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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 48

Chapter 48 Tit for Tat

“But what?” Elspeth was intrigued.

Abbie looked around. Only after making sure that no one paid attention to them did she lean over and whisper, “But the TV host is Blake’s diehard fan. You previously shot that intimate commercial with him, so I bet she will attack you instead.”

When Elspeth heard this, she didn’t think it was something to be wary of. On the contrary, she looked forward to the afternoon interview. “Alright then. Let’s see how she will attack me later.”

Sure enough, a TV host came to the office to interview Elspeth at 3.00PM. She was wearing a tight-fitting professional suit that wrapped around her curvy and slender body snugly. It was an enticing sight.

The male employees in the company stared at her in awe, hoping that she was there to interview them instead.

The host sashayed, swaying her body as she went. The minute she saw Elspeth, she felt a strong sense of intimidation. She’s so gorgeous! Her face and facial features are so exquisite, and even her hair carries a touch of elegance. So, this is my rival in love…

“Hello, my name is Lenora Owen, and I’m the host of the local TV station.”

“Hello.” Elspeth nodded at her with a smile. “I’m Elspeth Lynwood.”

“Without further ado, I’ll start the interview right away.” Lenora glanced at the cameraman on the side and signaled him to turn on the camera.

“It comes to my attention that you don’t know the patient. May I know why you decided to save that lady at that time?”

“I was bored and just happened to witness her collapsing,” Elspeth answered without hesitation.

“Did you accept the lady’s thanks and money after that?”

“She did thank me, but I didn’t accept any money from her.”

“Don’t you want any monetary reward from her?”

Elspeth looked at her aggressive stance and knew that this was her so-called attack. So, she changed the subject and asked, “Will the government give a monetary reward for the citizen’s bravery?”

“Of course!” Lenora secretly mocked Elspeth for being petty while donning a professional smile on her face. “In fact, it’s quite a lot of money too!”

“If I ask other questions, you’ll be able to answer me, won’t you?”

“Certainly!” Lenora was highly confident.

“When exactly will the money be paid out?”

Lenora had never considered this question. A qualified host would not allow the interviewee to divert the topic of discussion to this area, but she had asked unprofessional questions in order to humiliate Elspeth. Much to her bewilderment, Elspeth picked on her weakness. What a smart b*tch.

Her expression changed slightly. “I’m not so sure about that.”

Elspeth feigned confusion and puzzlement. “What? Didn’t you say you could answer me on everything? So, why can’t you answer my question? Are you a newly appointed host?”

“I—” Lenora was rendered speechless, and her expression turned slightly gloomy.

“The government rewards 1,000 dollars per person for their bravery and righteousness, but I have enough money to go by, so I won’t do a good deed deliberately for 1,000 dollars. Also, Miss Owen, please rehearse before the next interview. Don’t embarrass yourself.”


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