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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 83

However, Winnie wasn’t satisfied with Brian's explanation. In the video, she clearly heard that Brian went out after answering the phone.

"Can you tell me your other phone number?"

Winnie remembered that she had seen Brian still had the other mobile phone and he almost brought it with himself everyday


Brian said coldly. He refused directly. The warmth that was not easy to appear on his face also disappeared instantly.

"Fine! Don’t have to be angry."

Winnie laughed mockingly. He even didn’t want to tell her the phone number, which showed how less important she was to him.

"Go out and wait for dinner. You can chat with Luke a little more."

Winnie said sadly. She knew he just didn't care about her. For her, she just cared about her two children. From now on, she would treat men as rubbish. She would never feel sad about any men.

Brian left after dinner. Seeing Luke was always upset, Winnie felt so worried. So she called Kevin.

"Hello! Why do you suddenly call me? Aren’t you afraid that Brian is jealous?"

Kevin teased.

"I need your help."

Winnie was not in the mood to joke. She said seriously.

"What's the matter?"

Kevin asked seriously too. Because he heard Winnie's seriousness.

"Help me make an appointment with a doctor. But you have to keep it secret..."

The next day, Winnie did not go to work again. She brought her two children to the hospital to found Kevin.

Kevin took them to the neurology department. There was an old professor already waiting for them.

The professor first checked carefully for Luke and then did some psychological tests. After that, Kevin took the two children out first. Then, the professor gave the conclusion cautiously.

"Mild depression."

Hearing the old professor's words, Winnie was shocked. She felt dizzy for a long time before she came to her senses.

"Doctor, he is just a little kid. Please help him. Don't let depression ruin him."

Winnie begged. Although she had already suspected Luke got the depression, she still couldn’t accept it after hearing the doctor confirm it.

"Don't worry. Children recover better than adults. His symptoms are in the early stage. As long as he’s guided correctly, he can heal quickly with active treatment."

The doctor comforted Winnie. He understood the caring of each mother to their children.

"I will. I will do what the doctor says. I will actively cooperate with the treatment. As long as he can be cured, I can do anything."

Although the doctor said it was not serious and Luke could be recovered, Winnie was still very worried. After all, Luke was just a kid. He couldn't bear too much pressure.

"I know your feelings. But don't worry. I am sure that I can let him fully recover."

The doctor thought Winnie was the child's mother, otherwise she wouldn't be so worried. In addition, Winnie did not deny it, so the doctor was even more certain.

"Thank you so much."

Winnie walked out of the consulting room. Seeing her face dim, Kevin also guessed the result.

"You guys wait for me here for a while. I'll go in to thank the professor."

Kevin came to the doctor's office.

"Professor, this is my friend. Thank you for your help. There is nothing wrong with the child, right?"

Kevin asked tentatively.

"I have already told the child's mother. His depression is mild and can be cured."

The old professor repeated it.

"By the way, these two children are twins, right?"

The old professor asked curiously.


Kevin was startled suddenly. It seemed that not only he himself felt that the two children looked similar.

"No, the girl belongs to that lady, and the boy belongs to her friend's."

Kevin gave an answer which even he himself didn’t believe.

"Not her child? Why do that boy and that girl look so similar? You said the boy is not your friend’s? Impossible! She’s so worried about that boy. If she is not that boy’s mother, who else can be?"

The professor was so confused.

"It may be that the boy is with her every day, so she is worried."

"Professor, thank you so much. I have to go now. See you."

Kevin walked out of the doctor’s office, but kept thinking about what the old professor said.

It hadn't been long since Winnie came back, but why was the relationship between her and Luke so deep?

Why did Luke and Megan look so similar, so that they were always misunderstood by others as twins?

Kevin walked Winnie out. After the two children got in the car, Kevin chatted with Winnie.

"Luke's illness is in the early stage, so don't worry too much. This doctor is the most authoritative neurology professor in the country. His diagnosis is very curate, so you don't have to think too much."

"In addition to medication and psychological counseling, the emotions of the people around him are also very important. When you get along with Luke, you must be sunny and happy. This will be of great help to the recovery of his illness."

Kevin kept saying. Luke had already got the depression. Now, the important thing was not to find someone to blame. The important thing was to let the child recover as soon as possible.

But Kevin felt that Luke's depression must have something to do with Brian's indifference and alienation.


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