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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 81

Winnie was full of anxious at this time, but couldn't find a way to vent it. She was so heartbreak that she almost suffocated to death but couldn't help at all.

She had made all the calls she could think of, but no one could help her, which made Winnie once again felt the despair which was like that time when she lost her parents.

At this time, she forced herself to calm down, and then called Butler Lowe.

"Lowe, please let the Chairman answer the phone."

Winnie's voice was too anxious which made Lowe shocked.

"It's night. The Chairman has already gone to bed."

Butler Lowe had already received Felix's orders, so he refused directly.

"Lowe, please, it's about Luke. I can't find anyone but ask the Chairman for help."

Winnie begged, crying helplessly.

Butler Lowe also realized something wrong. Because in his eyes, Winnie was always sunny and confident and he had never seen that she was so anxious.

Butler Lowe felt that something bad happened and then he quickly gave the phone to Felix.

"What's the matter?"

Felix's voice was too serious. He did not hear Winnie's panic and anxious voice.

"Mr. Felix, please help Luke. He is being abused now. Please. I can't do anything about it."

Winnie tried her best to plead Felix.

"What did you say? Make it clear."

The matter was related to Luke, so Felix frowned.

"It's too late. Grandpa, you call Penny first and ask her to send Luke to your house. Save Luke first."

"I'm coming to your house now. I’ll explain it clearly to you later. Grandpa, please trust me this time and save Luke as soon as possible."

Winnie had already decided. She had to tell Felix about Luke's abuse by Penny. She couldn't bear it anymore.

The consequences of enduring it could only be worse for the child. Luke could only suffer more.

Winnie's bitter pleading finally worked. Maybe Felix still trusted her very much. Winnie heard Felix's cold command.

"Call Penny and ask her to send Luke here right away."

After Felix ordered, he continued talking to Winnie.

"You come to my house now. Give me an explanation."

After hung up, Winnie did not immediately drive forward to the Johnson's villa, but found the video with her trembling hands again.

At this time, the screen was completely dark. Without thinking about it, she knew that Luke was locked into the warehouse again. However, at this time, Winnie did not hear any voice from Luke, which made her panic even more.

Winnie tried to call Luke’s name, but to no avail. She held back the fury and drove towards the Johnson's villa.

She vowed to herself that she would not spare Penny, nor would she be tolerant of Penny at all. She would fight with Penny to the end.

After Penny finished hitting Luke, she felt much better. Since Brian did not come back tonight, she planned to lock Luke in the warehouse overnight. Anyway, Brian didn’t like the home and didn’t like her. He just liked Winnie. So Penny could only vent her anger on Luke.

Brian indeed didn’t come back tonight, but Penny didn't expect Felix would call her. He insisted on seeing Luke now.

This made Penny a little flustered. She hurried to the warehouse to get the child out.

She checked Luke carefully. Luckily, she knew which part she should hit and which part she shouldn’t hit. After grooming and changing clothes for Luke, he didn’t seem to be hit at all.

But she still warned Luke to prevent him from talking nonsense.

"Luke, you can't tell anyone about today's affairs. If you tell anyone about it, I won't beat you next time. I will kill you directly."

Luke's eyes were hollow. He had no reactions.

"When you see your great grandfather, you can’t tell him anything. If you dare to tell him, I will kill you and Winnie."

Speaking of Winnie, Penny's emotions became even more agitated. Her voice was so louder.

This sudden roar made Luke tremble with fright. He couldn't help but keep nodding. He held tightly the toy bear in his arms. At this time, the only thing he could lean on was this stuffed toy.

However, Penny didn’t expect that everything she did was recorded by this bear, including her mean warnings just now.

Winnie rushed to the Johnson's villa, but Luke hadn't arrived yet. She waited restlessly for Luke in the living room, not in the mood to explain the situation to Felix.

Fortunately, Butler Lowe, who had been waiting outside, brought Luke in.

Luke had been silent all the time. He didn't expect to see Winnie at great grandpa's house. When he saw Winnie, he threw himself into Winnie's arms and cried loudly.

"Auntie... I..."

Luke cried bitterly. He was venting out of his grievance.

Winnie couldn't help holding Luke and cried out.

"You can cry. Don't bear it. Auntie is here."


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