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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 748

It was already noon and Emily was still lying in bed. She vomited irregularly last night and did not sleep well all night. She did not fall asleep until three o’clock in the morning and did not wake up till it was noon.

When she opened her bleary eyes, the first things that rushed into her mind were the child and Leo. She knew that it was not yet decided whether to abort the child.

It was nearly three months, the doctor said that if it was three months, odinopoeia would be needed and it did harm to the body.

She did not have much time.

The thought of it made her very anxious and panic.

What to do? Should she tell Leo?

When Emily was thinking about it, her mother opened the door and came in.

She was surprised to see Emily in the room.

"Why aren't you at work?"

Emily’s mother got up early to attend a funeral and had not been back until now. She came to her daughter's room to see if there was any laundry to be done, but her daughter was still in bed.

"I didn't go to work today because I am feeling well."

Emily casually found an excuse.

"What's wrong with you?”

Emily’s mother hurried to the bed and carefully observed Emily, but she was more worried.

"You look so pale. What's wrong with you? You don't look as good as you used to."

"Get out of bed and get dressed. I'll take you to the hospital for a checkup."

Emily’s mother urged her and showed her concern.

A few days ago she found that Emily did not look good, but she had been saying that she was all right. Emily’s mother thought she was tired due to work and study, so she did not take it seriously.

But it was not different today. Emily did not go to work, which meant that she really was ill.

"I am fine, Mom. I am just too tired and I need some rest. There is no need to go to the hospital."

Emily refused, once she went to the hospital, everything would be exposed.

“You have to go to the hospital. You are off today and have a bogy checkup. Let's see we can fix it."

Even if Emily said she was all right, Emily’s mother was still worried. She pulled Emily's hand and forced her to get out of the bad. However, Emily felt gross, she could not hold it back but directly spit on the bed.

"What's going on here?"

Emily’s mother was frightened by the sudden condition. She did not expect she would suddenly vomit.

Emily was spitting, but it was only water, no food. Emily’s mother was panic to hear that.

"I'll call the hospital and tell your father to come back."

Emily’s mother's voice was trembling. She was scared and got tears.


Emily stopped her mother in time.

Then Emily’s mother turned around to help Emily.

"Very uncomfortable, right? I will send you to the hospital."


Emily was gasping for air and her vomiting had eased.

"Mom, you first throw down the quilt, I still want to vomit smelling it."

Emily's bed got dirty, and it smelt bad, which made her have the feeling of vomiting.

"All right, I will take them away."

Emily’s mother first helped Emily out of bed, and then Emily went to the bathroom. Emily’s mother pulled the sheets and quilts off and changed the sheets.

Everything was sorted out. Emily’s mother picked up the phone again, when she was going to call Emily’s father, Emily came out of the bathroom.

"Mom, I am fine, I don't need to go to hospital."

Emily thought her mother was calling the hospital, so she grabbed the phone.

"I'm calling your dad. You're sick. I will tell him to come back."

Emily’s mother was still worried. Although Emily now looked fine, her face was still pale. What happened just now made her terrified.

"I am all right, so you don't have to worry. It's just something I ate that upset my stomach. If you let me have a good rest..."

Emily thought she was all right, but she began to vomit again. She ran to the bathroom, followed by her mother.

"You are not all right, you are throwing up."

Emily’s mother packed Emily's back when she was vomiting.

Then it occurred to her that Emily had had dinner at home last night, and it was light, as she had requested. Those light foods won't upset her stomach at all. Why was she so sick?

"What did you eat?"

Emily’s mother asked with doubts.

"Nothing, mom, I'm really fine."

Emily gasped while answering. Her intention to avoid made her mother more suspicious.

"No, I have to take you to the hospital."


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