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His Dark Obsession novel Chapter 13


A squeak left my mouth, and I wondered if perhaps I was a mouse shifter.

The prince turned, and I clamped my eyes shut, not wanting to see anything else that might be unforgettable. I shivered when I heard him approach and cracked open one eye, turning my head away as I hurried to the table in his room, and placed the tray down.

Run Evangeline!

Why was he naked anyway?!

"Yo-your b-breakfast – eek!" I squeaked when his hand wrapped around my upper arm and yanked me away from the table. I winced at the pain that shot through me, I wasn’t completely better yet. I clamped my eyes shut, staying rigid as he held me, very aware of the heat from his body.

"You’re a strange one." He muttered so quietly that I wasn’t sure I heard him correctly. "Open your eyes." He growled, the command in his voice forcing me to oblige.

The fear returned along with that powerful aura, memories of my nightmares returning with vengeance, and I found myself unable to move as I stared into those eyes that were such a beautiful shade.

Would my death come soon?

"I-I’m sorry, please forgive me." I whispered terrified as I lowered my head to him, only for my eyes to fall on his manhood…

My eyes widened in surprise and horror, and now I realised why no woman lived. If I had thought the men I had accidentally seen were fairly well endowed, then the Alpha was on an entirely new level.

I could feel my cheeks burning with embarrassment, realising he wasn’t even turned on. I felt an odd, funny feeling inside and bit my lip.

Hearing him scoff I looked up suddenly, and straight into those cold eyes that made all embarrassment fade and be replaced with fear once again. "Don’t forget whose presence you’re in Little Mouse." His cold, menacing warning came, before he leaned closer, inhaling my scent from my neck.

Did I stink? What was he sniffing? Was it the fear?

"Yes, my prince." I replied, trying to calm my beating heart, biting into my lip to stop myself from whimpering in fear. The taste of blood in my mouth told me I had bit down too hard.

Goddess, please leave me alone…

He let go of me suddenly as if I were poison, and I almost stumbled when he shoved me away, luckily missing the table before I fell on top of his breakfast. "Get out!" He snarled.

"Y-yes," I whispered, backing away from him, my heart thundering when I saw his claws elongate.

Terror wrapped around me as I hurried to the door, I didn’t know where to go, but anywhere away from him would work.

"Go to the head Omega and ask her for clothes." He hissed, and when his gaze fell on me, I saw his eyes were blazing red.

"Yes, Alpha Prince." I whispered, turning and running from the bedroom. I stumbled over the hem of my sweatpants and rushed to the door that led to the hall, relieved to be away from him.

I flinched when I heard something break, followed by more things crashing to the ground. What had triggered him?

The visions from my nightmare were still hanging at the forefront of my mind, and I slowly made my way towards the kitchen, surely someone there would tell me where to find the head Omega.

Right now, thinking about school and wishing for that old life back felt like a dream. I should have been grateful for what I had, instead of wishing the days away… Now, look where I am.

Spotting two omega women walking by, I hurried over and asked for directions, luckily they told me and I wasn’t too far. I felt lost in this castle, but anywhere was better than in the prince’s quarters.

I couldn’t help but think about how his sudden change in behaviour was odd… Was he going feral? Was that how he killed the women, or was it really because of his monster cock?

13. The Head Omega 1


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