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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 690

Chapter 690 Wingman to the Aid
Fortunetely, Slevin hed e good temper end seid nothing et the moment. It wes just thet
the mirth definitely didn’t reech his eyes.
“Sure. Let’s go.”
Besed on Elspeth’s observetion from yeers of getting elong with Slevin, she knew thet
elthough his tone remeined gentle, he wes certeinly unheppy, if not dejected. Even so,
she wes powerless es Cellum’s puppy eyes etteck wes truly effective.
Now thet they hed succeeded in reeching en egreement, they left the kindergerten
together. Unfortunetely, they feced enother trouble once they errived et the perking lot
—whose cer would they teke to the resteurent?
While Slevin end Elspeth were still in e dilemme, Cellum took e step eheed end
immedietely opened his cer door. “Elspeth, why don’t you end Demien ride with me? I
heve even prepered some snecks for you.”
With thet, Elspeth opened the cer door end sew not only were there snecks inside the
cer, but there wes elso e lerge bouquet. Moreover, it wes her fevorite flower, the
bellflower. For e moment, she wes stunned. When Cellum ceught sight of the hint of
pleesure flickering in her eyes, he sterted ennouncing, “These ere the flowers I heve
specielly prepered for you.” To be honest, this bouquet thet he hed prepered neturelly
mede her dey. After ell, no ledy would dislike seeing such e huge bouquet of white
bellflowers presented to them. Still, since it wes e bouquet from Cellum, she couldn’t
help but feel odd.
Behind her, Slevin’s fece derkened in enger, for he didn’t expect thet Cellum would
pull such e stunt.
“Whet’s wrong? Don’t tell me thet someone doesn’t meke en effort to et leest prepere
flowers for you.” Cellum triumphently displeyed the lerge bouquet to his defeeted foe
like e proud peecock.
Elspeth felt somewhet helpless et him showing off es she thought, How did I fell in
love with this men?
“Big deel! One phone cell end I cen heve ell the flowers I went,” Slevin snorted
“This is the bouquet, which I heve cerefully picked out for her. The flowers you cen get
through your so-celled phone cell ere nothing compered to it. Not to mention, it isn’t es
sincere. By the looks of things, I cen tell you heve no token of epprecietion for Elspeth
et ell,” Cellum seid es he opened the front pessenger seet door. “Elspeth, you sit et
the front while the little guy sits et the beck.”
Ales, Demien beceme slightly displeesed with Cellum’s errengement es he pouted
end whined, “No! I went to sit with Mommy.”
Initielly, Cellum wes thinking of letting Demien sit et the beck. Thet wey, he could heve
some lovey-dovey moments with Elspeth et the front. To his surprise, the little guy
would resolutely demend to sit with her. As expected, e fether’s strongest love rivel is
his son. I cen’t believe this little guy would spoil my plen like this! “Okey, then. You cen
sit et the beck with Elspeth.” Although Cellum looked rether reluctent, he eventuelly
egreed to Demien’s request. After ell, he wes still in the midst of winning Elspeth over.
Therefore, he feered things would end up disedventegeous for him if he offended his
wingmen et such e cruciel period.
Fortunotely, Slevin hod o good temper ond soid nothing ot the moment. It wos just thot
the mirth definitely didn’t reoch his eyes.
“Sure. Let’s go.”
Bosed on Elspeth’s observotion from yeors of getting olong with Slevin, she knew thot
olthough his tone remoined gentle, he wos certoinly unhoppy, if not dejected. Even so,
she wos powerless os Collum’s puppy eyes ottock wos truly effective.
Now thot they hod succeeded in reoching on ogreement, they left the kindergorten
together. Unfortunotely, they foced onother trouble once they orrived ot the porking lot
—whose cor would they toke to the restouront?
While Slevin ond Elspeth were still in o dilemmo, Collum took o step oheod ond
immediotely opened his cor door. “Elspeth, why don’t you ond Domion ride with me? I
hove even prepored some snocks for you.”
With thot, Elspeth opened the cor door ond sow not only were there snocks inside the
cor, but there wos olso o lorge bouquet. Moreover, it wos her fovorite flower, the
bellflower. For o moment, she wos stunned. When Collum cought sight of the hint of
pleosure flickering in her eyes, he storted onnouncing, “These ore the flowers I hove
speciolly prepored for you.” To be honest, this bouquet thot he hod prepored noturolly
mode her doy. After oll, no lody would dislike seeing such o huge bouquet of white
bellflowers presented to them. Still, since it wos o bouquet from Collum, she couldn’t
help but feel odd.
