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His Eagle Eyes on Me novel Chapter 2646

"Uncle Mike! Uncle Chad!" Robert spotted the two and hurried outside to welcome them.

They had informed Mike and Chad half a month ago that Ivy had been found and thought they wanted to see her, Avery had told them that Ivy had not been ready to meet anyone. So, they traveled around for a bit before finally going to meet Ivy.

"And I thought we were early!" Mike exclaimed when he saw all the cars that filled the yard. "They came rushing without even finishing their breakfast, did they?"

Robert chuckled. "I'm not sure about them, but we haven't eaten!"

"I knew it. These people are all drawn to drama!" Mike said as he strode into the living room. The servants offered them slippers to change into.

"Ivy, the blonde one is Uncle Mike. He took care of Hayden and I when we were children. The one next to him is Uncle Chad. He used to be Dad's assistant," Layla whispered to Ivy. "Uncle Mike is working under Hayden and Uncle Chad works in the Bridgedale branch of Tate industries. They are both really nice and are like family."

Ivy smiled at the explanation.

Once Mike and Chad changed into their slippers, they walked over and looked Ivy up and down.

"Oh, my! You look a lot like Elliot!" Mike suppressed the urge to pinch Ivy's cheek. "Here I thought you would look more like Avery! You resembled her when you were born, so how did you grow up to look like your dad?"

"That's the charm of genetics!" Chad said. "One look and anyone would know that she is Mr. Foster's daughter!"

Chad knew Elliot like the back of his hand and could instantly tell which part of Ivy's face resembled Elliot's.

"Especially those eyes... It looks like someone copied Elliot's and pasted them onto her face!" Mike commented.

"Not just the eyes. Her lips, too!" Chad added.


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