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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 859

For so many years, Rufus withdrew from business world and seemed no longer in power, but he still knew everything in his heart. Rufus changed. Being silent for so many years hadn't made him weak, but instead made him sacred.

"I know. I must tell Maria exactly what you said. I will go home and teach her a lesson so that she will never lose her temper casually."

"Rufus, you are right. We are a family and we should get along well with each other. We must be united."

Thomas deliberately softened his attitude, but he didn't feel relaxed.

Rufus deliberately talked about family, because he had everything, and the Bennet Group was firmly in the hands of his family. While he, Thomas, had nothing but a little share.

It was easy to say profound ideas. Thomas really wanted to know if Rufus could say such nice words if everything in the Bennet family was in his hands.

Isobel had been worrying about Rufus all the time. Even with jet lag, she would take the time to ask about Rufus' condition. But when she videoed with Winnie, she had to restrain her worries. "Winnie, you did the right thing. At this time, you are right to choose to stay. Megan and Luke are your children, so you can't cause trouble to others at this time."

"Living in the suburbs is good for the children's safety, but you should also pay attention to Brian. I don't hate Brian, but in all aspects..."

Isobel still didn't want Winnie and Brian to be together, but Winnie knew what she meant before she finished her words.

"Auntie, I understand. Don't worry, I know it. Now I hope you will come back soon to help me take care of the children, and I will be able to have rest."

Winnie thought the same as her aunt. She knew that she couldn't use the opportunity to get closer to Brian, and she couldn't give Brian any chance. Winnie didn't want to give Brian the chance to like her or the chance to hurt her.

Isobel felt distressed every time she heard Winnie's words. It was her selfishness and her fault that made Winnie have to miss the person she loved most.

And every time she thought about it, Isobel was confused. She was confused whether she should be so selfish or not and whether she should ignore Winnie's feelings.

"That's fine. By the way, when will Rufus have a minor operation?"

Isobel's guilt could not be released, so she could only change the subject.

"We will tell him tonight that he will have surgery tomorrow."

Winnie had just received the news not long after, this time Brian did not ignore her, but asked her to be present.

"How is he?"

Isobel was a little nervous, wondering how Rufus would react when he knew it.

"He's okay now. I don't know how he will be tonight."

Winnie didn't know. She didn't know how shocking the bad news was for Rufus.

"Does Vanessa have classes in the evening? If she has no classes, take Vanessa to the hospital. One more person and one more persuasion will also be a comfort to Rufus."

What Isobel could help was to let Vanessa go to the hospital. She was his daughter, and being beside him would give him strength invisibly.

"Vanessa has no class tonight, I will tell her when she comes back from school."

"By the way, auntie, is grandpa' s or grandma's blood group is type AB RH(-)?"

Winnie suddenly remembered it. She was also curious about who passed it on to Vanessa.

"Neither. Why did you suddenly ask this question?"

Isobel answered Winnie's question directly without much thought, and wondered why Winnie asked this.

"Rufus' blood group is type AB RH(-), and the blood in this hospital is insufficient. It happens that Vanessa is of the same blood type as him, so I asked Vanessa to donate some blood to him. Kevin said this blood type is mostly due to heredity neither my parents nor you. My parents and you are not of this blood type. Thus, I think grandparents' blood group is type AB RH(-)."

"I am wrong. Then Vanessa is..."

When Winnie felt strange, Isobel interrupted her suddenly.

"Not all blood types are inherited by families. This is not absolute."

"Winnie, I have to work now, goodbye."

Isobel quickly hung up the phone after speaking in fear.

She even forgot that Rufus' blood group was type AB RH(-). Why did she say it so naturally? If Winnie had doubts, it would be exposed.

Winnie looked puzzled at the phone in her hand. She doubted the reason why her aunt hung up in a hurry. Isobel ignored two children again.

The two children were Isobel's treasure. She would ask how they were each time she called Winnie. How busy she was that she ignored the two children two times!

In the evening, the children were left to Paul and Raya, Winnie, Brian and Vanessa went to the hospital together.

When they arrived at the hospital, Stella and Joshua had already arrived.

"Why are you here? I have had dinner, and there is no need for an infusion. Why are you here?"

Stella and Joshua arrived when Paul returned home. Rufus thought planned to ask Stella and Joshua to go back when Paul came back. Unexpectedly, Paul didn't come, but Brian and the others were here.

However, such a t scene made Rufus a little uneasy.

Although in the hospital these days, Rufus did not feel any better. Although he had been put on a drip, he didn't feel better. At first, he was a little worried, but their presence made him even more nervous.

"We are here see if you listen to the doctor."

It was Vanessa who spoke, deliberately speaking in a mischievous tone. But she was more nervous than anyone else, and she was nervous for no reason.

"I am fine. You don't have to worry about me."


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