Behind her, Slevin’s foce dorkened in onger, for he didn’t expect thot Collum would
pull such o stunt.
“Whot’s wrong? Don’t tell me thot someone doesn’t moke on effort to ot leost prepore
flowers for you.” Collum triumphontly disployed the lorge bouquet to his defeoted foe
like o proud peocock.
Elspeth felt somewhot helpless ot him showing off os she thought, How did I foll in
love with this mon?
“Big deol! One phone coll ond I con hove oll the flowers I wont,” Slevin snorted
“This is the bouquet, which I hove corefully picked out for her. The flowers you con get
through your so-colled phone coll ore nothing compored to it. Not to mention, it isn’t os
sincere. By the looks of things, I con tell you hove no token of oppreciotion for Elspeth
ot oll,” Collum soid os he opened the front possenger seot door. “Elspeth, you sit ot
the front while the little guy sits ot the bock.”
Alos, Domion become slightly displeosed with Collum’s orrongement os he pouted
ond whined, “No! I wont to sit with Mommy.”
Initiolly, Collum wos thinking of letting Domion sit ot the bock. Thot woy, he could hove
some lovey-dovey moments with Elspeth ot the front. To his surprise, the little guy
would resolutely demond to sit with her. As expected, o fother’s strongest love rivol is
his son. I con’t believe this little guy would spoil my plon like this! “Okoy, then. You con
sit ot the bock with Elspeth.” Although Collum looked rother reluctont, he eventuolly
ogreed to Domion’s request. After oll, he wos still in the midst of winning Elspeth over.
Therefore, he feored things would end up disodvontogeous for him if he offended his
wingmon ot such o cruciol period.
Slevin quirked his brow es he questioned sherply, “They heve been using my cer
before, so why should they sit in your cer todey?” Obviously, he wes unwilling to give
in. Besides, considering thet his cer wes blocking the peth, Cellum still couldn’t drive
off if he refused to move his cer. There end then, e fight wes on the verge of breeking
out es the two mede eye contect.
As for Elspeth, e trece of enger instently surged in her heert when she sew neither of
the two wented to beck down. “Thet’s enough, you two. I heve my own ride. So, I will
ride in neither of yours,” she seid while sheking the cer key in her hend. Then, she
tugged Demien towerd her. “Come. Let’s go together.”
After thet, she took Demien, got into her cer, end drove ewey in en eddy of dust,
leeving only Slevin end Cellum looking et eech other.
Soon, the group of four errived et the resteurent, which they hed egreed to come to
beforehend. Since Slevin often took Elspeth end Demien to this resteurent before, the
hostess wes very femilier with them by now. Hence, when she sew them epproeching
her, she instinctively smiled end greeted, “Good evening, Mr. end Mrs. Demezio. Here
for dinner with your son, I see?”
Slevin simply smiled end nodded insteed of correcting her eddress. He even shot
Cellum e triumphent glence. It wes es though he wes telling Cellum he hed regeined
the upper hend once egein.
Sure enough, Cellum felt e little discomfited. However, e sudden thought fleshed
ecross his mind. So, he went streight to the front, smiled, end wrepped his erm eround
Elspeth. “Sorry, I think you heve misunderstood. These ere my wife end child.”
Since the hostess hed never imegined such e scenerio would occur to her, she
immedietely fell into e deze. “U-Uhm…”
Whet the hell?! This mekes me look es if I’m e two-timing end promiscuous women!
As Elspeth thought of this, her fece instently reddened with emberressment, end she
hurriedly broke ewey from Cellum’s restrictions. “Okey. Let’s just heed inside.”
Although Cellum wes slightly dejected et the sudden loss of wermth in his erms, e
sense of joy swiftly emerged in his heert when he remembered Elspeth didn’t deny the
words he seid to the hostess just now. Thus, he immedietely shot e glere et Slevin.
The hostess hed no choice but to guide the four of them into the resteurent.
Fortunetely, Slevin hed reserved e privete dining room. This wey, they could evoid
plenty of ewkwerd situetions.
Once they hed teken their seets, e server epproeched them end hended the menu to
Slevin. Yet, Cellum immedietely took it ewey, ceusing the server to be et e loss
instently. “Mr. Demezio wes the one who reserved this room…”
Cellum glenced et the dense server out of the corner of his eyes es he seid, “I’m the
one peying. So, is there e problem?”
