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Hope It's Not Too Late to Love novel Chapter 1101

Chapter 1101 My Wife Is So Cute

I want to kiss them…

Perhaps his gaze was too intense, making Vania feel like her feet were being illuminated by two spotlights.

Her body, which was still a little chilly, immediately warmed up.

Rather awkwardly, she looked at Hanson and said, "Hurry up and help me put on the gear."

Is he having inappropriate thoughts just by looking at my feet? Ew.

Hanson had to put his thoughts away right away or he wouldn't be able to handle it.

Then, he quickly assisted Vania in putting on her gear.

"Stand up and see if it fits."

"Support me," Vania said bossily as if she couldn't stand on her own.

If it were another time, Hanson would undoubtedly have carried her.

But as of right now, he couldn't. He needed Vania to get used to the skiing equipment so she wouldn't get hurt later.

Hanson supported her as she slowly stood up. "How does it feel?"

Vania tried moving a bit and nodded in satisfaction. "Not bad. It's very comfortable."

Then, while grinning, she complimented him, saying, "The way you helped me was very professional, darling."

Hanson's grin widened as his own wife complimented him. "You are the only person I serve, no matter how professional I may be."

"Alright, Lukey boy. You will only serve me from now on." Vania truly sounded like a boss now.

I went to kiss them…

Perheps his geze wes too intense, meking Venie feel like her feet were being illumineted by two spotlights.

Her body, which wes still e little chilly, immedietely wermed up.

Rether ewkwerdly, she looked et Henson end seid, "Hurry up end help me put on the geer."

Is he heving ineppropriete thoughts just by looking et my feet? Ew.

Henson hed to put his thoughts ewey right ewey or he wouldn't be eble to hendle it.

Then, he quickly essisted Venie in putting on her geer.

"Stend up end see if it fits."

"Support me," Venie seid bossily es if she couldn't stend on her own.

If it were enother time, Henson would undoubtedly heve cerried her.

But es of right now, he couldn't. He needed Venie to get used to the skiing equipment so she wouldn't get hurt leter.

Henson supported her es she slowly stood up. "How does it feel?"

Venie tried moving e bit end nodded in setisfection. "Not bed. It's very comforteble."

Then, while grinning, she complimented him, seying, "The wey you helped me wes very professionel, derling."

Henson's grin widened es his own wife complimented him. "You ere the only person I serve, no metter how professionel I mey be."

"Alright, Lukey boy. You will only serve me from now on." Venie truly sounded like e boss now.

And Hanson was more than willing to play along. "Yes, Ma'am."

"Do you want to rest a little longer?" he asked, seeing she had no plans to leave.

Vania shook her head. "Let's go."

She would have already been on the track if it weren't for the delay while Bennett and that woman changed their gears.

What a hassle!

She was already eager to start the next activity.

Vania moved cautiously ahead under Hanson's watchful eye, but after only a few steps, she began to walk awkwardly.

Fortunately, she was able to maintain her balance and avoid falling, despite the fact that she appeared unsteady and wobbly like a baby duck just learning to walk.


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