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Hope you in my dream novel Chapter 244

Rachel didn't know these things at all. When she finally finished the play and felt a pain in her waist and back, she was about to go back to her room to rest, but she was informed that someone came to visit.

"Who is it?" Asked Rachel curiously.

Mindy smiled without saying anything.

It was not until Rachel went to the meeting room last time that she saw Clark sitting in one of the seats, seeming to be lost in thought.

Mindy left sensibly and closed the door.

Seeing him coming all of a sudden, Rachel somehow felt a little uneasy.

"Why are you here? Is there anything wrong with my grandmother? " Rachel didn't dare to sit down. She stood beside him and asked cautiously.

Clark came to his senses and glanced at her panicked eyes.

"Sit down." Clark pointed at the seat beside him and said to her lightly.

Sitting down, Rachel was still a little uneasy. "Tell me now. I'm ready. Is there anything wrong with my grandmother..."

Clark suddenly stood up and hugged her.

Rachel was stunned What happened to him

When she was about to struggle, she heard a hoarse voice from above, "don't move. Lend me a minute."

Rachel was confused by him and didn't know what had happened. She just felt that something was wrong with Clark today.

He buried his head deeply in her neck. Smelling the fragrance of her body, he could not help but take a deep breath.

Rachel felt that he was not hugging her, but strangling her. His tall upper body was completely pressed on her shoulders, and his head was close to her neck. She was almost out of breath!

In less than a minute, Rachel couldn't stand it anymore and reached out to push him.

"Cough Rachel coughed violently and felt stuffy in her chest. She was almost out of breath!

Clark let go of her in a hurry. Seeing her red face, he frowned and asked, "have I strangled you?"

"What do you think?" Rachel looked at him angrily and annoyed, "tell me, what do you want to do here today? Don't give me any soft shell. If you want to scold me, just do it. You have scolded me a lot anyway! "

Clark opened his mouth, "am I such a person in your heart?"

"Or what?" Rachel kept patting her chest.

She had been working hard for a few days, and she didn't even have much time to rest. After she fainted last time, she was a little weak. Now she was "strangled" half dead by Clark inexplicably, and she really couldn't stand it.

"My parents want me to marry the daughter of Xia clan." Clark said coldly, and then stared at Rachel without blinking, as if he wanted to see her reaction.

"The Xia clan?" Tilting her head, Rachel shook her head and said, "I don't know them. I can't give you any advice. Think about it yourself!"

After saying that, Rachel stood up, yawned and was about to go back to rest.

A hint of anger flashed through Clark's eyes. He stretched out his hand and pulled her. She lost her balance and fell into his arms.

Rachel's face turned pale with fear. She looked at him in shock, "what are you doing?"

Clark looked at her coldly, "you don't care?"

Rachel pushed him away and tried to struggle, but in the end, she was not as strong as him, so she had to give up struggling.

"It's your business. What does it have to do with me? You are not interested in me, and I am not interested in you either. Now it's just the right time. Your family manages your marriage for you, and my family manages my marriage for me. How wonderful it will be if we don't interfere with each other! " Rachel provoked him deliberately.

"You!" Clark's breath quickened and his face darkened.

Chapter 244 Knock Me Out 1

Chapter 244 Knock Me Out 2


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