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Hope It's Not Too Late to Love novel Chapter 10

Vania was concerned as she found the place empty after she took a look around at her surroundings. "Did you two come together with your family? Why are the two of you here by yourselves? It's very dangerous for children to be sitting by the pool unsupervised."

Her concern startled the two cute little children, but they still nodded to her wordlessly as a form of reply.

She did not feel awkward with their interaction. In fact, she felt a sense of intimacy with them that made her want to be in their company for a little while longer. She was laughing at herself in her head for feeling like this. Perhaps this feeling of hers was due to her intense longing for those two children of hers.

Her smile grew wider as she pointed at the drawing board in the children's hands. "Can I have a look at your drawings? I'd say I'm fairly good at drawing myself."

The children met each other's eyes before they slowly handed their drawing board to Vania. With a smile from the bottom of her heart, she seized the opportunity and went to the children's side.

After noticing the realistic drawing of a flower on the board, she praised in awe, "This drawing is so excellent. Looks like someone here is going to be an excellent painter in the future."

Then, the round-faced child explained in a soft yet proud tone, "My brother can draw even better than this. He even taught me how to be better at drawing, so I'll definitely be better at it in the future."

"Oh really? You two are amazing!" Vania gave the two children a thumbs up. "You two are the most talented children I have ever seen. Even I myself wasn't as good as you two when I was your age."

She wasn't exaggerating. Due to her talent for the arts, there were not many that were deemed worthy of her praise.

Furthermore, she had wanted her own children to have an interest in inheriting her legacy. Yet, none of the three children back home showed any interest in the art.

Her fondness for the two lovely children grew when she noticed they were gifted in drawing.

Since this was the first time the children had received such straightforward praise, the older child's cheeks flushed red instantly.

He immediately hung his head, for he was embarrassed to look at Vania's eyes filled with admiration.

What a shy kid. She then sat with them on the rock before picking up the pencil to start drawing on the board.

Somewhere inside the presidential suite of the Porttiyc International Hotel.

As though he was the king of hell himself, Hanson—whose face was as chilling as the winter storm—was sitting upright on the sofa. The tension in the room was so thick that one could slice the tension with a knife.

Larry was beside himself with anxiety as his gaze fixed squarely at the door.

Just where did the two young masters go off to? The two children are the darlings of the Luke Family. The master and the madam have always treated the two children as though they were so fragile that the slightest force would break the children. If something were to happen to them... the consequences would be catastrophic.

While the room was basked in worry, one of the bodyguards barged into the room. "President Luke, w-we've found them."

Hanson immediately got up. "Lead the way!"

All three of them took giant strides as they left the room.


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