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I Have a Tycoon Granpa novel Chapter 14

After stepping into The Old Days, Fraser was immersed in deep memories.

The location of The Old Days was exactly the former residence where Fraser grew up. But it later encountered demolition, this place was abandoned.

As they entered, Grace looked up at the golden dragon and said, “My father said this mysterious rich man had a son, and that's why he made a pure gold dragon at the entrance.”

The man with her did not believe it, “Grace, when did Boss become so simple? If the big dragon is made of pure gold, it will cost a lot. It perhaps costs a few billion."

"Donhey is a broken place, who will spend more than one billion yuan to open a bar? If it were Hong Kong or Macau, I'm sure someone would do that." Said the man with a snort.

"Who knows? In case he's rich and capricious, won't he? Bro?" Grace looked at Fraser. Fraser smiled and said nothing.

His Zodiac was on, and he had a strong suspicion that the bar was his own family’s.

As to whether the dragon was made of pure gold, Fraser also doubted. If it was true, his family was super rich!

Originally Fraser was going to book a VIP table, but Grace refused. She said they only had three people, booking a VIP table was too wasteful.

Just after drinking a bottle of beer, several uninvited men came to Fraser's front.

Luna took Filip's arm and came to Fraser, pretending to have just seen him. "Hey, isn't this Fraser, the lucky star of our class?" she asked.

Glancing down at the wine on the table, Filip sneered, "Why is it beer? Isn't it too cheap? Fraser, last night you were spendthrift. Now what? You don’t have money?"

"Ordinary booth? Would you like to sit down with me? I have a VIP table." Filip looked pleased.

Fraser did not pay attention to him. He had taught him a lesson last night, but he did not remember it.

"How is it? Don't give me face?" After being ignored, Filip got a little angry.

"Ok." Since he was treated, why didn't Fraser go?

Holding Grace's hand, Fraser came to the VIP table.

As they sat down, Lacie asked questioningly, “Fraser, haven't you spent all your money? Why do you still come to this place?"

It seemed that Andrew had not told Lacie what happened during the day, so Fraser was ready to play the game, “I was cheated out of my money, so I was depressed and I came to the bar to drown my sorrow.

"I don't order as much wine as you do. I only drink beer. It doesn't cost much, does it?" Fraser pretended to be very poor.

Sure enough, after Fraser had said these words, the eyes of the crowd, including Zach and Jay, looked at Fraser with disdain.

Seeing Quinn being held in his arms by other men, Fraser sat over angrily and said, "Quinn, you promised to be my girlfriend last night. Tonight, you hug with other men. Is it inappropriate?"

"Fraser, can you stop sickening me? I played a joke on you last night, and you took it seriously. Take a piss to see what you looked like. How will I like you?" Quinn said with a face of disgust.

Grace was angry. When she was about to lost temper, Fraser stopped her. Her man was not here right now, he was afraid that Grace would suffer.

Filip, holding a bottle of royal salute, said to Fraser, “Do you know how much the wine costs?"

"Three thousand eight a bottle. You can’t earn that much if you work in our school for half a year."

"Fraser, you are short of money. I will play a game with you. If you can drink up this bottle of royal salute, I will give you one thousand, deal?" Filip asked with a sneer.

Fraser smiled in disdain, “I can’t, otherwise you drink it up, and I give you ten thousand."

"Do you have ten thousand?" Filip chuckled.

"What if I have?"

"I'll drink it if you have."

As soon as Filip had finished speaking, Fraser took out ten thousand in cash.

Filip and others froze at a draught.

"What the hell? Didn't you say that Fraser had been cheated out of his money? How could he still have money?" Filip looked at Luna and others, obviously intelligence had a problem.

The three women were confused.

"Fraser, why do you still have money?" Lacie frowned.

Fraser did not answer her, but pushed money to Filip, “Filip, you said you will drink if I take money out."

“I will!” Filip was still in good faith, and drank up the whole bottle of the royal salute.

But then he went to vomit.

After vomiting, Fraser did not intend to let him go.

"Let’s play a game." Fraser said with a smile.

“What game?” Filip asked with red eyes.

"Well, the six of you drink up every bottle of the Royal salute each, I'll give you ten thousand. I wanted to see whether you can handle it or I have enough money."

"Ok, ok." Lacie and Quinn agreed immediately.

A bottle of wine can earn 10,000 yuan, which was a windfall for Quinn's family.

"Who the fuck do you dare insult us with money?" Zach was a little angry. It was the first time he had been insulted with money.

"If you feel insulted, you may not attend." Said Fraser lightly.


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