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His Doll novel Chapter 59

Author's p.o.v

Hearing Devika's yelling sound Abhinav and his siblings came into the living room. Before Abhinav could react or say something Devika marched at him with full rage and slapped him for 3/4 times.

Abhinav isn't shocked like he was expecting that. He didn't say anything to Devika. He took Devika's every slapping silently.

Arnav is going to stop Devika when Abhinav shouted," Everyone return to your room right now".

" But, bhai...." Arnav tried to say something when Abhinav gave him a don't you dare look.

Seeing Abhinav, his siblings became scared and left the place immediately.

This time Devika held Abhinav's collar and asked angrily," Was it necessary to kill my mother brutally? She was sentenced to life imprisonment for her crimes. Still, you killed her brutally. You monster!!"

Abhinav held Devika's shoulder and said with an expressionless face," She deserves this type of death".

Abhinav closed his eyes when Devika's spits make contact with his cheek. Yes, Devika has spit on Abhinav's face.

Abhinav is still silent. He wiped her spit using his hand.

" No human deserves this type of death. Are you even human? You monster. You didn't even consider her age before torturing her. She was the same age as Ruhani ma," Devika yelled crying.

Her mother's horrific dead body is coming into her mind and she is feeling disturbed.

Abhinav held Devika's shoulder tightly and barked on her face," Come into your senses. Did you just forget your mother's crimes? How can you forget that she tried to kill our one week small children! She also killed your father."

Devika replied crying," I didn't forget anything. Still, she is my mother. Why did you disgrace her body? Was it necessary to disgrace her body like that? How can you be so cruel! How can you hang her naked in front of the whole public!"

Saying that she started punching on Abhinav's chest. Her small fist is feeling feather-like touches on his hard chest.  He isn't feeling any pain.

This time Abhinav couldn't hold back his frustration and anger anymore. He barked on Devika's face angrily," Do you want to know why I disgraced her body? Do you?"

Devika flinched a little hearing his roaring sound. She is crying but this time her eyes are holding fear. She isn't saying anything. She is just seeing Abhinav with a shocked, hurtful and scared expression.

" I have just disgraced your mother's dead body but your mother had disgraced not only my mother's body when she was alive but also disgraced her soul," Abhinav said with the most painful voice. His eyes got watered remembering some bad memories.

" What do you mean?" Devika asked widening her eyes. Devika is feeling restless thinking which another injustice her mother has done with Abhinav's mother.

Abhinav closed his eyes for a few seconds and then opened them. His eyes are holding too much pain.

Taking a deep breath he started saying," When my bastard father left my mother for your whore mother, my mother was devastated. My bastard father even snatched the house from us and we came into the street. My mother was jobless at that time. After roaming on the street for a few days, my mother found a house in your mother's locality on low rent. She didn't want to live in your mother's locality but she had to. It's better to live inside a house rather than roaming on the street with 4 children. She sold her some jewellery and took the house. My mother started searching for a job but found no job at that time. We were in a financial crisis. Finally, my mother started working in people's houses as maids. But, her income wasn't enough to bear 4 children's expenses. Without finding no way my mother started working as a bar dancer secretly."

Saying all these Abhinav gulped down his saliva and took a deep breath. He is still crying. His lips are trembling like he is feeling difficulty to say all this.

Devika is still looking at him with questioning eyes.

Abhinav licked his dry lips and again said," our life was going a little bit good but your mother's evil eyes were still on us. She spread the rumours in the whole locality that my mother is a prostitute! Every day she is sleeping with different men for money. The people in the locality accused my mother of being a prostitute and wanted her to leave the locality."

Abhinav took those words and his heart is becoming heavy. His voice is heavy like anytime he will burst into tears.

He controlled his emotions and said with a heavy voice," One day my mother was returning from her work when your mother and some woman of the locality attacked my mother. They called my mother whore and various types of dirty names. They threatened my mother to leave the locality but my mother refused. They said that they won't allow a prostitute to live in this locality. Then, they unleashed their inner beasts on my mother. They called my mother whore and tore down her every piece of clothing. They also beat my mother and then shaved her head. The whole time I was crying to leave my mother but they didn't. They put black ink on my mother's face and made her walk naked on the whole locality having a garland made of shoes on her neck. In those women, your mother was the main culprit who encouraged others to torture my mother. Your mother was the one who shaved my mother's head and snatched her saree from her. Your mother did all this because of jealousy."

