worthy of the talent, worthy of the man Stella loved.

"Joshua, All you see of me is my surface, and I'm not as good as you say I am. Especially in love, you never know when you will meet someone.

"I'm the epitome of someone who fell in love at the wrong time and didn't get it right. It must be my fault. I have nothing to hide. Joshua, Stella, thank you for your trust in me, I am sorry to let you down."

Winnie was still calm and had no guilt at all. She wasn't doing it on purpose, it was just instinct, and she couldn't pretend to be guilty.

Winnie was most afraid that someone would find out the truth, so she did not want to continue this topic.

"Stella, I go to see kitchen to see if the food is ready. You talk with Joshua first."

Winnie casually found an excuse to leave. Although it was Brian’s family, but she did not want to mention him.

"I don’t feel right. How could someone who did something wrong have such an open attitude?"

Stella put forward her doubt.

"I also think there must be other reasons. But Winwin was right in one thing. Sooner or later, she and Brian will be separated. Grandfather is the biggest obstacle and cannot be overcome."

In this case, Joshua thought early separation was good for Winnie.

"How long can Grandpa live? When he dies, no one will interfere in their affairs. In a few years everything would be peaceful."

Stella felt pity. If Brian lost Winnie, he would become the previous walking dead.

Only Winnie could change Brian, only Winnie could make Brian smile, only Winnie not could be with Brian for no fame and wealth.

"Grandpa is so healthy that he could live for ten or eight years. Don't you want Winwin to wait like this forever? Who knows what will happen during these ten years, if Brian falls in love with another woman and finally abandons Winwin, what should Winwin do?"

"And above all, will grandpa allow Brian not to marry for ten years? No way."


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