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His Doll novel Chapter 60

Abhinav's p.o.v

I am still hugging my kids when Devika entered the garden with full rage.

She snatched the toys from my kids hand and said angrily," How dare you touch my children with your filthy hands?"

My children become startled hearing her. They all ran towards their mother and hugged her waist tightly.

They said with their baby voice," Mamma, Papa gave us so many chocolates and toys. He is not bad."

Hearing my kids I am really happy that my kids are not thinking of me as a bad person.

" Didn't I tell you that if you see this man again then don't talk with him and don't take anything from him?" Devika scolded them and they started crying.

I touched my small kids head when she again snatched them from me.

I said to her softly," Devika, don't scold them. They are just 2-year-old kids. I am the one who gave them all this. They are innocent."

" Just shut up, you psycho," she snapped at me and I sighed. I never thought that once the soft-spoken Devika will talk like that. She is always talking with me rudely.

Devika called Ruhi and ordered her to take the kids inside the house and Ruhi obliged her silently giving me a boring look.

No sooner had Ruhi taken the kids, a hard slap landed on my cheek. I just touched the area where Devika slapped me. After coming out from jail I have earned uncountable slaps from her. I deserve her slap because I used to slap her mercilessly for any kind of small mistake of her.

" How can someone be so shameless! Don't you have any self-respect? Even after so much insult, how can you come to my house again and again!" She said giving a disgusted look at me.

I don't care about her insults. I deserve all this. I have also insulted her many times. It's karma that I am facing now.

I said looking at my feet," I wanted to meet my kids and give them some gifts. It's the first time they have called me papa and hugged me."

Remembering my kids faces my heart is feeling too much joy. I am feeling like to again hug them.

I kneeled in front of her and said with too much regret," Devika, try to understand. I am sorry for my wrongdoing towards you. Please, forgive me. You have already punished me. I have spent my two years in jail without my kids and you. Please, give me a last chance."

Seeing me she didn't answer. She walked back to her house and came back with the chocolates, toys and gifts which I gave to my kids.

Some toys were on the ground and some were in her hands. She threw the toys on the ground and then said angrily," If you ever give anything to my children with your filthy hands then I will not spare you."

I tried to say something when she lit a match stick and burned the gifts which I brought for my children.

" How can you be so cruel! I have bought these gifts with too much affection and love!" I yelled loudly and I felt wetness on my cheeks.

She said with too much hate," My children don't need your filthy gifts. I am giving them everything. Now, get lost from here before I lose my sanity."

This time I couldn't control my anger anymore. I said to her with a hurtful yet angry voice," just stop calling them only your children. They are my children also.  I am their father. My blood is flowing through their veins."

" You may have fathered them but I have held them in my womb. They are mine only. They don't need an insane psycho father like you," She snapped at me.

This time I couldn't hold back my emotions anymore. I held her shoulder tightly and said shaking her," How can you be so cruel, Devika? My whole life I have suffered. I have seen the worst side of this world. How more I have to suffer!! I have suffered without any reason. Just give me a chance to love you. I love you Devika."

" And I have seen the worst side of you. I always wanted love from you and happy married life. But, you didn't give me that. I have also suffered just because of you. You have hurt me without any reason. You are a monster," She said crying.

I tried to wipe her tears when she flinched backwards. She wiped her tears and looked at me with anger filled red eyes.

Next moment she grabbed my collar and dragged me towards the main gate. Then, she again threw me out of her house and I landed on the ground.

She said with too much hate," Never step in my house again otherwise I don't know what will I do to you."

Saying that she left me and entered her house. My bodyguards came running and asked with their concerned voice," Are you ok, sir?"

I just nodded my head in positive and said," I am fine."

Saying that I got into my car and left Devika's house.

I came back to my house and returned to my room. My room is empty without Devika. I am missing her.

I opened our closet and there are still some of her saree and dress. Every night I sleep hugging her clothes.

I am now standing in front of the mirror and some of her bangles, earrings, necklaces are still here. She hates me so much that she has left her mangal sutra ( nuptial chain ) also.

The small casket of Vermillion is still here. She used to apply vermillion from this small casket. Her many things are still here which reminds me of her every day. I can still feel her existence in this room.

Her hate for me is totally fine because I deserve all of her hate. How much wrong I was from the very first! What if I never hurt her then she might have loved me!

She can hate me as much as she wants but she can never make me stay away from my kids.

I will never leave my kids. They are the reason for my existence. I will go any length to be with my kids and Devika.

Next-Day morning

Devika's p.o.v

"Mamma, I don't want to eat more," Devansh said playing with his toy car.

I said wiping his mouth," It's the last bite. After that mamma will not feed you more".

He nodded his head and I continued feeding him.

It's early in the morning and I am feeding my kids. After feeding them, I have to go to work also.

I am feeding them and Abhinav's words are ringing inside my head. Yesterday, he was looking very upset and broken. Should I give him a chance? Will he be able to prove himself! Is he changed for sure!

" How can you think of giving a chance to a monster like him? Did you just forget how he tortured you! He doesn't deserve any chance. He doesn't deserve you, "My subconscious reminded me.

Yeah, he doesn't deserve any chance. He is a monster. Because of him, I have suffered too much.

I am now done feeding my kids when Ruhi entered the house after her morning walk. Neel is still sleeping like a horse.

Ruhi said drinking a glass of water," Di, do you know who is our new neighbour?"

I am wiping my children's mouth and asked," Who?"

The house was empty for almost one year. The house's condition is not that good. It needs to be repaired. I wonder who has taken this house."

" It's none other than Abhinav Agnihotri. Your kids' father. He is our new neighbour," Ruhi said and I looked at her with disbelief.

" What? Are you joking? I asked her raising my brows.

She said pulling Daksh into her lap," I am not joking, Di. I saw him setting furniture in the house. I asked him why he is going to live in a small house leaving behind his palace type house. He said that he wants to be with his kids and his devika."

This man never leaves any chance to irritate me.

" Why this man can not leave me and my children alone? I think I need to teach him a good lesson," I said and stood up from my sit angrily.

" Mamma, es oul papa's neme Abinab Agnihitri? ( Mamma, is our Papa's name Abhinav Agnihotri?)," Daksh asked me pulling my saree.


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