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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 858

On Friday morning, after sending the children to school, Winnie went to the company to work. She rushed over to the police station before noon, and it was lunch time after the matter was dealt with.

Winnie went to the cafeteria to eat alone, and took what she liked before sitting down, and a woman's voice sounded.

"Can I sit here?"

The woman's voice was familiar and Winnie looked up.

"It's you! Sit down."

Winnie was surprised but was also a little resistant. However, Winnie couldn't refuse her.

Diana was more enthusiastic than Winnie.

"Thank you for allowing me to have lunch with you, beauty."

Diana talked with a smile, put down the plate in her hand and sat down.

"Don't call me that way. With so many young and beautiful girls, I have no pretensions to be a beauty."

Winnie cooperated with Diana's joke. She and Diana had only met once, and their relationship was not close enough to make jokes.

"You are too modest. Two days after I was transferred to the police station, I heard that your appearance is unmatched. Needless to say, our male colleagues, even the little girls who have just graduated and assigned here admire you."

Diana didn't usually say so much, but she couldn't control her excitement when she saw Winnie today. She opened her mouth and didn't want to shut up, which was not in line with her profession.

"Stop teasing me, it's not as exaggerated as you said."

"By the way, why are you here for two days? I heard that you would be here in a few days."

Winnie changed the subject because she didn't know if Diana's joke was some kind of psychological prying. Anyway, she didn't dare to confess her emotions when she was with Diana.

"The transfer order has been issued long ago, and I've finished dealing with things there. I came in advance to get familiar with the situation, but I haven't officially started yet. If you have time, we can go out and play."

Diana couldn't wait to come here. She wished that she would come to work here when Finn came over.

"What I lack most is time. I even have no time for lunch. I have to go out after eating. I will ask you out when I have time in a few days."

Winnie declined gently, and she really didn't have any extra time.

"No problem, I have plenty of time. Call me at any time. By the way, the Director Poole asked you to go to his office. You'd better not leave after you have eaten lunch."

Diana almost forgot about the matter, but fortunately Winnie said that she was leaving later. Otherwise, the task would not be completed.

Winnie didn't answer, but looked at the time.

"Well, I'll go to find him in a while."

There was still a little time left, but she couldn't waste too much time eating, otherwise this little time would be lost.

Winnie went directly to Finn's office after eating. Winnie thought it was an official business, but did not expect it to be a research matter.

"Why didn't you go? The chance is hard won."

Finn's voice was mild. He felt that it was a pity for Winnie not to go and opportunity was rare. He didn't mean to blame Winnie.

"Something happened suddenly at home and I can't go. From now on I will take care of the children wholeheartedly."

Finn didn't blame Winnie, but Winnie felt sorry. She knew it was a rare opportunity, and she knew that Finn had worked hard to get this opportunity.

But in this case, her choice could only disappoint Finn.

"Then, have you graduated from the Police University in C City?"

Finn didn't ask specifically. Winnie's ambiguity proved that she didn't want to say it. Now he knew that Winnie must have a last resort.

"Yes, I learned a lot."

Winnie didn't want to graduate either, and wanted to go out to avoid Brian, but she had no choice.

"Did you bring back everything there?"

Finn still asked some unimportant questions. In fact, he didn't have any important things to ask, otherwise he would just call Winnie instead of asking Diana to tell her.

"No, I just ask my classmates to help me pack and express it back."

"Director Poole, I am still anxious to go back to the company to see a client, or should we talk about it another day?"

Winnie felt that Finn had nothing important to say, and she had no time, so she could only say she had to leave now.

"OK, I will call you if I have something to do."

Finn hurriedly sent Winnie away.

He knew that Winnie would be very busy as soon as she came back, and would have no free time. However, he only said a few words, and felt that he had a lot to say.



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