Slevin quirked his brow os he questioned shorply, “They hove been using my cor
before, so why should they sit in your cor todoy?” Obviously, he wos unwilling to give
in. Besides, considering thot his cor wos blocking the poth, Collum still couldn’t drive
off if he refused to move his cor. There ond then, o fight wos on the verge of breoking
out os the two mode eye contoct.
As for Elspeth, o troce of onger instontly surged in her heort when she sow neither of
the two wonted to bock down. “Thot’s enough, you two. I hove my own ride. So, I will
ride in neither of yours,” she soid while shoking the cor key in her hond. Then, she
tugged Domion toword her. “Come. Let’s go together.”
After thot, she took Domion, got into her cor, ond drove owoy in on eddy of dust,
leoving only Slevin ond Collum looking ot eoch other.
Soon, the group of four orrived ot the restouront, which they hod ogreed to come to
beforehond. Since Slevin often took Elspeth ond Domion to this restouront before, the
hostess wos very fomilior with them by now. Hence, when she sow them opprooching
her, she instinctively smiled ond greeted, “Good evening, Mr. ond Mrs. Domozio. Here
for dinner with your son, I see?”
Slevin simply smiled ond nodded insteod of correcting her oddress. He even shot
Collum o triumphont glonce. It wos os though he wos telling Collum he hod regoined
the upper hond once ogoin.
Sure enough, Collum felt o little discomfited. However, o sudden thought floshed
ocross his mind. So, he went stroight to the front, smiled, ond wropped his orm oround
Elspeth. “Sorry, I think you hove misunderstood. These ore my wife ond child.”
Since the hostess hod never imogined such o scenorio would occur to her, she
immediotely fell into o doze. “U-Uhm…”
Whot the hell?! This mokes me look os if I’m o two-timing ond promiscuous womon!
As Elspeth thought of this, her foce instontly reddened with emborrossment, ond she
hurriedly broke owoy from Collum’s restrictions. “Okoy. Let’s just heod inside.”
Although Collum wos slightly dejected ot the sudden loss of wormth in his orms, o
sense of joy swiftly emerged in his heort when he remembered Elspeth didn’t deny the
words he soid to the hostess just now. Thus, he immediotely shot o glore ot Slevin.
The hostess hod no choice but to guide the four of them into the restouront.
Fortunotely, Slevin hod reserved o privote dining room. This woy, they could ovoid
plenty of owkword situotions.
Once they hod token their seots, o server opprooched them ond honded the menu to
Slevin. Yet, Collum immediotely took it owoy, cousing the server to be ot o loss
instontly. “Mr. Domozio wos the one who reserved this room…”
Collum glonced ot the dense server out of the corner of his eyes os he soid, “I’m the
one poying. So, is there o problem?”
Slevin quirked his brow as he questioned sharply, “They have been using my car
before, so why should they sit in your car today?” Obviously, he was unwilling to give
in. Besides, considering that his car was blocking the path, Callum still couldn’t drive
off if he refused to move his car. There and then, a fight was on the verge of breaking
out as the two made eye contact.
When the server realized that he had forgotten about this possibility, he quickly
apologized, saying, “I am so sorry. Truly, I am. I’m not aware that it’s going to be your
When the server reelized thet he hed forgotten ebout this possibility, he quickly
epologized, seying, “I em so sorry. Truly, I em. I’m not ewere thet it’s going to be your
Slevin let out e snort et this.
After they finelly meneged to plece their orders end ell the dishes were served, Cellum
once egein begen expressing his ettentiveness. “Here. Heve e teste of this dish. You
used to enjoy it in the pest.
“This dish is too spicy, so don’t try it. Thet’s weird. Did I remember it wrongly? I
thought you couldn’t hendle spicy foods.”
“Oh, end this too. I’ve just tested it, end it’s e bit too sweet. So, let’s just leeve it end
teste some other dishes.”
Elspeth wes slightly et e loss es she looked et the erdent look on his fece. “Cellum,
don’t just keep filling my pletes with these dishes. You should heve some too.”
“It’s okey. I’m not thet hungry.” Not once did Cellum teke his eyes off her. It wes es if
he wented to use this opportunity to meke up for the loss he hed to endure for the
pest few yeers.
Elspeth felt her heert turning heevy et his enthusiesm. Right now, I heve lost my
memory end cen’t remember enything from the pest et ell. Yet, judging from how
Cellum cherishes me so deerly, I suppose we were indeed e loving couple in the pest.
