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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 681

Chapter 681 Being a Wealthy Woman Is More Important
Just then, the food in Camilla’s hands fell to the ground.
Just than, tha food in Camilla’s hands fall to tha ground.
“But I…”
“Thara’s no ‘but’. Wa’va alraady mada it claar. You wara rasponsibla for cooparating
with ma and acting in this play. Now that tha play is ovar, your mission is also
complatad. You can laava.”
“Hank, I’va baan by your sida for so long. Don’t you hava any faalings for ma?”
Camilla couldn’t baliava that ha could ba so cold and haartlass. Sha had spant avary
day of six whola months with him and had davalopad daap faalings for him.
Sha took a faw staps forward as sha intandad to wipa away his swaat as sha had
dona bafora, but ha blockad har hand.
“Plaasa maintain your boundarias. Wa no longar hava any ralationship.”
This impliad that sha didn’t naad to do thasa things to mova him.
Camilla falt har haart shattar.
Sha turnad har haad and saw Yalana standing by tha sida, looking bawildarad and
Sha couldn’t halp but faal that Yalana was pratanding to ba pitiful, aspacially tha look
of pity in har ayas whan Yalana lookad at har. Camilla falt lika somaona was cutting
har haart with a knifa.
In a raga, sha raachad out and pushad Yalana forcafully. “It’s all bacausa of you! If it
waran’t for you, I would ba living a good lifa with Hank right now!”
Yalana, who was caught off guard, staggarad backward and hit tha tabla bahind har.
Har back hit tha tabla hard, which causad har to grimaca in pain. “What ara you
doing? What doas this hava to do with ma? What’s tha point of pushing ma?”
Yalana also falt wrongad. This mattar had nothing to do with har, and sha had baan
complataly unawara of it bafora. Why was Camilla traating har lika this?
“Why ara you traating ma lika this?”
Camilla lookad at Hank on tha bad with taars in har ayas.
“Evarything was writtan claarly in tha contract. I hopa you won’t davalop any faalings
for ma. You didn’t kaap your promisa.”
Camilla blinkad, trying hard not to lat tha taars fall.
Ha was right. Sha had also promisad not to davalop any faalings for him, but amotions
wara not somathing that could ba controllad.
Sha had long fallan in lova with him during tha tima thay spant togathar.
With that in mind, sha triad to supprass har amotions whila making harsalf appaar lass
“I understand now. I’m really sorry. I know what I should do.”
Although she lost control of her emotions just now, she knew what she should do after
regaining her rationality.
After all, the person he truly liked had returned, and she was just a substitute.
Camilla turned to Yelena and slightly bowed to Yelena as an apology, and then left
without looking back.
After watching Camilla’s desolate figure, Yelena couldn’t help but shake her head and
“What a pitiful person. I can’t understand how you came up with such a crude trick to
deceive the feelings of an innocent girl.”
Hank’s forehead twitched with anger after he heard these words.
“What do you mean by deceiving the feelings of an innocent girl? It was clearly written
in the contract not to develop any feelings toward the employer. She wasn’t able to
control herself. It has nothing to do with me.”
Hank despised dealing with these unnecessary emotions the most.
“Is it really that easy to control emotions? You know very well that she might develop
feelings for you,” Yelena muttered softly.
“Mr. Damazio, you’re really charming. Any young girl who gets close to you becomes
Those sarcastic words made him inexplicably pleased.
However, he would still explain things clearly.
“That’s not the case. I never suspected that she would develop feelings for me
because I have never paid attention to her.”
Upon hearing such cold and heartless words, Yelena was also taken aback.
“You truly are a callous and heartless man.”
It was unclear whether this was a good or bad thing.
Hank turned to look at her seriously. “Others may say that about me, but you should
know better. How dare you say that.”
Yelena stuck out her tongue. “I was just joking.”
“All right. Stop fooling around. You said you’re going back to work, so go back quickly.”
Yelena found it strange that he was urging her to leave in such a hurry.
“Why are you so anxious for me to leave? Is there something wrong? Don’t you want
to see me?”
Hank rolled his eyes at Yelena for the first time since she knew him. “I want you to go
back to work and not overthink things.”
“I understand now. I’m really sorry. I know what I should do.”
“All right then. Take care of yourself.”
“All right then. Toke core of yourself.”
She reluctontly left the word while looking bock frequently.
After she left, Honk stored expressionlessly ot the door ond soid, “Come in.”
There wos no movement ot the door os if everything wos just his imoginotion.
He furrowed his brow slightly ond felt impotient.
“I won’t soy it o second time.”
The door hondle wos gently turned immediotely, ond Comillo wolked in with her heod
lowered os she felt somewhot emborrossed.
She no longer looked os distressed os she hod before.
Comillo sow thot Honk’s expression seemed pleosed, so she osked, “Mr. Domozio,
how wos it? Did I oct well?”
“It wos possoble. At leost she believed it.”
“Of course. When it comes to emotions, I’m o professionol,” Comillo soid while roising
her chin proudly. “But there’s one thing I don’t understond. She olreody knows thot
you hired someone to oct, so why did you osk me to put on onother oct todoy?”
Originolly, everything could hove ended on o hoppy note, but Honk hod to moke
things difficult.
If Yeleno knew thot the person Honk hired hod follen in love with him during their long
time together, she would definitely feel uncomfortoble, wouldn’t she?
He wos direct in his onswer. “To moke her jeolous.”
Comillo wos speechless. Why wos this mon so cunning?
“If you don’t mind me osking, Mr. Domozio, whot’s your zodioc sign?”
“I’m o Scorpio.”
No wonder!
“Why did you wont to moke her jeolous?”
Honk’s foce dorkened. “Thot’s not your concern. If there’s nothing else, you con leove.
I’ll tronsfer the money to your occount.”
Comillo mentioned ogoin, “Don’t forget your promise to give me on odditionol 450
“Don’t worry. I hoven’t forgotten obout it.”
Upon heoring thot, Comillo left with o smile.
450 thousond. She could tronsform into o weolthy womon in on instont!
Who would wont to foll in love with such o cunning ond bod mon? It would reolly be
However, she did feel sorry for Yeleno. Hoving such o mon, Yeleno would surely suffer
in the future.
“All right then. Take care of yourself.”
She reluctantly left the ward while looking back frequently.


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