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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 103

Chapter 103

Callum replied, “Since Mr. Little isn’t sincere about wanting to discuss this with us, then we don’t need to waste any more time.”

He started rising from his seat as soon as he finished speaking.

Dominic shot up at once as he was terrified that the deal would fall through just like that. He carefully tried to appease Callum. “Not at all, Mr. Winthrop. We can still talk about this. How’s this? I’ll pay 150 million. That’s double the price that Winthrop Group bought the land for. Why don’t you sell it back to me at that price?”

It pained Dominic to offer that much, but he gritted his teeth and tossed the number out anyway at the thought of how valuable the gold mine would be.

“Oh? 150 million? Is that all… That piece of land isn’t worth merely 150 million.” Elspeth didn’t seem satisfied with this number as she shook her head in response.

“150 million is already a very generous offer. What if you’re just tricking me? I would be at a great loss…”

Dominic looked troubled. His heart squeezed at the sight of Elspeth’s reaction.

“Tricking you? Mr. Little, if you think we’re trying to trick you, then we might as well forget about this deal.”

Elspeth stood up at once.

“Wait! Hang on. I’ll offer more, okay? Really now…” Dominic had to compromise and offer 225 million to repurchase the land, though it killed him to do so.

“Let’s sign the contract now and finalize the deal sooner rather than later.”

The moment Elspeth made the suggestion, Dominic immediately became cautious. “Let’s not get so impatient, Miss Lynwood. Didn’t we say we would talk about ourselves once we’re done discussing business? If you came here today because of me, then why don’t you just be mine? What’s 225 million? I can even offer 500 million or 750 million if need be.”

Elspeth’s smile stiffened. “What bold claims you make, Mr. Little! Are you sure that’s possible?”

She was disgusted by this portly, perverted man, but for the sake of tricking him into signing the contract, she had to put on a dazzling smile.

“Of course! Come and be my precious little darling, okay? Let’s have some fun…”

Dominic tried to grab Elspeth’s hand as he wanted to pull her into his arms, but Callum shoved him away.

“What are you doing, Mr. Winthrop?”

Elspeth exhaled in relief. “He’s out. Thank goodness he finally fainted. How repulsive.”

Callum nodded. “I didn’t think he’d come over all by himself without any backup just so he could get it on with you.”

A hint of jealousy shrouded his words, but Elspeth didn’t pick it out. She assumed that Dominic was just someone who lowered his guard too easily and chuckled. “Let’s carry on with your plan. First, we’ll get him delivered to the hotel room, and then…”

Elspeth was nauseated at the thought of the look in Dominic’s eyes. She never thought that he would be this deplorable.

Callum called his people over and carried out what they had planned. First, they threw Dominic into a hotel room before getting a woman to lie on top of him.

Next, they took out a camera and began snapping away.

Once everything was done, Callum and Elspeth rested for the night and waited until the next morning when Dominic woke up.

Just as they predicted, when Dominic woke up and saw the messy room, he panicked and hurriedly left.

The men stationed outside saw him exiting and began taking photos of him with his face in full display.

Dominic felt a sense of dread.

At the very next second, his phone started ringing. When he answered, he heard Elspeth’s clear voice coming through.

“Did you sleep well, Mr. Little?”

Dominic was startled for a moment before he snapped angrily, “What on earth are you trying to do? How dare you trick me? That does it. I don’t want that land anymore. Give it to whomever you want. I’m calling off all the deals between Winthrop Group and Alphascape!”


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