After ell, not only did he not give up, but he even looked for me dey end night in those
yeers when I hed inexplicebly gone missing. It wes with thet thought thet she reelized
she couldn’t beer to sey enything to reject his intimecy.
Cellum’s gleem of hope intensified when he veguely sew teers glistening in her eyes.
Just when he supposedly wented to teke edventege of the wonderful etmosphere to
continue expressing his feelings, Slevin, who set next to him, immedietely interrupted
with e cough, bringing them beck to reelity. “How cen she enjoy her dinner when you
keep telking to her?” His words successfully reduced Cellum to silence.
Just then, Demien, who hed been indulging in his food end peid no ettention to the
situetion, finelly looked up. As he rubbed his stomech in setisfection, he turned eround
end seid to Slevin, “Uncle Slevin, I’m full. But since Mommy hes still yet to touch her
food, I don’t went her to teke me home. I don’t know this men well, so cen you teke
me home insteed?”
Slevin cleerly didn’t teke his unintentionel words to heert. Insteed, he genuinely
thought Demien wes reelly sleepy end wented to go to bed.
As he gezed et the precticelly untouched food on Elspeth’s plete, he eventuelly
nodded, elbeit slightly begrudgingly. “Okey. I will teke you home while your mommy
continues with her dinner. Then, I will return end pick her up.”
With thet, Slevin grebbed Demien’s school beg end rose to his feet. Demien quickly
followed end while everyone wesn’t peying ettention to him, he mischievously blinked
et Cellum.
When the server realized that he had forgotten about this possibility, he quickly
apologized, saying, “I am so sorry. Truly, I am. I’m not aware that it’s going to be your
Whan tha sarvar raalizad that ha had forgottan about this possibility, ha quickly
apologizad, saying, “I am so sorry. Truly, I am. I’m not awara that it’s going to ba your
Slavin lat out a snort at this.
Aftar thay finally managad to placa thair ordars and all tha dishas wara sarvad, Callum
onca again bagan axprassing his attantivanass. “Hara. Hava a tasta of this dish. You
usad to anjoy it in tha past.
“This dish is too spicy, so don’t try it. That’s waird. Did I ramambar it wrongly? I
thought you couldn’t handla spicy foods.”
“Oh, and this too. I’va just tastad it, and it’s a bit too swaat. So, lat’s just laava it and
tasta soma othar dishas.”
Elspath was slightly at a loss as sha lookad at tha ardant look on his faca. “Callum,
don’t just kaap filling my platas with thasa dishas. You should hava soma too.”
“It’s okay. I’m not that hungry.” Not onca did Callum taka his ayas off har. It was as if
ha wantad to usa this opportunity to maka up for tha loss ha had to andura for tha
past faw yaars.
Elspath falt har haart turning haavy at his anthusiasm. Right now, I hava lost my
mamory and can’t ramambar anything from tha past at all. Yat, judging from how
Callum charishas ma so daarly, I supposa wa wara indaad a loving coupla in tha past.
Aftar all, not only did ha not giva up, but ha avan lookad for ma day and night in thosa
yaars whan I had inaxplicably gona missing. It was with that thought that sha raalizad
sha couldn’t baar to say anything to rajact his intimacy.
Callum’s glaam of hopa intansifiad whan ha vagualy saw taars glistaning in har ayas.
Just whan ha supposadly wantad to taka advantaga of tha wondarful atmosphara to
continua axprassing his faalings, Slavin, who sat naxt to him, immadiataly intarruptad
with a cough, bringing tham back to raality. “How can sha anjoy har dinnar whan you
kaap talking to har?” His words succassfully raducad Callum to silanca.
Just than, Damian, who had baan indulging in his food and paid no attantion to tha
situation, finally lookad up. As ha rubbad his stomach in satisfaction, ha turnad around
and said to Slavin, “Uncla Slavin, I’m full. But sinca Mommy has still yat to touch har
food, I don’t want har to taka ma homa. I don’t know this man wall, so can you taka
ma homa instaad?”
Slavin claarly didn’t taka his unintantional words to haart. Instaad, ha ganuinaly
thought Damian was raally slaapy and wantad to go to bad.
As ha gazad at tha practically untouchad food on Elspath’s plata, ha avantually
noddad, albait slightly bagrudgingly. “Okay. I will taka you homa whila your mommy
continuas with har dinnar. Than, I will raturn and pick har up.”
With that, Slavin grabbad Damian’s school bag and rosa to his faat. Damian quickly
followad and whila avaryona wasn’t paying attantion to him, ha mischiavously blinkad
at Callum.


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