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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 629

Money again. She did not feel at ease using other people's money, but Wendy had no intention of returning it.

"Alas...... The matter needs to be rearranged. I've already given some of the money to those people, and I'll never get it back if I get cheated."

"But don’t worry, I will pay you back."

Wendy took a look at her watch deliberately, then quickly got up.

"I must go home at this hour. An important client is coming to my house today, and my father asked me to learn from the client. That's all for today. I'll ask you out when I can."

After that, Wendy walked away directly.

She did not want to return all the money to Klara. Now she did not want to fall out with Klara, so she could only hide from her. As for the next meeting, it was up to her to figure out how to deal with it.


Klara called Wendy loudly, but Wendy left faster and faster.

"Why leave when speaking of money? I really don't know whether your family is rich or not, how dare not return with my money?"

Klara was angry, but Wendy still had the money, so she could not show it, or she would lose everything.

Vanessa and Winnie took two kids to go to the park, playground and the library to make them happy.

It'd been a busy day anyway.

After playing for a day, the kids' mood improved, and the whole family were tired.

So they ate out instead of cooking at home.

At dinner, Winnie received a call from the superior leadership. So as not to reveal who she was, she walked away to answer the phone.

"There's a recognition meeting next Friday, and you need to be there. Be prepared to speak on stage."

The leader was very proud that his soldier had achieved such a great achievement at her first time to participate in the case. He was the most happy and proud person.

"Leader, can I not attend. I have not made any significant contributions worthy of this recognition meeting."

Winnie refused politely, she was not in the mood to attend any meeting or banquet. She just wanted to use this time to completely calm down and get out of the influence of Brian.

"It's very modest of you to say so. Your contribution is obvious. Without you, a cyber crime ring of that size would not have been destroyed so quickly."

The leader recognized Winnie's ability, but he did not recognize Winnie's view. Modesty was a good thing, but as a leader, he should not be good to his soldiers.

"My leader, even if I am not modest, I don't want to expose my identity to so many people. Once exposed, I couldn't hide it. It would have a big impact on my work and life."

"Otherwise, give me a period of time, after I finish the software development, you praise me when I get leadership recognition."

Winnie pushed back the time as far as possible, she did not want to expose her identity so soon.

The leader was silent for a while, but the excuse of privacy convinced him.

"Well, I respect that for your privacy. But I'm looking forward to your software."

"Rest assured, Leader, I won't let you down."

As she hung up the phone, Winnie turned to go back, but the phone rang again. It was Rufus. To be honest, this man made her feel guilty.


Winnie picked up the phone.

"Winwin, did I disturb you?"

Rufus as always gentle and nice, which warmed Winnie’s heart.

"No, I am outside with kids and Vanessa."

Winnie had walked back to her seat as he spoke.

"Good. I have something to discuss with you, and I wonder if you will agree."

"Ok, go ahead."

Winnie would try to do it, so as to reduce some of her guilty.

"Tomorrow, Brian will be on a business trip. Would you please come back with your kids and Vanessa for dinner? I miss you."

Rufus was not sure whether Winnie would agree because she had just broken up with Brian.

However hearing that, Winnie was moved.

He invited them when Brian was not absent and he must miss them so he called.

"We will be there. I'll cook for you."

Winnie had no reason to refuse.

After hanging up the phone, Winnie looked at Vanessa sadly. Now the biggest problem was not her but Vanessa.

"Rufus wants us to go to his place tomorrow. Are you free?"

Winnie asked Vanessa's opinion, but she had decided to let her push off even if Vanessa had something to do. Because Rufus wanted to see Vanessa.

Now she and Brian had no relationship, and she would not be despised by Felix and Thomas.

So they only took Rufus as family and would not have complaints on him.


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