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His Doll novel Chapter 37

Devika's p.o.v

"Ma, what are you saying? We all are your and our father's children, "I told ma who is looking very angry and aggressive.

If the staff didn't hold her then I am sure she might have killed me by choking my neck.

The staff said holding ma tightly, "She is talking like that every day. Sometimes she yelled, sometimes she cried, sometimes she laughed. Your mother is really a crazy woman!

Hearing the staff, Now I came back into the reality that ma has really gone mad. That's why she is talking rubbish. Ruhi and Neel both are now terrified of seeing ma's behaviour.

I am looking at ma with a pity expression when she said wriggling on that staff's hold, " I was just a teenage girl when your 35-year-old ugly father married me. He couldn't resist his urge to have a young girl as his wife. Bloody paedophilic bastard!!!"

"Ma, you are not in your sense. I hope you will get well soon very fast. Please, ma doesn't lose hope. We are praying for your well-being every day," I said to ma crying.

I know she is not in her senses that's why she is bubbling like that. Hearing me, ma is now angrier.

She said gritting her teeth, " I don't need your prayers. I don't even want to see your face. You are the result of your father's paedophilic thirst for my body."

Her every word is hurting me but I can't blame her. She is mentally unstable. But, this thing is making my heart bleed that she is cursing my papa. My papa was elder than her but he never hurt her or abuse her. He loved ma a lot. Even ma also loved him. I am not understanding why she is talking like that. She is talking like another person. Like she is possessed!

I should leave the place hurriedly, I don't know next time what rubbish word she will say about my papa. I told Ruhi & Neel to get back in the car. Both are already horrified seeing ma's unusual behaviour. They obliged me immediately.

When they were leaving, ma said crying, " My children, don't leave me. Come back to me!!"

They didn't listen to her and left the area. This time ma snapped at me, " You bitch!! You send away my kids from me. I will kill you".

Saying that she tried to free herself from the staff's hand. Seeing her condition another staff came with a chain and bind her tightly. Her condition is making me shocked. The words she is telling me, I am feeling like another person is telling me all this, my loving and caring ma can never talk like that.

I tried to say something when she started saying with too much hurt in her voice, " My conservative father married me off with another man just because I loved Vivek. He didn't accept Vivek because he was an orphan. I tried to escape with Vivek but my father caught me and broke my leg for escaping. Then he forcefully married me off with an elderly man".

Her voice is too much heavy like anytime she will cry loudly. I walk towards her and cupped her face in my palm. Now, She is really crying. I don't know whatever she is saying is true or not but she is still my mother. She raised me with her love and care.

I said softly caressing her cheeks," I know ma, you are not in your senses that's why you are talking like that. Don't worry. Your Devika will arrange......"

I couldn't complete my sentence when she bit on my palm drawing blood.

With a loud scream, I freed myself from her and flinched backwards. Now, I am sure that she is really possessed by any demon. I couldn't believe my eyes. That ma who raised me with her love and care she is now hating me. Is this even possible!!

Her lips are now covered with my blood. Her eyes are looking red and her nose is flaring like she is any kind of bull.

She said angrily, " I have spent many years with your ugly father. That bastard tried to impregnate me many times but I had killed his every child in my womb".

Her every talking is making me numb. I am not understanding what should I say. Is she saying the truth or just mumbling in madness.

I am still looking at her dumbfounded when she said fisting her hand," Somehow, you managed to survive. Your old father forced me to give birth. I tried to kill you many times but every time you were saved by your father".

This time hearing her I am feeling like someone has snatched the land under my feet!! How can she say like that!!

I said crying, " Ma, don't say like that. You are my mother. You are just talking rubbish because of your mental condition".

She isn't hearing any of my talking like she is lost in her own world. She said looking to the ceiling, " You are alive because of Vivek and your pretty face. Vivek told me to not kill you because we can use your pretty face in earning money."

"What!! Ma, come to your senses. What are you saying!! I yelled loudly!! Her every word is piercing through my heart. She tried to kill me!! Is she even real!! I again said crying, " Ma, please don't say like that. You always protected me. How can you say that you tried to harm me!!"

She isn't listening to any of my words, she is still saying like a possessed person, " But, you didn't come to any of my use. I thought that I will hang you up with that Agnihotri and will free myself from you. But that bastard didn't give me that chance. He snatched my company which Vivek gifted me on our first marriage anniversary".

Her every word is feeling like a bomb for me which are blasting in my head and making me more shocked!! I always thought that the real owner of our company is my ma. Is she even real! Is she saying all the truth!! Hey lord!! Please give me some strength to understand all this.

Then, She said laughing, " that company was Anamika's father's Umang Ag.........heck!! I have even forgotten his full name. That old hag didn't understand Vivek's tricks!! Vivek tricked him and gained ownership from that old hag. My love was really an intelligent person. I am proud of him".

Saying that she started smiling like a new bride. My mother has gone really mad!!

