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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 864

The investigation was carried about by both Albert and Calvin. Calvin did not have a chance to report it to Brian, so Albert alone reported it to Brian.

"Anything else?"

Brian calmly asked. His mood was not affected at all. He looked as if he were listening to a story.

"No. She just has a bad temper and has affairs with many men. Oh, it seems that she cheats on her taxes. We haven't found out much about it yet. If we find evidence, Calvin will keep it."

Albert honestly answered. Gloria was a better person than Wendy. At least, she did not harm Winnie and Luke. However, for their boss, she was still a bad person.

"After you find out the fact, keep all the evidence. It might be useful in the future."

In the past years when Brian did business, he had seen various kinds of women. Many of them pretended to be respectable ladies, just like Gloria did. That was the reason why he hated hypocrite and luscious women.

When they arrived, Brian ran into Andrew and Gloria.

Now, because of the cooperative relationship, Brian had to talk to Andrew.

"Mr. Bennet, do you come here alone?"

Andrew came to greet Brian with a smile, and Gloria stayed beside him.

"Mr. Bennet."

Gloria spoke to Brian in a charming voice.

Brian, who had just known what Gloria was like, found her every move and even smiles disgusting.

"Yes, I come here alone."

Brian just answered Andrew's question. He did not look at Gloria.

"How much money are you going to donate today, Mr. Bennet?"

Stella asked.

"I'm not sure yet. It depends."

Brian just gave a perfunctory answer. Because of Gloria, he even became impatient with talking to Andrew.

"Mr. Bennet, so far, our cooperation has been very smooth. If we can get a good result, let's have more cooperation in the future."

Finally, Andrew moved the topic to work. It was what Andrew attached most importance to.

"Of course. As long as both of our company benefit from the cooperation, we're glad to have more cooperation with you."

Brian was interested in his work, but he was not interested in Gloria.

"I'd like to cooperate in more aspects. Now, Gloria also works in my company and can be of great help to me. In the future, I'm going to let Gloria be in charge of all the cooperation with the Bennet Group. I'll appreciate it if you will help her."

Andrew's intention could easily be seen. After hearing that, Brian frowned.

"There's a team that is in charge of this work, and I don't interfere with this work. And you won't need me to help her."

Brian refused him. He was unwilling to give Gloria any chance or hope.

"Mr. Bennet..."

"Mr. Bennet, Mr. Hawkins wants to see you. He's waiting for you."

Andrew wanted to persuade Brian, but Albert came and interrupted their conversation.

"Mr. Colin, excuse me."

As saying those words coldly, Brian left with Albert and went to meet other people.

"You come at the right time. I don't want to have one more word with Andrew anymore."

Brian spoke to Albert in a low voice. Apart from Andrew, Gloria also upset him.

"I saw that you were impatient, so I came to you. Besides, Gloria had been staring at your eyes. If it were seen by Director Chambers, you would have to explain it."

As a matter of fact, Albert's purpose was to take Brian away from Andrew and Gloria. Whether to meet Mr. Hawkins or not was actually not important. However, Albert had used that excuse. Considering that both Andrew and Gloria were watching them, Brian had to meet Mr. Hawkins.

"Hello, Mr. Bennet. It's really difficult to find a chance to meet you."

Before Brian got close, Mr. Hawkins, who tried to flattered Brian, greeted him.

"Hello, Mr. Hawkins."

Brian's attitude towards Mr. Hawkins was much better than that towards Andrew. He had known Mr. Hawkins for many years. As a matter of fact, before he took over the Bennet Group, he had known Mr. Hawkins. It was just that they did not have any chance to cooperate in the past years.

"Mr. Bennet, you're really young and brilliant. Seeing that you've achieved so much at such a young age, we old people are ashamed."

Mr. Hawkins flattered Brian. He called himself an old man, but he was actually just in his 50s. Perhaps he was trying to make Brian's brilliance prominent by saying so.

"You're too modest. It's well known that you're very capable. When there's a chance, I'd like to cooperate with you."

It was the first time that Brian proposed to cooperate with Mr. Hawkins. It was just a polite remark businessmen and businesswomen would make, but Mr. Hawkins was surprised to hear it.

"If there's a chance, I'll certainly cooperate with you."

Mr. Hawkins smiled very happily, as if he had got something great.

"By the way, Mr. Bennet, how did you deal with the villa you bought in the bank before?"

As they chatted, Mr. Hawkins remembered the past.

"Villa? Which villa?"

Brian had no idea which villa Mr. Hawkins was referring to.

"You have so many fixed assets that you forget how many villas you have."

Mr. Hawkins flattered him with a smile.

"I'm talking about the villa Dominik mortgaged. At that time, I was also interested in that villa, but the price I offered was not as high as the price you offered."


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