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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 894

Just when Brian was thinking about what to give as a gift, he happened to see a florist and stopped to buy flowers without hesitation.

Such a reason made Winnie inexplicably moved. She really didn't know that there were times when Brian was so attentive to her.

Looking at the simple daisy in her hand, she didn't know what to say.

"Since when do you study flowers?"

Winnie responded. She knew she should at least say thank you, but she did not speak it out.

"I'd like to study what you like, or learn more about you."

"I searched it on Internet, women like to receive gifts, not like the gift itself, but like that surprise when they receive it. If you like it, I will send you surprises often in the future."

Brian was really attentive, and if he wasn't usually too busy with work, he might have been more attentive.


Winnie did not know what to say at this moment, wondering if he was really changing or if it was just a whim.

In order to give her a gift, he googled it. Brian never did it before, at least not to her.

Her heart swayed, if he was not a whim, if he was attentive to her, would she accept him?

There was a moment of silence and finally Winnie was forced to let her wavering heart firm up.

"I'm not like other girls, I don't like gifts for no reason, I don't like the surprise that comes with them. I will feel they are up to something when people give me gifts. I will accept the flowers today, no need to give me gifts in the future."

She was not in the habit of receiving gifts, and the only gift she wanted was that valuable necklace that Brian had given her. It wasn't that she liked the necklace because it was valuable, but the meaning in it.

Even though she liked it so much, after separating from Brian, she still returned the necklace to him, so that Brian would not think she had ulterior motives.

The reason why Winnie refused Brian's future gifts was because she was afraid that she would get addicted to them and that one day when he did not give her anymore, she would miss it.

"Okay, whatever you say, if you don't like it, I won't do it."

Brian's answer was unexpected, and she expected Brian to ask why.

Brian agreed because he didn't want to go against Winnie's words. Sending a gift was because he wanted her to be happy, but even if he did not give her gift, he still wanted her to be happy.

Brian would give her gift again.

Friday morning at the old house.

As the family sat at the table eating breakfast, Felix's face stayed somber.

"Grandpa, you don't look well, are you not feeling well?"

Jack saw the grim in his grandfather and asked with concern.

"It's okay."

"Have you been working hard all this time?"

Felix said that he was ok, but his voice was cold and deep, because he was unhappy with something.

"Grandpa, I've been working very, very hard. Brian has given me so much work that I can't meet his standards even if I am very earnest."

"Rufus said if I'm not up to par, he'll get me into warehouse and start over. Grandpa, plead for me, tell him to give me some time."

It was surprising that a concern for his grandfather had turned into a plea all of a sudden, and it seemed that Jack was being tortured to the point where he could barely hold on.

His words made Felix frown as he listened, but Maria's anger climbed up.

"I don't know what is in Brian’s mind. Even if he doesn't give Jack a position, he doesn’t have to make things difficult for him at every turn. If he really sends Jack to the warehouse, I'll go to the company and have a talk with him."

"Jack did a good job in the branch. He saw that and transferred Jack back, because he did not want Jack to be excellent. We are families ......"

Maria said emotionally, suddenly raised his eyes and saw Felix's biting glare, so she was scared and hurried to stop.

For a moment, easing her shocked heart, Maria continued.

"Dad, you should stand up to say something, you can't always be biased towards Brian. Jack is your grandson too, you can't just focus on Brian and Rufus."

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

Jack watched his grandfather's face deepen with his mother's words and hurriedly spoke up to remind her.

Yet it was already too late.

"You still have the nerve to talk about Rufus? How long has it been since Rufus was hospitalized? Have you been to the hospital to see him? So this is you way being his sister-in-law?"

Felix growled, today he looked gloomy because of this matter. It had been days, but Maria never went to the hospital.

"Dad, it's not because of me that Rufus was hospitalized. It's because he's sick that he fainted ......"

"If not you, who else? Could he have fainted without getting emotional? Even if it has nothing to do with you, you are his sister-in-law, you should not have said those words. If you don't like Winnie, why did you have to go to Rufus’ house and disturb the peace of the family?"


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