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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 865

Kevin went on to explain.

"And there's one thing I must tell you. It's a multiple tumor. It's highly likely that it will grow again in a year or two. But it depends on uncle's physical fitness and his mood. If he's strong and he's in a good mood, it may grow in five or ten years."

"It depends both on uncle's ability to adjust in many aspects and on how much you can help. Try your best to make him be in a good mood. I believe that it can relieve much of the pain for him."

Kevin had to remind them of it again. Compared with relapsing once in five years, relapsing once a year would cause much greater harm to Rufus's body.

Whether Rufus would relapse or not depended on Rufus's physical fitness, but it depended more on his family members.

"It's multiple tumor?"

After hearing those words, Brian's eyebrows furrowed more tightly. If it grew once a year, it meant that a lobe of Rufus's lung would be removed every year. Five years later, Rufus would die. In that case, it would be as harmful as cancer.

"Don't worry too much. If he fully recovers and is taken good care of, it's possible that he will not relapse. I just told you the worst, so that you'll attach great importance to it."

Kevin found that Brian was very worried and anxious, so he comforted him.

What he said was not groundless. It had happened to someone before. The reason why he told Brian the worst was that he wanted to push Brian to change his mind.

And it was Winnie that asked him to deliberately tell Brian the worst. Kevin understood why Winnie asked him to do so, so he did as she asked.

Having long known everything, Winnie did not say a word.

However, seeing Brian frowned without saying a word, she had to say a few words to comfort him.

"Don't worry too much. As long as you care more about uncle, he'll definitely be fine."

As a matter of fact, Winnie was trying to persuade Brian to forgive Rufus and to let Rufus go to Isobel.

"Don't tell others about it. I mean, don't tell it to Rufus. Although Rufus didn't say anything, I could tell he was under great pressure. If he knew about it, he would think too much."

"Just go to do your own business. I'm going to contact my teacher and fix the date of the operation now."

There were two reasons why Kevin talked about it in the office. First, he did not want Rufus or Stella to hear those words. Second, Winnie had asked him to do so.

Now, he had done what Winnie asked him to. He was afraid that Brian would find out the fact, so he asked Brian to leave.

"Well, do it as soon as you can. We're going out now."

It was Winnie who responded to Kevin. Then she pulled Brian out of the office.

They did not return to the hospital room at once. Brian did not want others to notice that he was down, so he went to the park in the inpatient department with Winnie.

"I thought it was a surprise. Unexpectedly, it's not a good news."

Brian spoke soon after he sat down. He became nervous again.

"It isn't a bad news. It's multiple, but it's at least not malignant. There's a great difference between them. If someone has a malignant tumor, then it's highly possible that he or she will die in the end. However, if one has multiple a serious tumor, he or she still has time and opportunity."

"Multiple tumor isn't an incurable disease. It depends on what you do."

Winnie stopped speaking at the right time. She had made an appropriate remark. It was enlightening. At the same time, she kept her promise that she would not interfere with Brian's affairs.

"I have no idea what to do. I only know that his life will be seriously affected."

Brian asked with confusion. What should he do in the future to make Rufus be in a good mood and to prevent him from relapsing? He really had no idea.

"I remember that he likes to play basketball, swim, and play tennis. After that thing happened, my family was ruined. Since then, I have never seen him do anything he likes."

"Now, he's sick. It's possible that he will have to say farewell to his hobbies."

Brian said with regret. He felt sorry for his father.

At this time, he did not think about the past. He did not think about the reason why his mother passed away; he did not think about the other woman. He just thought that Rufus was his father and that he was sick.

When he thought in this way, he became more tolerant. However, the more tolerant he became, the more he pitied Rufus.

"You still remember Rufus's hobbies. It seems that you're still eligible to be his child."

"Brian, I don't know how to persuade you, and I can't talk too much about it. I just hope that Rufus can live a happy life in the future and that you won't do anything that you'll regret anymore."

Now, Winnie cared about Brian, but she could not show it.

When Brian said that he had no idea what to do, Winnie was desperate. Now, Rufus was badly ill. If Brian could still not forgive Rufus, Brian would have nothing but hatred in the rest of his life.

However, when she heard that Brian still remembered Rufus's hobbies and that he recalled the past, she saw hope.

It was possible to change Brian's mind. It was just that he still cared too much about the past. He had hated Rufus for so many years. Hating Rufus had been one of his habits and an indispensable part of his life. So it was impossible for him to suddenly forgive Rufus.

He needed time to come round on his own. And Winnie was unwilling to help him anymore.

After saying those words, Winnie left. She did not want to interfere with Brian's affairs. Brian understood it.

He had harmed her with sharp words, and Winnie was stubborn. Therefore, it was difficult for him to change her decision.

However, without the help of Winnie, it was not easy for him to make a change.

After knowing that Rufus had benign tumor, Thomas left the hospital room. Unexpectedly, he met Penny in the lift. And they were the only two person in the lift.

"Uncle Thomas, let's find a place to have a talk."

Penny said tonelessly without looking at Thomas.

"You're waiting for me."

Thomas spoke coldly. When Penny saw him, she was calm. Judging from it, he could see that Penny had been waiting for him or had been trying to create a chance to meet him.


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