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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 63

Chapter 63 Pay Up

Margot coughed lightly a few times. “What’s wrong with me?”

Holding her hand, Ophelia had a look of worry. “Mrs. Winthrop, you passed out. Thank God the nanny found you in time; otherwise, things might have gone south very quickly. Are you hungry, Mrs. Winthrop? I can buy some food for you if you want.”

She then looked at Elspeth, who was standing beside her. “Elspeth, could you come with me?”

Looking at Callum, Elspeth wanted to ditch this awkward atmosphere of the three being around each other, so she nodded. “Sure.”

Ophelia bought a lot of food, looking as if she cared a lot for Margot.

However, these foods could not be consumed by a patient that had just woken up.

Elspeth wondered what Ophelia’s plans were, so she did not say anything about it.

Reaching the entrance, Ophelia suddenly said that her stomach ached. Wanting to buy some medicine for it, she said that she would be right back.

“Elspeth, I’ll have to trouble you to give these to Mrs. Winthrop.” Ophelia smiled apologetically.

Finally, Elspeth knew what she was scheming. “Okay.”

She received the food and went straight into the ward.

After standing around outside for a while, Ophelia entered.

The moment she entered, she saw Ophelia helping Margot to eat with a packet of opened snacks on the table.

Callum was not there as he seemed to be out.

“Elspeth! What are you doing?” Ophelia stared at her, wide-eyed. “Do you not know that Mrs. Winthrop can’t consume these kinds of greasy and fried foods? Why did you still buy these for her?”

Yet, Elspeth only stated calmly, “It’s fine.”

Seeing how shocked Ophelia was behaving perplexed Margot. “What’s wrong, Ophelia? Is there something wrong with what I’m eating?”

“I’ll tell you the truth, so don’t get too angry, Mrs. Winthrop. I took a look at all the foods, but they are not suitable for a recovering patient, such as yourself, to eat. I’m only worried about your body… Elspeth, aren’t you being too careless?”

Ophelia had a face full of hurt, acting as if Elspeth had done something extremely wrong.

Smiling, Elspeth replied, “Don’t worry. I know what to feed Mrs. Winthrop.”

This made Ophelia step up with a slightly angry tone. “Elspeth, you obviously know about medical knowledge, so you wouldn’t have done this without intention. Why did you do this?”

Wow, Ophelia sure is determined to paint me in a bad light. Looking at her, Elspeth had a dark expression. “What if there’s nothing wrong with these foods?”

“Nothing wrong? Elspeth, I’ve looked at all the food. She really shouldn’t eat these!” Are you kidding me? I’ve checked all the food closely. She definitely can’t eat these at all.

“Ophelia, is there a misunderstanding…” After seeing how exaggerated Ophelia was acting, Margot tried to talk some sense into her.

“Mrs. Winthrop, stop eating. I’ll buy you something else.”

Ophelia then wanted to take the food in front of Margot away, yet upon closer inspection, she was frozen at the stop. What… What is this?

In front of her was a delicious-looking and nutritious meal. The sheer number of snacks earlier had blocked her from seeing this meal.

“When did you buy this…” Ophelia smiled awkwardly.

Elspeth gave Margot another bite before saying, “When you weren’t around. These snacks are for me. Do you have a problem with that?”

At that moment, Ophelia was completely stunned since she did not expect Elspeth to decipher her ploy and think of a solution so easily.


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