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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 707

Gloria's idea was not the same as Thomas’. She did not want it was Winnie, because Winnie was smart and tenacious, and Brian cared about her, which made her more difficult to deal with.

Gloria's problem was stupid to Thomas. She felt she was like a fool.

Thomas showed unabashed disdain on the other side of the phone. If his memory was correct, he said more than once the reason he chose Winnie.

Although he did not say the specific means, but what he said was certain and reasonable.

But Gloria still forgot it and repeatedly asked, Thomas could only say she was stupid.

"Leave it alone, you only need to pray it is Winnie, which is good for you. Wendy wants to go back to Brian, you should find a way to sabotage it. It is better not to let Wendy and Brian together."

This time Thomas did not explain the reason, she could not remember, so he came up with a good idea for her.

"Don't worry about Brian. No one can control what he wants to do and who he chooses. You just take care of yourself and make yourself better. Learn how to do business from your father, so that you can deal with Brian more easily."

"And I must warn you about this. Be careful about your personal life and how you treat your assistants and others. Don't be in duplicity. Grandpa doesn't like a man like that, you know. He could dismiss you even if your father backed you up."

Thomas had to deliberately remind her, it was a special time, Gloria must pay attention to her words and deeds. In today's society, there were no secrets at all. Her every word and action will be photographed by someone without her noticing.

All these would affect the standard of Felix's choice, but also affect the Bennet Group's reputation.

"I know, Uncle Thomas, I'll take care of it. I'm at your disposal in this matter, and I'll do as you tell me."

Gloria heart has not satisfied, but had to answer. It's about her future her fate.

Thomas put down the phone and still thought about it. If Brian still chose Winnie, the existence of Gloria was insignificant. Once the time was mature, as long as Winnie was under control, Brian would be in trouble.

But before Brian made a choice, he would still use Gloria.

What tripped Gloria was the evidence in the hands of Penny, but Penny would not die immediately, so he did not know how long she could suppress Gloria.

Thomas wanted Penny to leave the world as soon as possible and what could let Penny leave the world was Gloria's evil words and Richard.

Yes, Richard was also the key.

Thomas immediately took the phone and car keys out.

This was a remote place, an abandoned factory located in the countryside. There was no video surveillance, no passers-by. But a room in the factory was quite comfortable.

Richard was in this room, alone but comfortable. However, Thomas's sudden arrival today surprised him.

"I thought you'd forgotten about me, you hadn't come for so long."

Richard said with a big smile.

"How can I forget you, If I often come over, both of us would be discovered."

"How are you?"

Thomas pretended to care.

"I am good. Food and supplies come regularly. I don't have any problems with my life. I'm just worried that my daughter and I don’t know if she's exposed."

Richard had been worried about Penny, afraid the police got clue from her.

"You needn't worry about her. She's a sick woman, and even the police can't do anything about her. But your location must have had something to do with her. Her phone must have been monitored by the police."

Thomas brought up Penny's illness painstakingly, for let Richard worry namely.

"There should be no problem with my daughter's illness. The police will find it if they want to trouble her."

Richard didn't say it, but he did hint. Others did not know that Penny was faking her illness, but he knew. Once the police found something and re-examine it, Penny would have an extra charge.

"Sure? How can you say there's nothing wrong with her when the doctors say she's no longer can be recovered? Have you heard something?"

Thomas asked with doubts, he guessed that Penny had told him something on the phone.

"The doctor said that? It could be a misdiagnosis. Thomas, will you please check her illness?"

Richard was worried. It was possible that what Richard said about Penny’s illness was true, but perhaps Penny told him the truth so as not to worry him.

"Okay, I'll get someone to look into it right now."

In order to check the illness, Thomas immediately called someone to do it.

"Now, I want to know the truth as soon as possible."


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