Saying all this Abhinav burst into tears and fell on his knees. He is now crying like a small kid.

He said hiccuping," That..day...was...another...black ...day....of....my.....life.....I saw my mother.....walking....in....the....street.....naked....in..front.....of the....whole locality........When I tried to.....stop...them.....they....also....made....me...naked. ...and made.... me.... walk.....on... the... street....with my mother".

Abhinav burst into more tears and now crying like there is no tomorrow. These memories are really too much for him. He is now rubbing his whole face and pulling his hairs.

He said with a broken voice," I couldn't save my mother from all those witches. My mother was disgraced in front of the whole society and your mother was having fun seeing my mother's misery. After torturing her like that they all kicked us out from the locality and we have to shift to a slum. Even after so much insult, my mother didn't commit suicide thinking about us. But, your whore mother killed my mother mercilessly."

After hearing Abhinav's whole perspective Devika became stunned. She isn't understanding for whom she should feel sorry. Her heart is crying thinking about Abhinav's mother's situation. She can't even imagine what that woman felt when she was walking naked on the street. Her heart is also crying for that little Abhinav who had seen her mother walking naked on the street.

Devika also fell on her knees and her crying isn't stopping. She couldn't believe that her mother stepped so low that she did all these heinous acts to Abhinav's mother. Her inside is now filling with pure disgust for her mother. She looked at Abhinav and found him crying his eyes out.

Abhinav said punching on his chest," Everybody did injustice with my mother. My mother was tortured by her husband, my mother was disgraced in front of the whole society, my mother was gang-raped by some police officers, my mother had to become a bar dancer for our sake. Last but not least my mother was murdered..."

Saying all this, Abhinav laid down on the floor and curled himself into a ball. He is feeling hurt, frustrated and vulnerable.

He said hugging his knees," My mother and I suffered too much because of your mother and my bastard father. They never showed any mercy to my family".

Tears are flowing from his eyes like Nigra falls. Seeing his miserable condition Devika is feeling too bad. She walked towards Abhinav and tried to touch him. She will just touch him when she remembered those tortures which Abhinav gave her.

Her subconscious said," Whatever his mother faced, it was not your fault. His mother's misery can't justify his cruel act towards you".

Devika stopped on her track and wiped her tears. She is now understanding why Abhinav killed her mother brutally. One part of her isn't believing Abhinav's words but looking at Abhinav's condition anyone can understand that his tears are genuine and he has really faced those horrendous acts of Devika's mother.

Devika isn't finding any words to console him. So, she just turned her back towards the main door and left Abhinav's house.

Abhinav is still crying on the floor. He said with too much hurt," Hey God!! Why are you taking my test all the time.? When this society tortured my mother you didn't give me the strength to save her. And, now, you are again taking my test by not letting me meet my children."

After Three Days

Devika's p.o.v

I and my siblings have just returned to our house after our mother's funeral. As a daughter, I did all the rituals. I did all this because of my responsibility as a daughter. I requested Apeksha Di to not involve the police more. That's why I was able to do the funeral so early.

After meeting Abhinav and hearing his mother's misery I become depressed.

Every time I am feeling bad for his mother and that teenage Abhinav who suffered a lot. His mother had faced the worst side of this society.

And my mother!! Even after being a woman how can, she did all this to another woman! I just can't accept this thing!! How can someone be so jealous!! Was Vivek uncle that great that my mother was mad for him so much!!! I can not think about all this anymore. I need some rest.

After freshening up I laid down on the bed. My children also laid beside me. I am lying in the middle and they are holding me tightly.

Devansh asked me burying his head in my chest," Mamma, are you upset? Why are you not playing with us?"

"I am fine mera baccha(my dear). Just sleep with mamma, ok," I said stroking his baby hairs.

I am talking with my kids when I heard that the doorbell rang. I wanted to call Ruhi to open the door but stopped thinking about her mental condition. Whatever happened to our life is just too much for my siblings.

I sighed and walked towards the door to open it. My kids also followed me. They are always with me like my shadow.

I looked through the looking glass to see the person but found no one. I also asked who is there but no one responded. Again the doorbell rang and I opened it with a pissed off mood.


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