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His Dark Obsession novel Chapter 6


“Evangeline!” Grandmother Philomena hisses, as she stomps my foot, yanking me from my thoughts.

I blink, and stare at her for a second, before I look around the room fearfully, and at the broad back of Zedkiel Vilkas.

No one talks to him, each one lowers their heads to him as he passes by, he doesn't even bother paying respect to his father. He takes a glass of alcohol from a tray as he passes, downing it in one gulp.

“Did you forget your manners, child!” Grandmother mutters, her grip on my arm painfully tight, bringing tears to my eyes as she digs her nails in.

“Y-you’re… it hurts.” I whimper. Her hard gaze is filled with obvious irritation before she lets go. I resist the urge to rub my arm. “I’m sorry. I just…” I give up trying to explain through the stutter I seemed to develop.

I can't express how, or what he makes me feel, it would be an insult to the royal family and everyone nearby would hear it if I told her here.

“No excuses. Are you trying to embarrass us?” She mutters, casting a glance around.

“I'm sorry.” I lower my head to her, but despite my apology, my mind is churning with thoughts.

The man from my nightmares is surely him. Was it the future? A premonition of some sort?

Our clothing in the dreams was strange, I was wearing a heavy ball dress, much like those of the past, and he was wearing a tunic and leather pants… The only difference was that the Prince has short hair, and the man in my nightmares has longer hair.

A cold shiver runs down my spine, and I shudder as I find myself looking at the man who is standing against one of the far walls. No one approaches him, and the tension surrounding him seems to ripple violently around the room.

Some instinct tells me to hide away from his gaze, maybe if I lay low we may never have to see one another again!


Dinner was soon served, a lavish eight-course meal, but I have no appetite. I am seated at a table in the smaller dining room where the staff of the ranked werewolves are seated.

However, I am at a higher table, on a slight dais with five other omegas. They are important, I can see that as all are dressed in extremely fine dresses. I am too preoccupied to wonder who they are though. The sooner this evening ends the better.

“So, who do you belong to? I’m Lucia, by the way.” One of them asks, looking me over.

I turn to her, snapping from my train of thought.

“Evangeline… Umm, belong to?” I ask.

A few exchange looks, and the one who spoke raises an eyebrow.

“Yes, you must belong to one of the princes if you’re at this ball or sitting at our table.” Lucia replies.

Confusion flits through me. “I came with lady Philomena Welhaven.”

“Ah, a gift, then.” Another woman states, exchanging looks with Lucia.

“A g-gift?” I ask, my stomach flipping sickeningly as realisation strikes. Grandmother Philomena wants me gone… Will she give me to the royal family? But I have no wolf, I can be killed!

These women are the omegas of the royals, and it is obvious they are held in high regard, I know most of the princes will have more than one… but it seems clear only some are favoured.

Reaching for my fork, I push the thoughts aside as best I can. However, I can barely hold it properly, the cool metal tapping the plate.

Maybe they are mistaken, I tell myself. Grandmother Philomena brought me here as her assistant. Yet she didn't treat me as one, instead referring to me as a guest.

I am trying to calm myself when the most terrifying, deafening growl I have ever heard makes the chandeliers shake. I jump at the sound, my knee hitting the tabletop beneath the fancy tablecloth.

Silence falls instantly, and a wave of fear spreads through the room. Fear so strong I can feel it, like this entity eating me up and feeding on the fear that is oozing from us all, the energy only growing more potent.



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