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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 82

Winnie told Felix everything. She showed every video to Felix, as well as the photos taken when Luke was injured for the first time.

"Every time Penny hits Luke, she hits somewhere which couldn’t be noticed by others. If Luke has some obvious bruises, she will not let Luke go to school, for fear of being seen by the teacher. This time, Luke must also have injuries on his body."

Winnie couldn't help crying again.

"Mr. Felix, Penny is too vicious. If you let her continue to take care of Luke, she will still abuse Luke. It will cause irreparable harm to Luke and affect his life."

Winnie used the facts to persuade Felix. If Felix didn't let her take away Luke, she couldn’t bear it. She would rather make things worse than let Luke get hurt again.

"This is my mistake. I shouldn't send the child to her."

Felix reflected on himself. Such a small child had experienced abuse so many times. How frightened and helpless he should be! If Felix didn't stick to his own ideas, if he kept Luke with Winnie, at least the hurt of this time could be avoided.

There was deathly silent in the living room. Winnie didn’t speak, just waiting for Felix's decision.

Felix was also pondering how this matter would not affect the overall situation.

After a while.

"I can let you take Luke back, but I have a request."

Felix made a decision with a gloomy face.


Seeing the hope, Winnie was obviously excited.

"You can't publicize this matter. I will deal with everything Penny did to Luke. But you can’t tell Brian."

Felix had to consider more aspects. For the sake of the overall situation, he could only temporarily get Luke wronged.

"Well, I won’t publicize this matter. I won’t tell Brian. But I absolutely can’t forgive Penny. Mr. Felix, when it is necessary, I may not be able to keep my promise to you. At that time, you can find a good woman for Brian. Penny is not worthy to be Luke's Mom."

Winnie was extremely firm. She couldn’t spare Penny. Since Winnie dared to abuse Luke, Winnie wouldn’t forgive her no matter how.

"I said I will deal with Penny. What are you clinging to? It's because she ruined your plans and exposed that you are a liar, so you want to take revenge on her?"

Felix was very dissatisfied with Winnie's answer, because Winnie's intervention could easily ruin his plans.

Winnie was not surprised by what Felix said. Penny would definitely slander her like this. Maybe it was just because of Penny’s words that Felix didn’t let Luke go back with her.

"Penny is really the same as before. No matter who she makes a lie to, she never feels guilty. Mr. Felix, I will not explain this matter, because you may not believe me even if I explain it. But I can tell you honestly. I have already forgotten what Penny told you. There is no so-called revenge."

Winnie was calm and composed. She hadn’t done anything wrong, so she didn’t have to panic.

"I knew Brian on the plane. I didn't plan it in advance at all. I met Luke on the plane, too. Coincidentally, he and Megan are in the same class. All of these are coincident."

"As she said, we used to be best friends in the college. But we have broken up for more than four years. She has been making trouble for me after I returned, so I can't bear it."

Winnie didn't explain that she was not a liar, because people in the Bennet family would think too much. Like Brian, it was impossible for them to believe her easily.

She just wanted to let Felix know that she wanted to resolve the grudges between her and Penny by herself.

Winnie paused for a moment.

"Mr. Felix, I don't know what you think. But I will definitely not affect your plans. I will not use this as an excuse to pester Brian."

Winnie had a tough attitude. Now no one could stop her from countering Penny.

Felix frowned. His eyes were cold.

But his face calmed down again after a moment.

"Well, as long as you promise me not to ruin my plans, you can do whatever you want to do. Also, you said that you won't pester Brian. You have to keep your words. You can’t affect his future."

Felix agreed, because he had no better solution for the time being. For the sake of Luke's physical and mental health, and to prevent Luke from being abused, he could only send Luke to Winnie's side.

However, he now began to doubt the words Penny said. Winnie didn't look as bad as Penny said. The most important thing was that there was no cunning in her eyes except for sincerity.

The agreement between Winnie and Felix was reached. Winnie took Luke home. Luke was dull along the way. Even if Winnie talked to him, he only answered a few words in a low voice.

Winnie began to worry that this matter would leave a shadow in Luke’s life.

After returning home, Luke's mood improved after seeing Megan. But from time to time, Luke would be still in a daze. Winnie was worried about it.

The following days, Winnie did not go to work. She wanted to accompany her children at home. Only when Luke felt better would she go to work.

Winnie took the two children out to relax, to the zoo, to the botanical garden, to the amusement park and to the cinema. But it still didn’t work. After returning home, Luke was still in a daze from time to time.

"Luke, can you help Auntie with making dinner?"

Winnie wanted Luke to be busy, so that he wouldn't think too much.

"Of course."

Luke followed Winnie to the kitchen.

"What can you do? Can you pick vegetables?"

Winnie took out some vegetables.

"Yes, as long as you teach me, I can do anything."

Luke replied, but he didn’t look so well.

"Wow, you’re so good. Luke is a real man. You can do so many things. As long as Luke is willing, no matter how difficult it is, you can overcome it, right?"

Winnie encouraged Luke while picking vegetables. Others couldn’t help him overcome the obstacles in the mind. If he wanted to overcome it, he must overcome it by himself.

"Auntie, can I really not go back to Dad’s home in the future?"

Luke finally looked up at Winnie and asked, but he looked worried.


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