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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 2645

"It is kind of like a childhood friend for me. I watched it grow as it watched over me as well." Layla stood at the balcony and stared at the building in the distance. "I used to dream of becoming an idol because I liked performing in front of a crowd, but now that I'm all grown up, it doesn't appeal to me as much."

"You would have been really famous if you became an idol, Layla," Ivy said.

"But that doesn't sound that great to me anymore. I just want to make the company better and become a businesswoman, like my dad and brother."

"You are already really successful, Layla."

Layla turned to glance at Ivy. "Do you have a dream of your own?"

Ivy considered her question and shook her head. "I used to dream of getting into a good college and finding a job that can make ends meet. Now that I don't have to worry about those things anymore, I don't really know what my dream is."

"You can take your time to figure it out. You are still young."

"I don't think I'm that young, though."

"All kids think that. When you do grow up, you will wish that time could slow down so that you won't age." Layla patted Ivy on the head. "Come. Let's shop for household goods."


The next morning, Ben arrived at Elliot's mansion with his family.

Shortly after them, Jun and the others arrived as well.

The party was not scheduled to begin until later at night, but they simply could not wait to see Ivy.

Some time after they arrived, Wesley and his family hurried over as well and Rose went to bring Ivy out of her room.


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