I couldn't hear anymore and fell on the floor because of shock. I am not understanding what should I believe. The words which she is talking about right now or that reality which I had seen always. And Anamika! Isn't Abhinav's mother's name Anamika! And umang is Anamika's father! Abhinav always said that the company isn't my mother's. So, was he telling all the truth!! Is the company being the only reason behind Abhinav's hate!!

I am in too much shock that I am not even hearing the hospital staff's yelling. They are telling me to leave but I am still sitting here on the floor.

I am trying to come out of the shock when ma started laughing more loudly and said, " I had punished all of them who did injustice with me. I had killed my father by removing the oxygen mask from his face. I enjoyed it when he suffered from breathing. I punished him for taking me away from my love, my Vivek!!!"

Hearing her, I looked at her in disbelief and found satisfaction on her face.

"Ma!! I yelled loudly.

I couldn't believe my ears what I am hearing. My ma can't be a murderer. She is just saying all this because of her illness. No, this can't be true. She is possessed. My mother can't be a murderer. No!!!

I am mumbling all those when ma started crying and laughing at a time. She is now looking like a complete psychotic mad person!!

The asylum staff couldn't handle her anymore and started dragging her towards her cabin when she said yelling at me, "I will kill you. I will kill everyone. I will kill your bastard husband who snatched everything from me. I will kill that Abhinav Agnihotri. He is Anamika's son or not I don't know. But I will kill him. He is now my only enemy. I will kill him. I will kill everyone. I will kill...kill....kill...."

She couldn't complete her sentence when she fainted. The asylum staff took her to her room for treatment. I requested the authority to take care of her.

Why she took Abhinav's mother's name. Does she know her? What's all this!! I can't take it anymore. I will go mad just like ma after all this shock!!

I came out of the asylum and get into the car. My mind is now blank and I am feeling numb. I am not understanding what should I say.!! Whatever ma has told, are they true? Or, it's all about her illness.!! The reality which I had seen my whole life are false!! Is really Ruhi and Neel Vivek uncle's children. How it can possible!! My papa was alive when Ruhi and Neel were born. And why was she telling me that I am unwanted? I still remember that day when she almost ran over by a truck in the process of saving me!

That mother who always protected me from every evil is now saying that she wanted to kill me!! Can you believe that!! She killed my grandfather! Is she for real!! No, my ma can't do all this. She is ill and that's why she talked like rubbish. No!! My ma isn't a monster!! It's all her illness!

I am thinking all this when Neel asked me, " Di, what's ma talking about Vivek uncle? Isn't our father's name Kamlesh Gupta?"

I am already devasted and shocked after ma's every talking. I don't want to have any conversations about this matter.

I said with a blank tone, " Yes, we all are Kamlesh Gupta's children. You don't have to worry about all this".

He looked at me for some time like he is studying my face. His scrutinizing eyes are making me more uncomfortable.

He understood that I am not in any state to talk. So, he stopped talking. I am recalling ma's every word and becoming shocked and delusional. What should I actually believe?

I am thinking about all this and becoming mad. I am putting pressure on my mind and trying to digest every word which my ma told.

After a few moments, I felt two heads on my shoulder. It's Ruhi and Neel. Both have slept on my shoulder. My brother and sister are suffering because of my husband. I have to do something to free them from the beast! My poor siblings!!

By the way, Are they really Vivek uncle's children!! I still remember they were 3/4 months when papa died and they were 4/5 year old when Vivek uncle died.

Whatever!! they are my siblings. that's the truth I knew always. I will always protect my siblings. It doesn't matter who is their father. I am their elder sister and I will do anything for their sake.

Abhinav's p.o.v


( "Ma, why are you so happy? And why are you decorating the whole house and cooking delicious foods? I asked ma who is cooking Mutton biryani ( one kind of rice dish with mutton)in the kitchen.

Ma said smilingly, " Because today guests are coming. They are very important persons for me".

Saying that she fixed the biryani pot on the stove. I am holding her saree's edge and my saliva is oozing out from my mouth sensing the biryani smell.

I am wondering who are those important persons. We don't usually have guests. Then who are they? Who are those guests?

I am thinking all this looking at the biryani pot when I felt Avantika and Arnav are pulling my pant. Arnav is now 6 years old, I am 10years old, Avantika is 3 years old and Arushi is just a toddler.

My siblings are telling me to play with them. I couldn't refuse them seeing their innocent face. I took them with me to the courtyard to play.

We are playing in the courtyard of our house when a man and a woman came in front of our main gate. I looked at them curiously and understood that the man is looking quite older than the woman.

I also noticed that the man is holding a baby girl in his arms who might have the same age as Arushi. The baby is too much cute. She is looking at everything curiously with her doe-like eyes. She is thrashing her baby hands everywhere and giggling like she is very happy to be here. The baby is too much adorable. I am feeling like to snatch the baby from that man's hold and kiss her chubby cheeks.


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