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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince (Hope and Logan) novel Chapter 135

Chapter 135 

One day after the discharge

Logan’s grandfather was angry at him, so was his entire family. Grandpa was furious because he lied to him, about his marriage. The revelation made Grandpa William feel sick. He was taken to the room while Logan’s both uncles reprimanded him at the same time

Olivia came to Logan’s rescue and asked all of them to not blame him for everything

Everyone is aware of Logan’s love for me. Yet, Grandpa must have been forcing Logan for the marriage. That was why he took such a step,Olivia stated. Her anger surged through her veins because they all cared for Hope rather than Logan and Olivia

Roaxana knew it wasn’t Logan’s fault to speak like that. It was Olivia, who had a control on his mind. She asked her Dad and uncle to calm down. They all had discussed last night how they needed to understand Logan because whatever he would speak would be Olivia’s doing

Logan, I’ll drop you to your room,Olivia said

I’ll take my brother to his room,Roaxana stepped up

I’ll go with Olivia,Logan said

Olivia smiled and grabbed Logan’s arm to give him support during the walk. As they reached the bedroom, Olivia sneered because Hope used to live together with Logan here. She was jealous thinking how could Hope make a place in Logan’s heart

I’ll freshen up and shower. You should go to the guest room and wait for me,Logan told her

I can stay here. You need someone’s presence around you all the time,Olivia asserted

I’m fine, Olivia. Here no one will come to kidnap or attack me,Logan affirmed. Also, you need a rest too. You couldn’t have a proper sleep because I was your focus,” he said while expressing his fake concern toward Olivia

Olivia contemplated and nodded in agreement. Alright. I’ll see you later.She walked away. Once Logan made sure that she wasn’t around any more, he closed the door and rushed to the cupboard to take out his cellphone


Emergency calls only

Chapter 135 

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He turned it on and dialed Paul’s number. He was in panic since last day because there was no information of Hope. She couldn’t be found anywhere. He could have located her through the mind link, but the problem was Olivia

Paul answered the call when Logan asked him only one question, Where’s Hope?” 

Hope has disappeared,Paul informed Logan on the call

What? No, that cannot happen,Logan refused to believe him

Dude, it has happened!Paul said with frustrated voice. Even her uncles and aunts have no idea about her. They have many complaints from you. Why did you even do that, Logan? You could’ve come up with a better idea.Paul was disappointed in his best friend. All these years, he never felt Logan was wrong anywhere, but the decision he made to keep Hope away just because of Olivia was his worst decision ever

Logan hung up the call and covered his mouth with his palm. He threw the phone and it hit the wall before breaking into pieces

Fuck!Logan cursed loudly. His heart felt to be shattering into pieces. Where is Hope?He murmured

Logan, let’s kill this sorceress!Leo suggested him. She is the reason why our mate has disappeared. Hope is more important to us than any truth,he proclaimed

Logan agreed with his Lycan and he rushed out of his room

Fred, Henry and Roaxana were in the living room, talking about Hope when they saw Logan descending the stairs. His face looked dark while eyes carried a murderous gaze

Henry told the two of them to stay there as he went after Logan. However, Roaxana and Fred didn’t stay in the living room either. They also followed Henry

Logan slammed his hand against Olivia’s door, causing his three cousins to look at him in astonishment

Olivia opened the door and asked Logan why he was slamming his hand on the door so hard

Within a blink of an eye, Logan reached Olivia’s neck and tightly grasped it

Did his senses return?Roaxana muttered, looking at Henry


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Emergency calls only 

Chapter 135 


Logan walked into the room as he slammed Olivia on the wall, keeping his hold on her neck tight. Logan, wh- what aare you dodoing?Olivia asked with difficulty. Her windpipe was tightly squeezed and she felt like she would die any second. Her eyes almost popped out and her entire face started turning blue because of the lack of oxygen

Logan!Henry loudly called his name and was ready to approach him to stop Logan

No will enter the room!Logan shouted at the three of his cousins while his eyes shone deep red. None of them had ever seen Logan’s this side. It was dark, scary and cold

Olivia grabbed Logan’s wrist, tried to get herself released. She used her power to concentrate on his hand, maki 

Logan feel a burning sensation

Logan immediately let her neck go and took a step back. His hand was almost burned and saw Olivia limping to the floor. She caught her breath while caressing her neck

Why did you do it? You think you can control me! Because of you, I’ve lost many precious things in my life. Because of you, I ended up pushing away Hope. I’ll kill you,Logan growled, his claws suddenly grew as he attaining his Lycan form


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