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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince (Hope and Logan) novel Chapter 132

Chapter 132 

D 56



Hope, Henry and Olivia were shocked to see Olivia in the hospital room with Logan. The scene which unfolded before her was shocking. Logan was smiling with Olivia. Hope dashed to them and pushed Olivia away from Logan’s side

Hope! Why did you do that?Logan questioned her as he raised his voice at her

It’s alright, Logan. I think your wife did not like my presence here,” Olivia said in a low voice

You tried to kill us. Don’t be smart, Olivia. How dare you come here when nobody shared with you about it?Hope was raged. She could bear anything, but not Olivia by Logan’s side

Hope, don’t say that! How could you accuse Olivia? She returned after so many years. Apologize to her,Logan demanded from her.. 

Henry and Ryan were shocked to hear what Logan just said while Olivia’s lips curved into slight smirk

Logan, what happened to you?Hope questioned, sensing that Olivia had harmed him. You know what she’s capable of ” 

Enough, Hope! I won’t entertain any of your baseless accusations against Olivia,Logan interjected firmly, leaving Hope feeling betrayed. She attempted to establish a mind link with him, but to no avail

It’s okay, Logan. I’ll go,Olivia said softly, her departure signaling a tense atmosphere there. She turned to leave when Logan stopped her

You aren’t leaving anywhere, Olivia,Logan said

Logan, you can’t let her by your side,” Ryan said this time. Didn’t you ask Olivia to leave your life? Then, why are you doing this suddenly?he queried

Don’t annoy me. I feel my head getting heavy,” Logan said as he caught his head. Hope glared at Olivia and helped Logan lay down on the bed. She felt if Olivia controlled Logan this time

Logan, can I stay with you here tonight? I’ll be worried for you if I leave,” Olivia said

You can. I would love to have you by my side,Logan stated with a smile


Emergency calls onlyDOO 

Chapter 132 

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Hope, Henry and Ryan were astonished to hear Logan’s response

Logan, but she isn’t needed here. The more people here, the more problematic it can be,Hope suggested. She didn’t wish Olivia to be close to her husband

You can go home,” Logan told Hope

I cannot,Hope refused to leave

Why? Didn’t you agree to always do what I wanted? That is why the contract existed between us. That was the reason I always protected you and gave you everything,Logan stated, causing Hope to withdraw her hand from his

Logan didn’t have to bring that topic in front of everyone. She knew it wasn’t his fault, but she was hurt by that statement

Logan, what are you even saying? Hope is your wife,” Ryan intervened this time

She is because Olivia wasn’t there,” Logan said

Logan, are you serious?Henry questioned him this time. All this time, he had only observed how crazily Logan loved Hope. The way he reacted now, was definitely something that Olivia did

Yes, I am serious,Logan said

You love me Logan, don’t you?Hope asked with teary eyes

When did we love each other? It was a contract that bound us,Logan pronounced, bringing his own secret out in front of everyone

Logan, don’t say that,Hope said as tears streamed down her eyes. She stood up and turned to look at Olivia. As a wife, Hope couldn’t hold herself and slapped Olivia hard. How dare you take a control over my husband?” 

Hope!Logan almost shouted at her, but something in him stopped him as well. He felt sharp pain in his head

Hope grabbed Olivia’s throat tightly. I will kill you before you destroy my family!She muttered

Hope!Henry came to the rescue while Logan also came down the bed. Ryan and Henry pulled away Hope, asking her to calm down


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Emergency calls only 

Chapter 132 

Olivia, are you fine? Forgive me for not able to rescue you,Logan said as he walked past them and hugged Olivia

Logan,” a faint whisper left Hope’s lips as it was unbelievable for her. Logan would never hug Olivia and it crushed her heart into millions of pieces

Olivia, what did you do with Logan? Spare him from your sorcery!Ryan, this time, walked toward them


Logan pulled away from Olivia and looked at all of them. Go home. Olivia will stay with me here. She is the one, who has always cared for me,he pronounced. The look in his eyes was different from the earlier. Toward Hope, those eyes carried no emotions. How could this be possible? Was their love this weak that Logan couldn’t prevent himself from Olivia’s evil spell or whatever she used to control him

Logan, she is your wife. Let her be here. While I’m just your ex now,Olivia stated. I think more than me, she deserves to be beside you,she asserted

No. Hope was a choice to replace you,Logan proclaimed

Logan, don’t say that,” Hope murmured and pleaded him

Olivia smiled internally as she was finally getting victorious


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