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Hope you in my dream novel Chapter 246

Mindy's silence made Michelle more sure that her guess was right. She couldn't help but exclaim, "Mr. Clark is so infatuated with her, isn't he? How could he do such a thing as tracking? "

Mindy asked in a low voice, "if Rachel goes out in the future, shouldn't we bring Edgar with her? Don't leave them too idle. "

"Yes," Michelle replied in a hurry. "They are paid by Rachel, so they are supposed to come here to protect Rachel. They shouldn't run around outside anymore. Call them back!"

Mindy frowned, "but the three of them are investigating the case for Rachel. Isn't it appropriate to call them back so rashly?"

"You have to ask one of them to come back. they can't all be away from Rachel. You are just a female bodyguard. It's inevitable that you can't take care of her sometimes." Michelle shook her head and said.

Mindy blushed. In fact, it was not that she didn't want to do her best just now. She just found that Caleb was here, so she naturally gave the opportunity to Clark to save the beauty.

While they were talking, the car quickly stopped at the gate of a hospital.

At this time, Clark had already rushed in with Rachel in his arms.

By the time Michelle and Mindy arrived, the doctor had already started to examine Rachel.

"How is her? Is everything okay with Rachel? " The moment Michelle came in, she asked Clark.

But Clark didn't answer her with a cold face.

However, Mindy patted her on the shoulder and said, "don't worry. The doctor has just checked up. they will have a result later."

Michelle had to wait patiently.

After a long time, the doctor continued to check this and that. It was not until they got the test results that the doctor said to Clark, "the patient only suffered some skin trauma. She fainted because she had been working hard and frightened for a day. She will be fine after resting for two hours."

"Her face..." Clark's eyes darkened as he looked at the swollen side of Rachel's face.

The doctor hurriedly said, "it's okay. Apply the ice for two days and the swelling will naturally disappear. If you want the swelling will disappear quickly, you can use some imported medicine to eliminate swelling. "

"Thank you." Clark nodded.

After the doctor left, Clark turned to look at Michelle and Mindy and asked coldly, "has she offended anyone recently?"

"no? Everyone in the crew gets along well with Rachel. There have been some conflicts recently. " Michelle said after thinking for a while.

Mindy also echoed, "yes, I follow Rachel every day, and I haven't seen her get angry with anyone."

Frowning, Clark asked, "has Nancy shown up?"

"No." Mindy shook her head.

"Okay, I see. You go out first." Clark knew what he should do.

Not long after the two of them left, Caleb came back.

"Have they confessed?" Clark asked coldly.

Caleb hurriedly nodded and reported, "at first, they didn't want to admit it. They were very tough, but later they quickly admitted it, saying It's from the Yan family. "

"Yan family? Nancy? " Clark seemed unsatisfied with the result.

Caleb asked curiously, "Mr. Clark, do you think They are lying? "

After thinking for a while, Clark nodded and said, "in the past, most of the people who were hired by Nancy to make trouble for Rachel were not skilled and rarely fought with you. Besides, Nancy has no direct conflict with Rachel recently. Logically speaking, she won't take so much effort to deal with Rachel. "

"What if Miss Rachel did something to block her way? Caleb looked at Clark suspiciously.

Clark's eyes darkened, like a bottomless pond.

"Have you sent someone to follow the two men secretly?"

"Yes, I did. There is no new news yet."

"You can leave now!"

"Yes, sir."

The master and the servant ended the conversation shortly.

After Caleb left, Clark clenched his fists more tightly, with blue veins protruding. Especially when his eyes met the half swollen and terrible face of Rachel, his face looked even worse.

Chapter 246 Take Care Of Her In Person 1

Chapter 246 Take Care Of Her In Person 2


The readers' comments on the novel: Hope you in my dream