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Hope you in my dream novel Chapter 243

Rachel's life in the crew began to be smooth. With the protection of Chester, the help of Joe and the appreciation of Bruce towards her, no one dared to make trouble for her now.

But the Ji Family seemed to be in trouble.

Anna took the opportunity to let Owen's people get rid of Smith and divorce him.

At last, the dreadful life of Anna in the past was finally over, but she began a new period of fear, because she knew very well that Owen was Clark's deadly opponent. She was tightly grasped by him, and one day, she would become a powerful weapon for him to deal with Clark.

However, Clark was unaware of the upcoming danger.

But his parents had a new idea.

One day, his parents called him home and asked him to break up with Anna in front of the whole family.

Hearing this, Amanda was very happy. "That's great. Even my parents can't stand Anna this time! That woman really doesn't deserve to be a part of our family"

With a serious look on his face, Peter looked at Lucas and Penny. He knew what kind of persons they were.

Clark asked indifferently, "Why?"

Penny was straightforward and couldn't help saying, "Here is the thing. I have discussed with your father that you and Anna are not suitable for each other. Her family business went broke. She married abroad without telling you, and she let you consider another man's kid as your son. She is really a vicious person.

If we let her marry into our family, she will turn our lives upside down in the future! You'd better find a good time to break up with her. I've already found you a good wife. When you get rid of Anna one day, I'll introduce you to her!"

Amanda's mouth widened. It was too early for her to be happy.

"Which one?" Peter asked. It seemed that he has expected this, so he asked unhurriedly.

Penny smiled awkwardly and said, "It's not settled yet. I will let you know when Clark deal with the mess of Anna. When he's done with it, I'll have the nerve to propose for him."

However, Lucas didn't hide anything and said lightly, "It's the daughter of the Xia Family. The strength of the Xia Family is comparable to that of our family. It's just the right match. Their daughter has been studying at the time. She is a few years younger than Clark. She just graduated. Her emotional life is simple and suitable for him."

Clark's face turned dark.

Amanda whispered, "What about Rachel?"

Hearing this, Lucas frowned imperceptibly and said, "She is just a small star without any background. She can't help Clark in his career in the future. On the other hand, her career is special. I'm afraid it will only bring trouble to our family. You can't get her involved in the marriage of Clark."

Amanda opened her mouth and asked with fear, "Dad, mom, according to you, my brother's marriage must be used for our family business. Will my marriage also be like this in the future?"

Lucas was stunned for a moment, and then scolded, "You are still young. What do you know? Dad and mom are doing this for the interests of the Ji Family. We are doing what we can to maximize the value!"

"What do you mean by Ji Family's interest? Is it for your own interest?" Amanda pouted and said unhappily.

"Ahem," Peter finally opened his mouth, "Well, Lucas and Penny, don't worry. Rachel has never wanted to be a member of our family, nor has she loves your son. His grandparents have got a plan for her. No one covets our Ji Family's property except Anna Bai."

Lucas and Penny looked at each other, confused.

"But as far as I know, Rachel Yan is an orphan. Why did you say she has grandparents?" Penny asked in confusion.

Peter chuckled and answered, "Didn't you get the news? Her grandparents are all alive! Although her parents died early, she doesn't have to live alone."

Amanda curling her lips, saying, "My parents only focus on the matter between my brother and Anna. Otherwise, how could they know that the child that Anna was carrying was not my brother's child?"

"Amanda!" Penny interrupted her coldly.

Chapter 243 I Didn't Want to Get an Arranged Marriage 1


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